Is Breivik a hero?

The labour party of Norway is responsible for the country's reckless immigration policy. Breivik originally only planned on killing the globalist Gro Harlem Brundtland, however he changed his mind by taking out everyone else who was on the island after she left, most of whom had connections to politicians, including a man who had ties to the Norwegian royal family. He car bombed the office of PM Jens Stoltenberg, who was known for his high taxes and liberal immigration policies. He single-handedly obliterated the next generation of labour politicians and increased support for right-wing parties in Norway. He posed as a Christian, Zionist and Freemason to divert media attention away from Odinist National Socialists like himself (which he later admitted during trial) to which effect worked, and he even got praise from mainstream conservatives like Glenn Beck.

I fail to see how Yas Forums could disavow such a based ubermensch. This guy is a bulwark against Democratic Socialism/Social Democracy, Feminism and other forms of cultural marxism.

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considering how he made all of the people like you look worse aka like fucking psychopaths that society must actually cull off. idk man. I wouldnt call that a hero.

Norwegians already forgot about him and are more anti-immigration than ever.

Why not make a youtube channel positing that question instead of coming here?


Breivik is a full-grown adult incel who took his rage out on children LARPing as a neo-nazi

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>Is Breivik a hero?
Is Tarrant?

i wonder what he's up to these days

Murdering teens bc of muh political opinion, I fucking spit on that monster.
Why don’t autist scums like Br*ivik kill politicians who caused the problems, instead of teens of his own kind?
There is no fucking reason to pull the trigger on them.
Fuck you sir and kys.

nothing because he has the perfect neet life now. he has his own gym, library, playstation and so on.

18 year olds are children?

Literally who?

I fucked a trafficked whore in tijuana. Fix your shithole.

he's pretty awesome
>t. american living in Oslo the day it happened

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Slaughtering children is never heroic. He'll get what he deserves

He pilled out the weed by the roots. Him killing dozens of marxist politicians kids did more for democracy than you posting pepes.

He pilled for sure. At least Norway isn’t a multiculti cuckcountry anymore, right?

He should have been executed on the spot

lmao based. I'll kill a few sandniggers for a comfy life. Y'all niggas just got outplayed.

>muh children
It is only ok to target children when jews push for gun control and produce atrocity propaganda. Never forget that, goyim.

he should get ps4

I don't think he even got the ps3, only ps2


They were older teenagers and young twenty year olds, plus a few boomers.

what a cruelty

Breivik ia obvioisly a hero. He ia just meditating, it's the best life.

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>muf children


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he probably lives better than me.

forgot pic

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damn, give me dwarf fortress and i can live his life

Tarrant was just a LARPER. He killed people in the mosque to project his manlet rage onto others. Breivik is a true hero who stood up for his beliefs. Tarrant was a LE EPIC TROLL LOOK I KILLED PEOPLE LULULULUIL who probably doesn't believe even half of the shit he wrote in the manifesto.


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