>No country has put their economy into hibernation, your example is how you get Zimbabwe. My example is exactly what the Americans have done to stop their economy from freefalling into 1929, by printing fucking trillions into the stock market and blasting everyone with trumpbux. Long term, there is a serious possibility it can lead to 1930s Germany hyperinflation, but that's what all these world (((central banks))) have decided is the course of action to stop their GDP from turning everyone's cities into Mogudishu
Everyone is always on about when they're coming back are they super shit to do? First time being a neet in Aus.
Caleb Perez
What's for dinner?
Lucas Rodriguez
>>Coronavirus Australia: Infection rate continues to decline WHERE IS THE TESTING >still only testing overseas and contact with confirmed cases despite closing borders >"No evidence of community transmission"
Jayden Barnes
Dios mio, did they get voted in?
Half my family lives in the Northern Beaches.
Carson Gonzalez
I got tested a month ago just because I work in a hotel with a lot of international travellers and had symptoms.
Lucas Ross
they better not be
Heres a question
Ive been on the dole for 7 months now, I was just about to have to do work for the dole but then corona saved my ass. If mutual obligations come back, what am I gonna have to do??
Any niggers here seen the absolute state of that fucking "Melbourne guys pal" thing. Cuckpilled simps going out strong tonight desperately trying to obtain a crumb of pussy. In desperate need of cavalry to contain this mess
Parker Sanders
Victoria expanded testing so that ANYONE with symptoms of Coronavirus can be tested.
Levi Phillips
you do know most people are getting $1100-1500 a week here right?
Carson Gomez
I'll dress like a girl and cut off my Vienna sausage
Not sure if you're joking or you genuinely didn't see the -$6103.96 OnlyFans
Jayden Hernandez
Yeah all of VIC is a shithole lmao
Benjamin Hernandez
I'm pretty sure they are going to extend the break you can just get a medical certificate for 3 months off too, you don't need to go to a disability provider
Aiden Thomas
Aus pol in a nutshell: >praise him! Praise him! >lost me job. Can't get a job >the gf >how do I stop yellow fever bros? >I hate chinks. I hate the CCP. I hate Melbourne >ASIO, did I tell you about ASIO? >we need to bring back guns, PA was an inside job >what's for dinner?
They aren't, they've emailed me that they've transitioned some course into online through online learning and ZOOM and want me to do that. It's clear they have no intent to extend it. And I want to go to a disability provider, if only because I don't want to hear my cunt provider tell me that my DIAGNOSED psychosis, depression and anxiety is all in my head again and again.
Always preferred marmite. Vegemite has a strange aftertaste
Ian Foster
>are they super shit to do Not really, they are just annoying. You have to ring up and beg your job provider to get your money back. You get a strike also, too many strikes and your pay gets reduced.
Basically, just keep on top of it. It is a bit of a pain in the ass though.
Brandon Bell
given the massive rally we're seeing in gold it seems like a no brainer
Gold has been highly correlated with global bonds for the past few years, whereas silver hasnt. As bonds have now rallied big time and inflationary expectations are continuing to rise, we can be pretty sure that gold will keep rising. Will silver follow? That remains to be seen.
Im personally long gold, silver, snp500 and asx200 in equal 25% each
Nolan Gonzalez
There is nothing wrong with this
Kayden Morales
A bit of peace and quiet.
Owen Williams
have you applied for dsp? you don't have to do any mutual obligations while they assess your claim and it can take months
Cameron Hughes
Is that paying internet thots? I didn’t know what it was, damn these guys need to go to a boot camp.
I had the aldi chicken tendies and they were delicious
Lincoln Reed
>Is that paying internet thots "Sex Workers"
Nathaniel Collins
Aiden Stewart
Physical silver? I sold all mine and have been successfully trading silver at a profit for the last 2 month's, buy sold mine, I mean sold everything that I had before as an investment (made some fucking good money on it) and purchased more silver at the inflated price, but have been reselling per say, don't have that much at the moment, just sold about 100 ounces. Probably have about another 100 ounces with me, which will probably be sold in the next day or two, looking to pick up about another 200 in next few days to sell
This could've been a place to formulate solutions to the problems but in honesty, it's dead set on being a hangout.
Yes, there was a based discord with no tranny fuckers, no gooks and no yanks. No, it's not still around. Yes, the people who did want to actively join together to help Australia got caught or dissolved. Yes, you should be ready for innawoods and should be creating a network of supply caches and producers between trustworthy people irl. Yes, the law will crack down more. Yes, better to evade than engage.
Isaiah Adams
Aussie women are getting fatter, and you all know it's true.
>government isn't going to lift lockdowns until everyone starts installing tracking apps on their phones so they can monitor your every movement this is it lads, this how Australia dies