What are some good YouTube channels to download before they're deleted?
What are some good YouTube channels to download before they're deleted?
go for all the based trump videos you know the ones were he triggers lib cucks epic style
>doesn't use flags to control the a/v format
just kys you absolute pleb
i have a whole bunch of channels on auto download.
btw this is my wife so dont even try youtube.com
Im not telling you anything
War Aesthetics
Hackerman? Dansgame
Dragon ball abridged whole series
Does she fuck?
download books instead
youtube-dl -F
It will list the available formats, then you use the lower case -f
youtube -f 22
replace 22 with the number corresponding to the format you want, you can chain the formats like this.
youtube -f 22/17/18
you can simple tell it to download best audio and video format available like this
youtube -f best
You will need ffmpeg install so that it can convert/merge the formats as it will first download video stream, then audio stream and merge the formats. Since you are using shite tier OS installing ffmpeg and getting it to work with youtube-dl is a bit of a fuck on. You will need to set PATH environment variables and all that shite, I'm a muh linux user and you disgust me...
Get the fuck on my level windows faggot.
even better, she dress like hermoine when she was young and cute. also autistic non whory. she is wonderfull
you can't download an entire channel like that faggot. write a config file..
>windows 7
the fuck is Sed short for?
what the fuck?
Tombe honest , the only channel worth of watching is American Renaissance
jesus christ user the fuck does the world need two hours of that for
at least put her in lingerie while she does it and have her collect tips
it's not like there aren't still people patiently jacking off to this but they're a level of freak you don't even want to contend with
she is honest, beatiful and intelligent and she is not a whore. can you say the same about any other girls? i think not. also she has the most dreamy smile, so genuine.
also iv never jerked off to her, just glared into her dreamy eyes
Yeah. Just forget Dr. Edward Dutton, Alt Hype, Mauritian Struggle, Philosophy Overdose, Classical Theist, Asha Logos, RockingMRE, etc. AmRen isn’t bad but basic as hell, and you’ll be left with hundreds of questions.
>also iv never jerked off to her, just glared into her dreamy eyes
your... wife?
are you saying you don't jack off, you jack off to other women, or that you spontaneously cum when you look in her eyes?
I'm so confused user
its spirituall, non-erotic. you wouldent understand
try me bro
ain't nobody here but us chickens
oh no that sucks
god damn my wife is ugly
at least she got a loose pussy
lern 2 parallel faggot
>dls.txt - each line new link
def Download(link):
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL() as ydl:
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open('dls.txt','r') as txt:
urls = [i for i in txt.read().split("\n") if i != '']
with ThreadPoolExecutor(4) as exc:
exc.map(Download,[link for link in urls])
its like looking at women on paintings, their beauty fill you with mentall clarity and dreaming
Anything that says bad things about China, recently jewtube took down some video of Siri Lanka calling out the WHO on it's bullshit and ties with china some months ago, that guy was the first one to rise up and the video is nowhere now.
>get on my level faggot!
lol linux autist. Next you are going to tell me it gets better every day! Then when i complain about something basic like display not working properly you will tell me to program my own driver.
>dabs hard
Scott the woz
>never sleep again
What kind of a faggot name is Sed?
trips checked and also pic related
>download FFMPEG.exe
>put in same folder / env
>not linux
parallel downloads using a list of urls and conversion. your level is aids.
I get that. But what do you do instead of jack off exactly..?
you must have an IQ of at least 130 to undestand im sorry