>Government ordered hundreds of mini-drones, claims that it absolutely isn't for surveilance purposes >Still hasn't ordered masks and claims they're useless / they can't do it, when pharmacists and mayors managed to do so >Manages to buy lacrymal gas and riot gear >Claims that the nafri zones aren't a concern, when we know for a fact that the confinment isn't respected here >We should see in the next few days a smartphone application that will allow the government to track you and fine you if you're supposed to be confined but you aren't >Confinment has been prolonged for a month when other countries are already getting out of it
That's what you get when you elect a former (((Rothschild))) banker as your president. Quelle surprise!
Joshua Green
I'm afraid if you're still convinced that voting matters in any country whatsoever, then you're the retarded one, because you didn't even begin to grasp just to what extent we're helpless cattle.
I'm thinking that only the city fags are going to get btfo'd here. I live in a tiny town in normandy, and I haven't even had police ask for my papers yet. I doubt I'll see riot gear or drones patrolling me. However, I don't want that application shit to be true desu. Fuck that
Gabriel Walker
Freedom won't be handed to you by the people who enslaved you.
its a shame that the emperor lost most of his army in russia. such a legendary figure. its a shame the sixth coalition happened which really made the odds too overwhelming and ney? that son of a bitch pulled off some insane feats during the retreat
kinda a shame you guys lost most of your good men in those wars but ill be damned there were some incredible men fighting for you during that time
Lucas Adams
Ye only fags now
Isaac Baker
FN was not controlled op. before Marine took the lead and fired her father Jean Marie. Now it is fully corrupted. She handed the win to Macron in 2017
Cooper Powell
>Government ordered hundreds of mini-drones Source ?
Jackson Miller
like that son of a bitch ney, encircled in a blizzard almost 50 miles from the army, crosses a freezing river and conducts a rearguard action across the entirety of the distance in the raging blizzard in a thick forest overnight to reach the army as its in the process of retreating from where it is youtube.com/channel/UCvPXiKxH-eH9xq-80vpgmKQ this guy has some solid videos on the napoleonic wars. the one on the retreat from russia is gold
he only releases one video a month but they're great. ill be damned, i really wanted napoleon to win at leipzig and see him turn it around when outnumbered by like 250,000
Evan Morgan
Millions of africans will come soon, medias are already talking about it to implement the idea that it is inevitable in the mind of domesticated individuals known as goys (means cattle) Collectivization will happen after that, anyone with a house, land, will be forced to house niggers and mudslimes, it will end in the death of many white men and the rape of almost every white woman in the country. These things will be accepted because there will still be food during the preparation phase, and when food will become scarce they will be presented as the solution. Same as self imprisonment and suppression of freedom is presented as the solution to the seasonal flu. This is some last ditch move from NWO, of course it is in France, where everything started with the jewish, liberal and anti God revolution. There was many unrest and protest demonstrations in the world against the powers in place, people were waking up, "far right" was significantly back so they had to try something. China might have negotiated its independence by being the origin in their story telling. Wake up. Hospitals are empty 70+ yo people are killed directly you have no freedom at all because you cannot go where you want People are transformed into slaves. This is happening now.
Blake Martinez
Le Pen is controlled opposition since the 80's, all the system is locked
Leo Reed
>all No.
Carson Price
I let you larp on Olympe Le Pen 2067
Benjamin Perry
She’d be still much better than Macron, no?
Ethan Rogers
The only solution is to entirely get rid of politics. Every politician must be disposed of. Every man or woman who profited from anything even remotely linked to politics must be taken care of. It will not happen. People are afraid to not be guided, even if it is to the slaughterhouse.
Parker Rivera
Malika Al-Pen 2077
Jaxon King
the amount of uncivilised people there, you need more of that gear
Nathan Hughes
that's the face of an incel
Austin Nelson
You don't understand bro, she is a puppet. 1) she doesn't give a shit about the Great Replacement (in fact she's a left-wing woman) 2) she doesn't want to win (being an opposition party is a comfortable annuity) 3) she is very, very stupid
Bentley Bennett
4) she has an overwhelming resent against his father who stole her life by being depicted as the evil himself and association with the name Le Pen will never be forgotten
Jonathan Campbell
5) She don't have any chance now without her minion Phillipot
Robert Adams
Every western country will be totalitarian at some point soon. The only way a multi cultural country can keep from splitting apart is a very powerful government. They will all need to move in that direction soon, the virus is just a convenient excuse to start the process.
Christian Long
Do you live in 2013 ?
Landon Cruz
lol just joking
Isaac Parker
>smartphone application that will allow the government to track you
people (normies) nowdays don't even realize that you could actually leave the phone in your home if you go outside