Go for a walk "what are you doing outside sonny jim"
Should I just start knocking out teeth?
Pic example only.
Go for a walk "what are you doing outside sonny jim"
Should I just start knocking out teeth?
Pic example only.
>Should I just start knocking out teeth?
All boomers must pay for messing with our women when we were young, do your part if this happens again
>Should I just start knocking out teeth?
Tell them you're on your way to fuck their wives, then keep walking.
Coof on him
>No video
Is there a vid?
Just ignore these geriatric old fucks and if they get aggressive beat the shit out of them. God knows they deserve it.
>Go outside because I need some fresh air in my yard.
>60 year old boomer and his wife coming running outside screaming that I am killing people cause I wont stay inside.
>Ask them why they came outside to scream at me about killing people when they came outside and their killing people.
>Karens response is "we aren't sick!"
>Me either.
>Husband threatens to kill me.
>Ask him to try it and see what happens.
>Cops an hour later.
>Go pro record shit when I am out because Karen and her simp husband like to harass people.
>Decide Ive had enough and plan to press a lawsuit for harassment among things.
Y'say, "fuck off pal, and stop breathing at me"
>no video
provide the link for that you nigger.
Aren't you allowed to exercise? Just say you're going for a walk
Dab on them fucking boomers
Just shoot them user, it will go down as covid19 death
none of you ever hurt as much as a fly since you are unfit for life, go back to your room child
Cough on them, they can't do shit to you.
>old gets mad you arnt inside m quarantine
>old approach’s you, outside of quarantine
>old proceeds to chastise you about being outside, outside
>olds are dying, old needs to be inside
just let god take em
haha, i had the virus already. it was a month of hell. i'm a vector now. fire the snot rockets, aim for the membranes.
kek based
coof in this and blast away. fire at will !
>tfw country instated 24-hour curfew specifically for boomers
feels good man
i went to the grocery stord yesterday, no mask,, no fucks given, people were were running away from me. it was great
We are its just boomers are literally being like the border patrol they're aspiring prison guards.
jesus, sorry for the typos
>Boomer outside
>Castigating people for doing the same
I've seen leftists do this too, do they all completely lack self-awareness?
mini golf course bouncer faggots, rosemary
"Please stay back sir, a member of my family has the virus" usually makes them fuck away off for me when I'm walking the dogs. Some people just cannot resist shoving their nose in other peoples business.
>Should I just start knocking out teeth?
Never underestimate old man muscle.
Don't forget: they grew up tougher, and you grew up getting trophies for participating.
>if I have to be locked up
>you do too!
Fucking hate boomers
Just tell him you're going to an old folks home, and afterwards you are coming back to fuck his wife.
Real talk, lady down the street from me died today. Onepoto domain, Auckland. Probably from the flu manchu, I guess we'll see it in the news tomorrow.
Some of you guys are alright. Stay inside for the new couple of weeks.
>accidental discharge related covid deaths