Trump is a disaster
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I got mine. Millions of illegals won't get it.
Get the fuck out of here.
*indignant frownyface*
Oregon here. Our waste-of-oxygen, fucking piece of shit democrats have ruined the unemployment system. It goes down twice a week. People unable to file claims at all. Computers outdated, even though $89M was earmarked in 2009. Then this piece of shit Democrat Governor didn't even postpone tax filing date, when Trump postponed Fed taxes until summer. And that fucking dike won't reopen the state now because of the pact with CA. Since CA can't keep the Kung Flu from spreading among their illegals and homeless, we have to be closed.
Worthless state administration. I wish it was ran as well as the federal government under Pres Trump.
>unemployment is a state thing and you only qualify if you lost your job due to Corona virus. If you were unemployed prior to Corona outbreak you do no qualify.
Take it up with your liberal governor
>Stimulus is not unemployment
Stimulus is federal and you must have a social security number and not be a dependent on someone else's tax unless that person is a wife/husband. In that case you get double.
It’s a problem with state implementation. I live in Texas, which is having a hard time with the caseload, but I was still able to get my unemployment.
I don't think a democratic president would do a better job at dishing out unemployment.
>I don't think a democratic president would do a better job at dishing out unemployment.
Than u are a retard
I disagree, sir
> I wish it was ran as well as the federal government under Pres Trump.
Lol good satire
blaming Trump is ridiculous
What? Why isnt trump micro managing the states with every little issue. Fkin bs.
wtf unemployment? shit trump sent me dat rack I ain't got shit to worry bout feel me faggot ass bitch in the picture probs a demonRAT anyway sheeeit
fuck off asshole
Trump has decimated the federal government
Trump is the most far right capitalist president ever. We don’t have a functioning cdc, epa, it’s, etc. cause he doesn’t want government functioning. A democrat would not do this
>I never knew Unemployment takes their sweet ass time doing anything
Seriously it can take a month and a half before you see the first check, probably longer if they try to use some bullshit excuse not to give it to you.
I didn't even apply & I got my Trumpbux.
>t. low IQ subhuman
It's trump, he'll only spread the money to swing voters and his base.
>Lol good satire
>posts NPR link
choke yourself
She has that Sigourny Weaver, monkey jaw, going on.
Subhumans are above leafs.
Try living in hawaii.
Our piece of shit Democrat, dike governor couldn't even facilitate the state university lab to develop a testing solution for us. They had to go around the worthless leftist government to get it done
Nice reply fag
HILLARY clinto or Biden won’t appoint people like Ben Carson or mike Pence or Jared kushner to the us government
Going on 3 weeks without an ability to file unemployment claims in Oregon, under full democrat control. Absolutely failure and incompetence at every turn. Don't let your state become like OR.
U are retarded if you think republicans would run government any better. They hate government
I got $3400 from daddy Trump yesterday. He more than has my vote. Seethe for me faggot.
Who's that dirty bitch?! Ugly stupid hoe
this. fucking retards who think otherwise LMAO
People dying from Kung Flu and going unemployed? Our cunt of a democrat governor is busy signing executive orders to increase fuel and utilities prices. $1/gal in middle America? We're paying $2.80/gal. What a shit hole.
What whiners don't understand is they would get NOTHING from Republicans. No expanded unemployment, no stimulus. How do we know? When H1N1 was ravaging the USA Obama did nothing. Hell, Democrats try to stop funding at every turn. Trump is our daddy and you should be thankful.
In Ireland?
I miss when girls worse those glasses because they were depressed loners, and not hipster SJWs.
Chicoms have this bitch in their pocket. What an impactful lesson for the rest of the country to never vote democrat.
They should get ZERO ! Let the poor die ! If you don't have money aside, its ur fault .. stop buying games and useless stuff. Fucking fags .
Then you are a Retard
You’re using then and than fucking backwards
>They should get ZERO ! Let the poor die ! If you don't have money aside, its ur fault .. stop buying games and useless stuff. Fucking fags .
Libertarianism is a mental disorder. So glad it’s dying out.
I don’t care. I got healthcare costs. Trump isn’t doing dick for me.
>unemployment is a state thing and you only qualify if you lost your job due to Corona virus. If you were unemployed prior to Corona outbreak you do no qualify.
I left my job voluntarily in December. Currently taking classes at a local university. Applied for UI when CARES passed just to see what happens, not expecting to get approved.
Pic related. Virginia btw.
Having a public option where I can buy into Medicare would help the millions who lost their employer healthcare.
I still haven't gotten my trumpbucks
It's over for me bros I'm never getting it
I will vote for whoever gives me the most free shot. Trump isn’t promising me free shit.