Is Melinda Gates a tranny?

Is Melinda Gates a tranny?

Attached: melinda bill gates.jpg (992x558, 60.16K)

Real tranny for reference

Attached: Aryeh Nusbacher.jpg (703x349, 33.68K)

bill pls

No just ugly.

idk probably

they all are

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jewish yentas always turn into mannish witches once they pass the age of 45

You have to see their hips to know. No hips=tranny.

that thing in OP's photo is not melinda gates. that thing looks like a serpent in human skin.

Attached: bill and milenda gates.jpg (1440x960, 373.67K)

Attached: DcC-JmNXcAIHfBL.jpg (479x360, 28.55K)

This is from Bill and Melinda today on ABC complaning about Trump defunding the WHO.

How is this proof of anything, faggots adopted families or a rostie to have one for them.

please elaborate

>older women look less feminine and attractive
take your meds, retard

as above
so below

Attached: baphomet.jpg (740x965, 147.98K)

I can practically see a 5 o clock shadow.

Attached: melinda is a man.jpg (1080x1440, 385.98K)

yes, women, real women, get some light facial hair, especially after menopause
have sex, incel

Yes, she fucks him with one of these

Attached: 765C0B4B-931B-450A-B1A2-98F0F262E03A.jpg (1000x1402, 407.84K)

are you?

And are bigger than men apparently


what did you not understand?
>they ALL are

Attached: 1571914866723.png (768x764, 809.37K)

Thats a chick retard

he uses his real dick to fuck Bill, Melinda is bigger than Bill.

Attached: bill and milenda gates cnn.jpg (1600x900, 123.23K)


NO, thats just bad menopause transition, should have eaten more onions.

Oh fuck, that picture. Scary and hilarious at the same time.

are you saying this is how the jew owns and permanently embarrass good goy who bend the knee and take the money.

Wtf is up with her eyes? Is that a shop?

my girlfriend has peach fuzz, but not an adam's apple or a penis

Who fucking knows but they love getting dicked by trannies

that is the first picture of her that comes up when you type her name into google.

why would any man like that, it does not make since to me.


100,000,000,000+ dollars and they look like shit

she is in guantanamo and what you see is virtual tranny hologram

Attached: th.jpg (250x250, 7.81K)

Damn. Her eyes looked off I zoomed in. Now I have more questions.

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Could Bill get any luckier?

Congrats, you're not a faggot globohomo

Yeah everyone is a tranny

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That's why i'm asking questions every picture of her looks weird and off almost uncanny valley like. kind of like when you see a convincing tranny but you still know its not a women.

The ugly roastie on the bottom looks just like her

>Added to mien why we need Eugenics more than ever file.

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