COVID-19 The Second Wave

According to recent studies the second wave of this deadly bioweapon is going to hit us really hard, killing approximately 0.05% of the world's total population.
Just wait and see gaiz.
It's all in the graphs gaiz, just wait.

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retake Constantinople instead of letting them rape your Madonna statues. or I'll just ignore your shit gayreek

thanks for your input, very informative graph

dude, liek, consequences will never be the same! i'll get to consoom my cuckflix in my pod while zooming my startup colleagues forever, isn't that just awesome?

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The LARP must continue at all costs

I can't begin to describe how wrong that "Flatten the Curve" graph is.

The virus isn't larp mate, i've been listening to my kids cough all night with it for a month now.
I thought i'd beat it, it lasted about three months, the rough part was only one month of heavy coughing.
Me and two of the kids had two weeks feeling better, but now the cough is back.
Three other family members have it still, dealing with delayed first stage.
Not sure if this is our bodies just clearing out all the mucous from the first infection or whether this is the reported second stage and will be worse.
I've not had family tested because [FUCK THE POLICEtm] but im sure this is COVID, no normal English flu ever lasted from Jan to April before.
Suggest you take it a little more serious. Governments may be up to all kinds of shady shit in the background, but this virus is real and deeply unpleasant.
No truth or proof on here but i hope you feel me enough to not take the kids near too many busy places. Good luck.
/cough /cough /hak

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Not every pandemic has a second wave. It all depends on whether the virus mutates to become more deadly or more contagious. It's hard to see how coronavirus could be more contagious than it is, and it likely won't become more deadly because naturally the deadlier strains of the virus will just kill off the hosts meaning there is less chance they will spread.

Trust the plan, its happening!!!!!

I just want all the normies here on pol to get permabanned or commit suicide.
Just fuck off.
There is no beer virus, it doesnt even fucking exist.
Its all some kind of a social experiment to see how much shit can be pushed down your retarded throats, and so far you dumbass motherfuckers are swallowing all of it and ask for seconds.

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Na go fuck yourself, nice fanfic though

based infographic poster

>COVID-19 field missing
no wonder my thread dodged your filters
like boris dodged the coronaflu

Medal of Based

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just use corona* lad

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death rate is approximately 0.5% if there is medical help for everyone in in a developed country. so realistically, 1% will die. that is 70 million

>boris johnson

lol bro, you just reminded me about this.
>boris is super healthy and out of the hospital

what a fucking shitshow.
there's a good god damn reason why everyone who actually has the imaginary beer flu suddenly shut the fuck up about it after they got it.
because its literally fucking nothing.
remember all those tom hanks has the beer flu posts?
yeah, they're gone now, god forbid a celebrity would say this nothingburger is a pile of dogshit.

not even 1 person will die from it, because the beer flu doesnt even exist.
if anything, the imaginary flu has a 0,5% death rate among cancer patients.

why they were freaking out in the first place then ?

kek how long was he in intensive care, 3 days or something?
every nigger who really believed that boris shitshow is legitimately retarded

Yeah. the joos have lied to everyone. also all my doctor friends are shills.
you are a polish nigger

cause a flue is fucking brutal on its own. and being told you can die from it will make you shit bricks

Gee how convenient.

Sir citizen complaints are up 1%

Activate "second wave propaganda"

the media should be paying from their own wallets for all the shut down businesses and all the damage to the economy.
thats the miracle of democracy.
>media create a fake flu scare
>governments afraid of losing the next elections jump on the bandwagon
>even though the virus doesnt exist, the scare must continue, we must look good during the next elections, that "we helped fight da beer flu"

And you're probably a literal Jew. Not that there's anything wrong with that

Virus exists. You are very stupid to ignore friendly warning. When your family start to cough remember me.
Don't worry too much, i beat first stage and i smoke heavy, some of my kids beat it too.
But it DOES last long time, and will be heavy work for people with weak systems.
So feel free to disregard my warning, spout some edge just at same time, quietly be fucking sensible with your loved ones.
Theoretically, if shills had been paid to claim the virus was not real, do you think their handlers would tell them truthfully, that it IS very real ? Would it improve their work ?

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>asks an actual doctor about the beer flu
>yeah user its just a flu, dont worry about it
>oh ok, thanks

now lets continue watching all those tik-tok clips of bored doctors because the hospitals are totally fucking empty and they're bored to death.

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The senpai contracted some sort of mild crud around Christmas. Constantly took my son to the Dr because he's young and not taking any risks
>we dont know what it is user
>probably some virus, keep treating symptoms, come back if it gets worse.
Every single time. 6 doctor visits over the mild crud over the course of months. Just tell me whats wrong with my son motherfuckers I'm paying you a shitload of money just to do your FUCKING JOB.
>corona hits
Yaw it came from China! This shit is Chinese!
Not even chang but this is the america virus.
Fuck you round aye

Agreed, 'flatten the curve' is by far some of the most retarded 'graph' usage I've seen. They don't even put numbers on it. It's just "haha big number go small but long".

Pic : every single one of these graphs is made by some government agent Stacy for presentation and no analytical gain whatsoever

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yeah i keep telling my parents to stop listenning to the medias because they want us scared but they don't understand and can't quit so they ended up being kinda mad

>When your family start to cough remember me.
right on bong

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No it doesnt exist, you're a normie.
its literally common fucking cold, this imaginary virus didnt kill a single person in both europe and usa.

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>Theoretically, if shills had been paid to claim the virus was not real, do you think their handlers would tell them truthfully, that it IS very real ? Would it improve their work ?
Now you're just completely inverting the situation here, and have revealed yourself



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Nice card, I heard you-like black balls exploding inside of your anus, you faggot.

I always wondered how humanity would react if we had something like Noah: part 2

People calling the virus a hoax confirm to me that we wouldn't stand a fucking chance

they are empty because there is no hospital admission for safety.
you don't use your brain, do you?
maybe a google search?


So it's better to let the sick die in their homes?

>According to recent studies
>no links
Kys, faggot


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I only heard of it first in some random YouTube video by some 'homegrown' independent content creator which was recommended to me, which I am now convinced was 100% sponsored by some government and/or international agency.

Funnily enough, you hardly hear about Flattening the Curve anymore, it's Let's Stay Home... Together.. or some shit.

It's like, the further they get into the agenda, the more of the earlier apparatus of the agenda they can start shedding behind them.

>no admission for other reasons
>separating hospitals with and without covid
>decline in accidents and other issues

that's just bronchitis retard

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>hurrdurr second wave
that's part of the plan, stoopid.

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>friendly warning
Every hapooner talks like a faggot tranny. There's nothing sincere about you people.

Every year, we get flu here, it lasts a week, two weeks when the spring comes and season changes, we maybe get something like it in Autumn too, no big deal. It's regular, i'm middle age now, i watch it for many years regular as clockwork.
But this flu this year, this wtfever this shit is, named COVID or not, has last FOUR months, with one whole month of intense coughing at the centre.
That is not normal
Likely we could both be shills. Competing for shekels like two hungry dogs. Whole website here is nothing but shills, voluntary or salaried. Now get past the ad hominem and focus on issue.
Mutts Law >.< Why is this filth in your mind burger ?

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