user, help a hungry n... child now
User, help a hungry n... child now
I don’t get it. They live in sand. Why don’t they go to a place where there isn’t sand?
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just give them seed and fertilizer and laugh when they eat the seed and use the fertilizer to blind each other?
>live in desert with no major recources or agricultural oportunities
>extreme poverty
>"this seems like and ideal place to have 7-8 children!"
Why do they do this?
Checked kinison back from the grave
because that takes thought
>at all
my family is in the construction industry here so we have to work with a lot of niggers who do the manual labour and holy fucking shit are they dumb
dumb doesn't even begin to describe it, I've only met a few retarded people in my life and it was unironically easier to explain basic things to them
and it's not a language barrier easier because when spoken to in their own language which often times we speak better than them they still can't understand jack shit and it's not complicated engineering tier shit either, it's basic shit like dig a trench 1 meter deep in these lines that we marked out for you or mix x parts of cement with y parts of sand and z parts of water but no they still fuck that up
everything you do for them they fuck up
we give them money for their children because they're starving (we would make sure that they actually were and it's not just a story) nah m8 some new shoes are in order
we organize them arv's for their aids, they sell that shit for cigarettes, payday comes and they spend every bit of it on alcohol
they steal from you the whole fucking time, everything goes missing and disappears, they have no concept of theft, you don't ask them where they bought something from you ask them where they took it from but the worst part is way they are constantly glaring at you, their attitude and the way they resent you so much despite going above and beyond and I didn't tell a fraction of all the shit we used to do for them (key words are used to do)
that is what made me racist
thanks for coming to my ted talk
Indeed it's damn retarded
Africa's population is just booming more and more the population is growing fast as fuck
If you feed 1 person you have to pay for another 7-8 at minimum, but since they never use condoms, probably 20+ kids more from 1 couple.
I probably fucked up my grammar and if sentences don't make sense it's because I'm autistic and cut and paste stuff around
I fucking hate writing
that implies human all life have intrinsic value
>thanks for coming to my ted talk
You're welcome, it was nice to hear.
That happens every group of people when they are in poverty.
>White people experiencing wealth for a couple of decades.
Stop being poor niggas..
When people don't get an education what do you expect? Same thing can be seen in other parts of the world where people get no education. Of course people are going to do stupid shit without education. Even in countries with education people stil do the same similar shit.
>thinking contraption stops people having children
You must be a goyim. All contraption doeees is encourage more people to have casual sex meaning more unplanned pregnancies. The difference with Africa is, they don't go aborting their own.
please do tell me how education effects anything of what I said?
If people get a proper education then they will gain the knowledge to live better. I could walk into any lower class area around the world and offer an individual $1 million dollars. Chanes are they'll be broke again within a year because they lack knowledge and education.
we're not offering them a stupid amount of money and letting them freely spend it on whatever they want
we organized medication for a virus that is killing them, and they sold it to buy cigarettes
we gave them some money to buy some food for their children when they came begging to us for it, they bought shoes
it doesn't take education to dig a hole in some lines drawn out for them
it doesn't take education to be able to speak basic language (I don't consider knowing your first language as education)
if you tell them to go to the container and fetch a spade, broom, brush and pan they're going to fuck it up 7/10 times, education doesn't influence that
if you tell them something extremely basic they just stand staring at you with a blank expression on their face because they can't understand jack shit and you have to explain in the most basic way possible 10 times, education doesn't effect that
so how about you fuck off until you actually know what you're talking about faggot
Of course education matters. They're going to be immoral too. This problem isn't just an ''African problem''. If you look at western countries then you will see similar things. If you take someone who drops out of school early and spend years without educating themselves then they become retarted like and in some cases antisocial. You're simply taking a group of people who are not educated saying they are dumb. It's quite obvious they're dumb so you're just stating the obvious. Im sure if you look at south Africans who actually got an education then you'll see different results. I think you're the one who has no idea what you're talking about.
>nigga dumb
That's all you're saying. Simple statement from a simple mind.
>falling for his obvious bait
come on, dude..
You ate welcome in my country
No retard, dumb people aren't dumb because they are poor, the are poor because they are dumb. You fucks are so delusional and completely turned this upside down. Niggers are just genetically dumb, it doesn't matter how much you teach them when they are too stupid to understand. Every nigger that is above average is already trying to study outside of Africa. There are people out there who simply suck at math, there is no amount of "education" that will make them better at math. Because everyone is genetically different, that is why we are interested in different things
I can't help myself sometimes
OBVIOUSLY dumb people are dumb because they live in poverty. They don't live in poverty just because they are dumb. It's just sheer luck that people are born in different parts of the world. Education in the number one factor for poverty. It doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are, if you get an education then you're going to be smarter. It's not rocket science to figure that one out. You just have a stupid stereotype of people, genetics and IQ. Of course Africans are going to try get educated outside of Africa if they can. The continent is mostly undeveloped. So by your logic if you teach a child maths they will never learn it because it's ''genetic''?? Are you even listening to yourself and your stupidity? People go into different fields because of their culture NOT genetics. That's why you'll rarely see a jew in construction or a black in financial feilds.
how did whites get education but not niggers?
Because only 4 are supposed to survive
By giving them medicine and food europeans have strained these places even more
Wouldn't it be better to alleviate their suffering by just bombing the shit out of them?
They do. Why do you think they're all coming into Europe?
Mostly geography reasons. In terms of history ''Europeans'' really only started becoming successful around 1400AD. Even at the that up until the 1900s most Europeans still lived in poverty. It's was usually the people in power who had the wealth. But people like think otherwise.
how did geography influence blacks and their lack of education?
Give a man a fishing pole, not a fish.
This, ong litteraly keep most of africa in a never ending circle of sufferings
Why were western Europeans more successful than eastern Europeans?
Africans like other certain groups were usually isolated people. With little threat or communication with other people they didn't develop like Europeans. Having said all that there was many ancient African civilisations that most people are un aware of or either they aren't discovered yet. The Sahara wasn't always a desert so who knows what ruins may lie in it.
>Why were western Europeans more successful than eastern Europeans?
Yes, why were they?
>gibs me dats
Geography reasons. Western Europeans had a good sailing industry and access to the Atlantic. They expanded and grew.
i fucking laughed like an autistic deaf person at this, holy shit user you crashed my OS
help a hungry child get old enough to produce even more hungry children you have to help
How was the geography different?
>we wuz kangz n sheeit
then why didn't niggers do the same?
Do i have to repeat myself? They had ''access to the Atlantic'' and open sea's.
we don't even need to salt this earth
we just need to leave it
and let them all die
but we're not (((allowed))) to leave
fuck those aids infested niggers
feed them a bullet. its cheap and filling
REAL QUESTION - for all of you
if we could portal out all whites to a new world
... would we
leave all mutts and hapas behind? or exerminate them on the way out to extinguish every last shred of european on the way out?
don't make this a wasted question
think about it and let me know
the portal is almost done
they've already setup satellites to shoot down and stop any potential ark
it is their greatest fear
220 years to go
Then why were the native americans so underdeveloped? They had access to two oceans
after all we've done to help them they did nothing but tried to destroy us, why should we let them live?
I swear there is no talking to you retards. You're just as dumb and ignorant as the people to claim to hate. You're basically saying why didn't a different group of people living on a different continent do the same things? Why didn't East asians invent the boomerang? Why didn't Europeans invent gunpowder?