>pic related leads your country during greatest biological disaster in history
how fucked are we bros?
Pic related leads your country during greatest biological disaster in history
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Stay strong, bro. At least the boomers are dying.
As fucked as the day your dad raped you.
Corona chan hoaxers still getting paid by Bloomberg? What's it like getting paid by a jew?
Less fucked than the EU.
built for BBC
Built for MBWD
>trump bad!
bioweapon, not a "disaster"
op is retarded
we did it Yas Forums, you me and russian bots killed the human race
give yourself a round of applause
I always knew the incel beta simps would kill us all
>Claims virus is a hoax
>Entire united states REEEE's
>Nobody listens to him
>Plays along
He was right from the beginning.
Who else could do it?
>putting your faith in this
Have you heard of the black death,
The plague of Justinian, cholera or Spanish flue?
you mean this?
Pic related is the nurses dancing on your grave
desu just kys
ops forgot pic
Except he called it a hoax and only went with it because of social media pressure. When it turns out to be nothing he'll be able to turn around and say he was right all along.
Isn't the virus shit over now? Thought it peaked
Peaked with draconian social distancing measures. If there is a large enough reservoir left in the country and restrictions are lifted we will get a second wave.
It's a hard tightrope to walk. I was on a committee briefing for MA Tuesday with top academic economists, the ratings agencies, and state officials. The consensus is that the prospect for a rapid, V shaped recovery, is much less likely if the shutdown pushes into June. That is when corporate reserves run too low. But if you open to early and have rolling additional shutdowns, you also get a Great Depression level recession.
Add in that public health specialists say the virus is likely to have a fall seasonal surge and we are kind of fucked. To reopen we need tons of testing and contact tracing, probably GPS based. Asian nations did this but the US is much more culturally resistant to those methods.
We STILL aren't testing people who fly in from Asia and Europe. Trump never "shut down travel," green card holders and citizens could always come back. No mandatory tests, no mandatory quarantine. They haven't developed the resources.
I'd say Trump kicking it to the states to make all the hard decisions and do testing is a huge dereliction of duty. It only takes one retarded state to let a reservoir out and force another wave of shutdowns. I get he wants to pass the political buck, but it is ridiculous. He said it's also up to states to close their borders, but NG compliments aren't that large and are part time, huge parts are police and fire. State budgets are already fucked without huge NG mobilizations. Feds should do interstate border control, the Constitution literally says they own that roll.
Also, stop fucking seizing PPE en route to hospitals and cities. It looks ridiculous when hospitals are finding out from vendors that shit they paid for was seized the same day Trump is announcing federal largess in donations to political favorites on Twitter.
Just know that if you don't vote for him again in November, you'll have to contend with smug libshits everywhere you go.
There are some outcomes where even death is preferable.
>all that pasta just to say orange man bad
How embarrassing
250k people die of malaria every fucking year.
Trump cultists are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote their own economic interests
Rather vote for Biden than ever vote republican again
>Trump cultists are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests
>says someone who never voted Republican
Democrats projecting as usual.
If he acted more severely earlier there would have been riots which would have caused more infections. Imagine if he tried to stop hug a chinese day, that would be so racist.
Its already wayyy past nothing, bongtard.
>Trump 2020
Can’t wait to vote for him again. Creepy demented Biden is toast.