Yas Forums when a white woman racemixes
Yas Forums when a white man racemixes
>Haha yeah BLEACHED dude, haha KEKED by WHITE BVLL
Yas Forums when a white woman racemixes
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It's almost as if this wasn't about racemixing hmmmmmm
it's a fact that women absorb and hold onto the DNA of a mans sperm for life
it is also a fact that men only kept the females alive for breeding when invading opposing tribes during war and raids, only jews pass down lineage through the wife of the husband
you will never have sex
A man can impregnate thousands of women. A woman can only be impregnated every 9 months or so. When your women are getting fucked by foreigners, you are being colonized. When men are fucking foreigners, they are colonizing
No , both should get the rope
>Man can father 1000s
>White woman is the harbinger of the white race as they can only birth 100% white.
Woman are attacked more pycolocigally for this purpose.
a white woman that race mixes is out of commission for 9 months and has to take care of that nigger baby for the rest of her life, with added microchimerism literally mixing its shit genetics into her DNA
a white man that race mixes can make a white baby literally right after and can just walk out and never be bothered by his half nigger offspring
wow, wonder why one is worse
Black people are more athletic and increased melanin means reduced risk of skin cancer. Wouldn't that make them superior?
>i fucking hate niggers
>"muh dick"
>i fucking love niggresses/chinks/indians/latinas/jewesses!
>muh dick!
this is why the white race is dying.
White women can't do anything because their (((men))) are retarded and weak.
>Yas Forums when a faggot makes an obvious bait thread
Because the man is the who one fucks. Getting fucked is degrading. Having a penis inside of you is degrading. Women were made to be degraded and impregnanted.
The winner - man, he fucks, he impregnates, he degrades with his cock
The losers - woman, degraded to a sack of meat, fucked, used for the man's pleasure and need to reproduce
Since when you faggots think sex is not degrading for women? You literally assault her asshole and vagina and mouth with your pisser. You FUCK her. It is empowering to you, degrading to her.
well both are bad and Yas Forums isn't one person
It's how you out yourself as a redditor, just like the "black" user with a proxy. They just come here to trigger each other. Because they know that's how they get under each others skin.
fragile white degenerates trying to hang on to the only thing they have
Yea, the competition of races is between MEN.
Women don't get a vote. They are objects. Black guy fucks a white girl it's like he's stealing a birthright. Visa versa whitey is getting back at them from the perspective that shots were fired first by black dudes.
Not that I agree, it's just the obvious psychology, which is not hypocritical so much as a sexist competition.
I’ve walked 52 miles in 10 hours. You were saying?
>Black people are more athletic
only in some ways, in other ways they're less athletic. there's a reason world strongest men, bodybuilding and athletic upper body strength competitions are dominated by whites
>increased melanin means reduced risk of skin cancer
increased melanin also decreases vitamin D production further from the equator in areas with less annual sunlight, causing bone disease and decreased energy levels
Men and women are different, retard
Telegony you whore.
women and white men don't get a vote*
>Yas Forums
Ok so if I pay a team of cheap intern shills to post the same opinions to themselves in the same threads, then eventually, you mean that other people will assume this represents the population?
WAIT, you're saying some fucker can literally just like, make this shit up out of thin air? Fuck you brainlets.
Science teaches that if a man so much as looks at a girl his stare becomes embedded in her corporeal memory and becomes genetically part off her therefore if you even have secks with a girl who has seen more men than just her father it's just like you are banging all the dudes who eye raped her
And that's pretty gaaay of you
true but whatever
ill need to see your shit posting loisense
It is not about racemixing, is about conquering. My country is full of mental racism and that is a good thing. In poor communities, the grandparents cheer when their grandchildren are whiter than them.
>Yas Forums is one person
I always call both of them filthy niggerlovers.
Quit fucking shitskins, all of you.
The man is worse, women need the comfort of a man and the west being in the state it is it makes for sense for a woman to go for a more 'primitive' man