>work roughly 4 days a week at a grocery store for min wage
>still make less in a month than people sitting at home being NEETs
whats the fucking point in still working when i can just quit and acquire 2000 inflation bux?
Work roughly 4 days a week at a grocery store for min wage
>whats the fucking point
There isn't one.
Why are niggers and the poors so happy over $1200 dollars
Have they never received a paycheck that big before
How the fuck does it work to give the unemployed money EQUAL or in EXCESS of full-time employment? That sounds retarded
I agree with you. Im just trying to think of a way to scheme to get unemployment even once I quit. Normally if you quit you can't get it but I heard if you quit because of a corona related reason you might still get it.
$1200 is a lot of money to those of us who aren't $300,000 a month IT admins like everyone on Yas Forums seems to be.
Don’t quit, find a way to get fired to still be eligible for neetbux.
Don't they have to pay back next year? Isn't a loan in some sort of form?
1,200 isn’t rich by any standards, but it’s not something to squander.
Yes it is. I make 2500 a week and that's still nothing on its own. A ferrarri costs like $15k a month to maintain when driven as a standard car. Like, you're living in a world where people die trying to make $10 an hour and where other people justify an oil change while simple motherfuckers starve. Why? Because even those simple motherfuckers most often don't have shit in their brains other than "consume".
Game sucks.
Almost everyone on Yas Forums seems to have gotten the full check...
No. You didn't already know this?
I'm not a fan of socialism, for the most part, but I would like to be paid a better fucking wage still. I can take care of myself just fine but there's no way I can have a family.
>"I hate hard work."
>"Why do I earn min wage?"
The point is that working hard is the only way to get anywhere in life. If you dont enjoy hard work you'll never be succuseful.
You have to be fired to get unemployment.
I got mine on the 13th. I think only people with certain shitty banks are being held up at this point.
>24k a year is a lot
sure thing Moshe, who gets to determine what is "hard"?
Stop pretending it gets harder the farther you move up the ladder. I just got promoted and the work flow vanished. It's well known that it gets easier the higher you move up
shouldn't you be in bed wagie ?
make sure the pizza pockets are there tomorrow do not fail me again
You have a shitty job because you are weak and have no skills ... you are as low as a filthy nigger ... kill yourself
Imagine being this privileged.
I hear ya, man. It's amazing all the MIGA homos who are suddenly cool with lefty ideas like wealth distribution and snitch on your neighbor. Seriously though? Who doesn't have a measly $1200 (or more) saved up for a rainy day? A woman? A coon? A child?
Those in debt are no better impulse-wise than a pedo.
Take the NEETbux. By doing so you're draining the system and ultimately leading to it's demise which in and of itself is a revolutionary act unlike being a wagie for Mr. Shekelberg.
>If you don't enjoy hard work you'll never be successful
Pfffffffffff the most successful people in the world are born rich or psychopaths who avoid hard work like the plague and enslave other people to do it for them.
Think bigger but also, yeah, people Larp too hard as engineers and whatever else way too hard on here. I think it’s some horrible attempt at motivation but don’t know.
Thomas, hard is when you personally are doing as much as you can.
I think you need to be over 18 to be on Yas Forums.
I didn't say that. I have no idea where you got that from.
$1200 is enough to make people only making 32k a year excited, yes.
Sooo I've got like 108k in my checking and decided to claim unemployment and get some sweet, sweet trumpbux, is that gonna be a problem? My yearly pay is nice and low but I do have money I hope I didn't fuck myself, I just couldn't sit back while every nigger is getting free shit.
kys shill
wait is this 1200 stipend going to be monthly? i make 2k a month from my essential job im at and i still got a stipend.
>Bezos isn't a psychopath
Who's coping kike XD
I've recieving emailed videos from our executive leadership team. They have been at home for over a month stating how they are "doing their part". Meanwhile, they have furloughed thousands of employees and the remaining frontline employees do not have proper ppe- even though required to service some customers. Its disgusting. Have they deferred their salaries? They hurt the employees who can least afford it, all the while talking about how we will come out of this stronger. My wife's company has been paying their employees for over a month while being closed and none of them working. Makes me sick
You can label him Moloch for all I care.
>Thinking any government payment isn't just a tax deferment
>i make 2k a month from my essential job im at and i still got a stipend.
I'm making 4k a month from unemployment. Glad i'm not "essential"
Why don't you start your own business or find a better job?
My guess is you don't have those options readily available. Your management knows this and, first and foremost, tries to do what's best for the firm.
Squeezing you while pretending to care it's what's best for the firm.
Not a fun place to be, but understanding this reality is the first step.
No, I mean they all make under 75k a year.
This is a facebook tier rumor. It is a 2020 "tax credit" that is being paid out now. Does not need to be paid back.