Sweden's deaths per capita is currently worse than 44 US states...

Sweden's deaths per capita is currently worse than 44 US states. Their deaths per capita is also over 4 times that of neighboring Norway, and over 9 times that of neighboring Finland. Even Denmark, which has a land connection to the rest of continental Europe has managed to keeps their deaths per capita to less than half that of Sweden. Sweden is also getting slammed when you look at serious/critical cases per capita. Their numbers there 8 times as bad as Norway, 7 times as bad as Finland, and 6 times as bad as Denmark.

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Sweden Yes!

The virus has spread into our elderly care homes, and in immigrant areas where people live cramped in small apartments.

Im Swedish, dunno Why I get an austrian flag.


I wonder if Swedes will admit they were wrong about something for once it really turns to shit or if they'll maintain their smug arrogance to the grave

Further unless you are having trouble breathing and need intensive care you should not go to the hospital, according to the guidelines. No one knows how many people are dying at home.
I read an article from DN, our largest serious newspaper, where a doctor recommended people to stay at home when sick because dying in the hospital is awful.

The news says we still have intensive care spots left, and this is true. However it is only true because we conducting triage, denying care to bad cases, because of this our survival rate from ICUs are exemplary. Of course how could it be bad if we dent care to those likely to die? Who knows if those denied care are counted as corona cases if they die or if they are even tested at all.

I'm Swedish if my flag is Austrian.

Sweden is the experiment country. Either with immigrants or with a virus letting run rampant through it’s citizens. Swedes are the guinea-pigs of Europe

It's becuase it's the birhplace of good Death Metal.

>Im Swedish, dunno Why I get an austrian flag.

Austrians are the Swedes of the Alps.

Some of our telecom operators likely got some old Austrian IPs and the GEO data isn't updated.

The government will just hide death stats like they do with rapefugee rape stats and Swedes will just let it happen like always.

Only one person that Swedes actually care about has died. Sure, our government is worthless but no one wants to lockdown the country really. Just checked outside, all cafes are full.

They gave up testing.
Undiagnosed cases is the only explanation for such a disproportionate death rate.





When was the last time Sweden didnt fuck up? I cant remember

Other countries gave up testing other than for hospital visits like the US and don't see anywhere near Sveeden's CFR.

Adam Alsing? XD

And I don't get why foreigners are even complaining. Either this thing is a huge nothingburger OR it's a big bubonicplaugish apocalypse situation in which case the leftist have just sped up their ongoing political suicide. That's worth a lot of deaths. Bring on the boogalo. Hilarious to see Yas Forums grieve the somalis.

>paying taxes around 70 fucking %
>our healthcare is now begging for donation
Where did the money go

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For evey new nurse or doctor they hired 20 new "administrators".

Yeah I think it's great. Got sent home from work with pay. Spend my days working out, going for long walks in the forest when the weather is nice and laughing about boomers and shitskins dropping like flies. Spend evenings with frens or the gf. I hope this continues for months.

>Get a non-job on an insignificant department because muh nepotism
>Plan to sit on my ass until getting a fat pension from tax payers
>Random ass bat flu pops up out of nowhere
>Just fuck my shit up

Attached: just fuck my shit up.png (1920x1078, 1.75M)

Swedens also the only country in Europe not to have bothered implementing significant lockdowns and social distancing rules.

>be Anders Tegnell
>swine flu pandemic occurs
>fuck up and cause a narcolepsy epidemic
>keep your job
>covid19 pandemic occurs
>fuck up and lead sweden to suicide
the future:
>keep your job

He's literally the Dan Eliasson of healthcare

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Why do you need that many administrators. The only reason US hospitals need that many is because they are forced to deal with middle men insurance companies and figuring out creative ways to bilk middle class people into paying for poor people who don't pay their bills.

Our politician have made a web of bureaucratic government departments who pay each other in tax payers money for years.

It's just corruption. A lot of people getting good salaries for doing nothing and then they hire their friends so they too can do nothing. This will go on and on until an economic crisis hits hard.

Oh wow, look at Captain Obvious here! Thanks for stopping by and dropping massive amounts of obvious, Captain Obvious!

Ok Fritz

ur pic is funny, I want more.

Vad menar du, Pekka?
Det är vanligt att Svenskar här klagar på Österrikisk flagga, 2 exempel i denna tråden.

Sweden's whole approach to WuFlu so far has been:
>It's not happening if we don't acknowledge it
To nobody's surprise this is a bad idea and sets a bad precedent. "Herd Immunity" is a meme. For a country that desperately tries to virtue signal various ecological and political nonsense... you'd think they would have the slightest foresight to see that AIRBORNE FUCKING AIDS is probably not something you want to become part of regular life.