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Is America just a 3rd world country with makeup on?
Logan Hall
Evan Russell
We are a third world country wearing a Gucci belt holding m16s and bazookas
Elijah Campbell
shut your mouth faggot. I wish America was a third world country so I could stone you and your community to death
Aiden Ramirez
can't really be a 3rd world country when the entire planet revolves around the USD.
Adrian Sanders
Jeremiah Phillips
Ever notice how whenever leftards presume to speak for "the rest of the world" they betray how insular, parochial, and generally ignorant they are?
Adam Jackson
Brayden Cooper
You can't be considered poor if you have enough food to become obese.
Also, now my anti-virus is blocking captcha. That's pretty funny.
Logan Cook
Yeah West coast is like Europe.
Benjamin Clark
I have a feeling your a burger that's never even left their state.
Ayden Walker
Europe has Bubonic Plague?
Jaxson Evans
Your a fucking queer idiot. 1st World = countries that SIDED with America in the COLD War. 2nd World Countries that sided with the communists. 3rd world countries too poor to get involved on either side.
Liam Robinson
moar gadget
Jayden Johnson
i don't get it.
i've been to 3rd world countries and the U.S. is nothing like them.
you have no idea what a 3rd world country is like. go live in one for two years then come back you autist.
Jeremiah Taylor
Landon Mitchell
It's all about ME ME ME!!!
Americas so gay.
Christian Rivera
no but china is tho
David Gutierrez
That tv-set looks like an alien kippah on her head
Christopher Perry
Backwards Islamic values are pretty based.
James Clark
>poorest 20% of americans are richer than the average european
Robert King
Jaxson Butler
And yet you foreigners can't stop thinking about us. You know every facet of our politics, consume and emulate every shred of our media and envy our freedoms, while most of us can't be bothered to notice you. You're like the ugly nerd admiring and criticizing the popular jock.
Dylan Wood
>Is America just a 3rd world country with makeup on?
it was a pretty good place until they emptied the pale of settlement here
Isaiah Morales
>Is America just a 3rd world country with makeup on?
100% but the black pill is that this goes for all of civilization
Levi Ward
Honestly burgers seem a little bit very brainwashed most of the time. Literally can't stop licking those boots and dying to shit civilized countries have no problem with.
Caleb Thomas
We're the world's largest shopping mall with the world's largest military who we send to go fuck with other shopping malls instead of defending our shopping mall
Leo Cooper
We slipped up bigly enabling feminism, then got sold out by the boomer gen. Yes, we are approaching third world status but the good news is that nobody's smart enough to see it.
Hunter Lee
yes absolutely. Demographics are everything and half the country is brown with an average iq of 85.
The remaining white population has an obesity rate of about 30%, a broken family rate of 50% and the largest exporter of white women porn in the world.
Whites are terrified of being called racist so they can't fix any of the problems.
That's considered first world but history will remember it simply as some jewish golem playground
Kayden Morales
Jose Reed
With jewish money. Yes.
Jayden Sullivan
Joseph Perez
Yes and No. It really depends on which city you are in. Detroit is absolutely like a third world country and I'm not even memeing. You drive down streets that are basically abandoned and there are feral niggers in the areas that aren't depopulated. The literacy rate in the city is like 60% or something, just abysmal. Crime and drug use are rampant, it's barely a step of Liberia.
And then you go to places like San Francisco or San Jose, bay area in general, which despite being somewhat diverse has great infrastructure and low crime. That's the big difference I noticed between the midwest and West Coast. The infrastructure and the roads. In the midwest potholes are common because of winter and our roads vary in quality. But in California the roads are amazing to drive on, it makes you realize why Los Angeles became an automotive capital in some respects.
But America mainly seems like a 3rd world country when you compare it to Europe or Asia. Flying into brand new airports, seeing brand new buildings and tech everywhere is not common in America. When I lived in Spain in 2012 I was surprised at how modern everything was compared to the US. Sure they had old buildings and some shit was backwards but at least in Madrid their airport, subways, and other infrastructure was superior to what you see in an American city
Juan Martinez
Its ok because america will soon be whiter than all of Europe.. America is huge look at the number of immigrant niggers each euro cuck country takes in... Europe looks like Somalia.. Hijabs as far as you can see.. No escape they are in every town every city.. At least in the mall of america you can find places without niggers and beans.. Europe is so liberal its like california Full of cucked snobbs no thanks
Zachary Jenkins
No one imitates you. Only rednecks and poor people imitate you because that is being poor. You will never see a white guy imitating you, because for that he would have to eat bacon 24 hours a day and buy big cars to compensate for his low self-esteem. That nerdy envy popular athlete is so stupid and Hollywood.
Lucas Bailey
Cope harder you are already 56% white and with the boomer remover are gonna hit under 50% soon.
You faggots will never do shit you are all talk and everyone knows it
Alexander Lopez
Based china strikes again
Asher Perry
Blue jean wearing, rock and roll listening, internet using nappy haired ass monkey
Luis Perez
What i said is still true.. Europe is already gone.. Germany doesn't even exist rip