Why are Euros letting mudslimes in...

Why are Euros letting mudslimes in? Ancestors of Europeans have been fighting m*slim invaders for centuries and now they're flooding Europe without anyone stopping them and even get benefits.

It's about time mudlimes are expelled and islamized European countries are converted back to Christianity while purging liberasts in the process.

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International banking cartels siezed full control after WW2. Europeans aren't "letting" anyone in, it's being forced upon them.

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They need a lowtier workforce and more voters. Westnigs (Europ) don't want to:
>make children
>do a middle class labor
>do a nig tier labor such as cleaning toilets, restaurant services, driving Trucks etc.

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Plus, they need to virtue signal to their voters as saviors of other people. This is a double win-win situation since it gains not only the votes of the common domestic people but also the future votes of those migrants who will make more children than native ones.

Shit-tier take.
Europeans aren't starting families because it's been made impossible to support one on a single average middle-class job.

Europe doesn't need a bunch of browns to clean our shitters, we don't need them for anything, they are nothing more than a tool in a genetic war waged on Europe.

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>>make children
>>do a middle class labor
>>do a nig tier labor such as cleaning toilets, restaurant services, driving Trucks etc.

They actually do want children and are fine with doing all of that themselves, but other factors, such as speculation, have made these easy and simple processes impossible. You take too much for granted.

These Slavs are also looking to justify their existence in Europe.

Because if you fight them you get an army of your fellow countrymen hunting you down.
While they to should be slaying the invaders to protect their daughters.
Boogaloo & Papal sanction now!

>it's been made impossible to support one on a single average middle-class job
It's your snownig problem because u put your consumerist and conformist needs in front of your social or communal duties. Now go larp somewhere else as a victim u pathetic snownigging wage-cuck.

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kys ahmed
Banker jews did this you lowIQ mischling rape-baby.

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>Want children
>Makes them
West and central snownigs should be thankful to Muhammad for fixing their stats. We southern shitskins are even worse than u snownigs.

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We understand that you non-Europeans are incapable of understanding unnatural occurrences that prevent natural occurrences.

Thinking you need constant population growth is nigger-tier thinking. Europeans have invented machines, and shared them with the world, we don't need an ever-expanding population. This is nothing more than a meme pushed by a certain internationalist clique to justify flooding North-America and Europe with brown hordes.

It started with the liberals/right wing bringing them in so they could provide cheap labour. Than came in the christcucks that wanted family reunification so they allowed all the guest workers to bring their entire family with them.
To make the situation even worse, the left wing came and argued all the guest workers where here long enough to be considered citizens.
Violent left wingers take down everyone who is even remotely critical of this shit

>Western Europe
>Fighting against musrats

Have you heard of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, as well as any of the north-western Europeans who joined in on the slaughter of nafri, mudslimes?

Yeah you cant support a family with a middle class job in Norway... Are you retarded or what?

You slavs are supposed to know history a little better given your relatively time-free and less intense societies, but it seems you actually know fuck all other than where your next drink is coming from.

Middle class doesn't exist in the West anymore. Their wages might be "middle class", but when it comes to how and where that money is spent for necessary things the "middle class" is poor. You non-Westerners know nothing.

I love how you think so high of yourself as if u are as virtuous as Romans and as patriotic and as xenophobic as Spartans but in truth you degenerate westnigs would sell your asses for more comfort, profit and consuming.
>Work, Work snowniglets.

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clown world. Rich bastards are crying how they have no money. Explain how are you poor in australia

Euros arent letting any mudslimes in.
The germans and the french are, they are neither european or white.

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They don't need voters. Every politician in this world is controlled by them. You don't vote for a king or who says a president could do this and that. They control the ones you see in the media and wherever. You're living in a controlled environment, everything you learn and see are parts of the program. Even if you had "a revolution where you killed every kike and whatever" someone else will do exactly the same shit. History has repeated itself since the beginning of time. Egypt was destroyed because of immigration, Rome was destroyed because of immigration, now Europe and America. It's like time and history moves exactly like a clock where it does the same thing all over for milennias.

Assumptions assumptions assumptions. Weak and LowIQ argumentation. This is your brain on mutt-genetics.

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A large percentage of them would happily let them all in. Same as here, same as in the states.

>Kike Overlord Bankers
Whats next Nazi Atlantis?

Whatever you say, turk.

The fact that you don't understand the real power behind money and you don't know who has the rights to create it just exposes you even more, rape-baby.

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No tears here. It's reality. I know in slavic world you hide away from reality in superstition and semi-barbarity, but over here life is not what you think.

Australia is in the same situation as Western Europe. And the slavic situation is much the same over here, you guys come over here and remain low-performance at best or unproductive at worst.

That's not the point. The point is that we're not in control of our own nations. It doesn't matter that some faggots would happily welcome an invasion. What matters is that we don't have a power-structure internally that seeks to protect the people of the nation and their future. Our governments are actively seeking to destroy us, aussies, euro's, americans, it's all ZOG.
If we had a state that sought to secure our future, it wouldn't matter that some faggots wanted to let them in, they wouldn't be allowed to bring them in.