How do I overcome my hatred of non-whites?

I hate non-whites because of Yas Forums. I cannot look at a black guy without immediately thinking that he has a low IQ. I cannot work with my non-white female coworkers without thinking about them potentially giving birth to 3+ kids which will further white genocide in my country. I am completely trapped in this way of thinking. How do I overcome this? I feel like it's a mental illness

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I hate white because of Yas Forums.
And I'm fine with that, because there's none in my country.

Have you tried just going full blown racist and pushing all the social boundaries of your worthless little community that no one really cares if you live or die?

I am about there myself, all my friends call me a racist, but I make them laugh like nuts. I mean I have jew friends and black friends, mexicans, gays too. I just can't stand when people play into stereotypes and have no identity or have no sense of culture in this dismally boring modern society.

I don't want to be unemployable for life. I'm not going to go full wignat on society

move into a full white country

Go to Thailand and get a message.

>How do I overcome my hatred of non-whites?
you talk to them

OP, you have to look at Yas Forums like it's a kind of mental boot camp. Banter and trolling here is exactly that and nothing more. When you see a word which polite society considers offensive, congratulations. You've done one mental pushup. The point of Yas Forums is not to influence the real world but to discuss it. Even many oldfags get this wrong and will probably flame me for saying it plainly.

If you're tough enough to handle real world problems without resorting to groupthink, you're tough enough to take on bad ideas like stereotypes IRL. You're never going to break systemic mind control without effort.

Try literature written by non-whites written in the 1940-50s.

Remove them from your society.
Once they don't threaten your people's existence, there is no reason to hate them anymore.
Up until then, embrace the hatred. It's purpose is to motivate you to get things done.

Solution is simple. Read all threads on Yas Forums and take them all very seriously.
Congratualtions, you now hate all races equally.


if "talking" doesn't involve convincing them to leave, that doesn't change the status quo at all and is therefore absolutely meaningless.

Variation in IQ between whites can be much bigger than the difference between you and particular nigger you work with. White trash and rednecks exist, and unlike the black guy you work with, they are uneducated and uncultured. All races have one ancestor, as it is proved human population did bottleneck around 100.000 years ago, there were extremely few people alive those times, and they were a tribe with similar genes, and they gave birth to whole future generations. 100k years sounds like a lot, but those numbers are nothing for evolution, also consider the following, civilization started only 10k years ago, before that ALL people used to live like wild african niggers in tribes. 10k years is extremely short period of time for evolution, new species are not formed that fast. So you are actually the same animal as the ancient niggers in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Also consider that evolutionary changes to the brain are much harder to achieve that the changes to skin or hair color, as the brain is infinitely more complicated limb, and the natural selection is not a particularly great mechanism to "fine tune" it. I am not saying you can become true bros with a nigger, years of discrimination and racist shit are uneasy to overcome, but you should try, if you are a sentinel human being.

Holy based post

>them to leave
nobody will leave, the faster you deal with it, the faster you wont have to cope

Good post! :-)

It's called reality, and it sounds like you're trying to run away from it like the cuck you are


Also, speaking of the US, the country is literally formed of immigrants from all over the Europe = legit white human trash who couldnt even live in Europe, so they had to leave in order not to die of hunger, as there were no foodstamps those days, plus blacks, plus breeding with the natives, you genes are already mixed and fucked, there is no homogeneous race to save, your country has never had one. The US sucked the bright minds from Europe due to the world wars and revolutions, its not like your country gave birth most of them.

try harder faglords

pick one, cuck.
>Egypt niggers
Gypts were semitic, not niggers. Your post was one long exercise of nigger dick sucking. Be ashamed.

You see the real world now ... enjoy it ... hate and rage can be a great motivation in life ... just saying ... use it st ur advantage... better yourself

>How do I overcome my hatred of non-whites?
You should probably try to move to a neighborhood with all niggers. Then you'll understand that they're just like us but with a different paintjob.

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The best things the US brought to human culture is the ideas of democracy and equality, everything else is ripoff of European culture. You gonna depreciate the main thing that matters in your culture?

This entire post is a theory btw, because evolution and human origin are theories as well, self admitted theories at that

Non-whites are generally uncivilized wastoids, its no big deal to hate them. Everyone hates.

Why contain it?

>I cannot look at a black guy

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>a black guy

Attached: India-176030-beret-police-uniform-rifle-armed.jpg (286x363, 101.42K)

Why overcome it? Embrace it.

Do you hate fish? Do you hate birds?
Why hate niggers? Recognize them for what they are and stay away from the zoo.