From Varg's pagan atheism nonsense to the truth of al-Islam. May Allah bless them and keep them firm in guidance.
Entire Norwegian family converts to Islam
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Is that what it takes to keep his woman in her place?
Based accelerationism
just a warning that a weak atheist society will be assimilated by any strong religion that comes their way
if christianity stays a neo-liberal cucked shadow of its former self islam will just roll up
I think Islam is more based than all of the progressive culture we are being crammed down our throats.
Bah. Just another coalburner religion.
His daughters wont be whores unlike her friends and they will reject Jewish degeneracy.
Say what you will about Islam but you know the alternative.
Bismillah, bless them
> Spamming this one family converting to (((Islam))).
You know the religion with most converted are those "Evangelical" people?
(((Islam))) is "growing" because of birthrate alone.
Beurette al khel or in other words North African gril with KANG
ask them their opinions on gays
Reverts to Islam are growing everyday and the trend can't be stopped. I say this as a white revert.
Islam is the true path and soon all the world shall see it, inshallah
Something tells me that they don't exactly embrace Islam's philosophy on women's modesty. Call it a hunch.
OK coalburner.
I had no idea Korea had Muslim e-celebs until you said this
They got a lot of views, wtf hahahahahaha... I love globalism, mashallah
No one cares about race in Islam. White, black, Arab, Asian. All are welcome because Islam is the truth and natural state of mankind. We are all born muslim
It's a beautiful tale of advancing mankind to salvation
OK Moshe.
Only Jews want to see white people becoming Muslims.
No wonder all of Muslims are Jew Cattle.
Imagine believing in a religion that denies Christ's Crucifixion. Such a blatant lie. Couldn't be me.
This is it again, see it guys. Islam is peak bluepilled. Stuff you gay nigger-loving shit in your butt you burqa -wearing faggot.
Yallah, as I told you I care only about faith. If a black man is a faithful Muslim he's most welcome to marry my sister and give her Muslim children. Racism is a trait of the decadent west and a propaganda tool of the jew
Why do you have to convert to Islam?
>Option 1: Virtue signaling
>Option 2: Genuinely believe this is the path to traditionalism
Why the fuck do you have to convert to a nigger-tier religion to know that gays are faggots and not to let your daughter whore around?
You are projecting. France is the most jewed nation on the planet after ZOGmerica. Islam is the only hope to fix that, and inshallah it will. You will realize this soon enough and revert as well, brother
Kys with you niggery, I am not even a real Westerner.
> Islam is BASED guys! Look my daughter is marrying a black brother! SO BASED
You project your degenerate western homosexuality, anal love on me, degenerate. May you find the true path and leave such impure thoughts forever
>Racism is a trait of the decadent west
Is the fact the earth isn't flat also a lie from the west?
Seriously give me one good reason to convert to Islam and I will convert right this fucking second.
Of course you are not a westerner, you are a jew. I am a westerner unlike you
Cope. France will be muslim soon my friend. All will be fixed
This 10000%
"You need to be Muslim to hate them!"
-"Or I can just hate them"
Yep. I know Muslim women from even strict culturally conservative places like Pakistan and Algeria who are married to black Muslim men and the family are not bothered by it as long as the black guy is a decent Muslim and knows his Deen. I unironically think that is one of the biggest misconceptions Yas Forums has about Islam that everyone only cares about their own racial background and is prejudice against other Muslims from other parts of the world especially African Muslims. Truth is very few Muslims care about race especially among the younger generation.
Topkek. I hope they put a bullet through your skull you childraping turbo race-mixer
>Is the fact the earth isn't flat also a lie from the west?
You cite hadits without knowing their meaning or who wrote them. Study Islam before criticizing it
>Seriously give me one good reason to convert to Islam and I will convert right this fucking second.
You were already muslim, we all are when we are born. It is not a conversion, but a reversion. Islam is your natural state
Very true my friend.
Lol says the catholic country. You are number one pedos
> A Jewish religion is our natural state
> +10 shekels have been added to your bank account.
>You cite hadits without knowing their meaning or who wrote them. Study Islam before criticizing it
You can't criticize Islam. It's apostasy to criticize the Quran.
I've studied it plenty. Just answer the question why I should revert.
>You were already muslim, we all are when we are born. It is not a conversion, but a reversion. Islam is your natural state
Says the Quran. Which is contradictory and wrong. But if I was already Muslim, that means you have the right to kill me for apostasy.
I was living just fine without any knowledge of Islam.
Tell me why I should REVERT?
It's a memeflag you Whitoid nigger-lover.
I think of a real problem lads.
If a western white woman claims that she converts to Islam, will she become traditional again or she will still be a whore but in burqa?
Can Islam really cure the whorish women, or the modern entitled soulless cunts eventually corrupt one of the oldest religions?
>Lol says the catholic country. You are number one pedos
Mohammad married a 6 year old. The only reason the Church gets called out is because they actually make an effort to expose pedophilia, unlike Islam.
Kek Arabs are very racist against Africans. How can one be that clueless.
>A Jewish religion
Islam is the only religion openly opposing the international jew as of 2020.
>You can't criticize Islam. It's apostasy to criticize the Quran.
The hadits are not official part of the Holy Qur'an. You have studied, but are still missing the basics apparently.
>I was living just fine without any knowledge of Islam.
Animals live fine with their limited intellect as well. Are you an animal or a man? Your choice
I know rabbi
Eveyone are racist again Africans. (((Whites))) are probably the kindest one to them. By white I mean jews or Americans.