This is unacceptable, Yas Forums

this is unacceptable, Yas Forums

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Bad optics but fucking holarious.

Where have you been to be screencapping this rubbish

Where's the lie?

pastor Rick is based

>God sent it to kill Jews
>Kills a bunch of Whites in Europe and even pastors that celebrated Easter

>some kraut cockmonger starting a thread to post reddit shit
I agree, unacceptable.

that's because Europe is no longer white and will pay for forsaking God.

mad anglojew

>Where's the lie?

Attached: jesuschrist.jpg (640x486, 28.23K)

And america is white?

Wiles is unbelievably based on the jews.

Yes, he forgot to mention the part about faggots needing to repent.

Galations 3:28
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
The christkike says the exact same thing about sinners, disbelievers, and those who willfully deny rabbi yeshua. At the end of the day, the abrahamic proposes that all disbelievers shall be punished by the wrath of yhwh and killed by his angry tantrums.

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Attached: pagan_shills.png (637x332, 56.91K)

Based as fuck.
Praise be to Jesus

>watched the stream the other day
>some fagget from here literally send trunews my post about chinks selling euthanized bats to the wet market

White people aren't dying over here like niggers are, niggers are like the majority of the deaths which is pretty epic. Despite being 14 percent of the population they account for 70% of the virus deaths.

Absolutely, unequivocally based

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What if I don't want it to stop?

You have to be 18 to post here user.

The only way for jews to be saved now is to just volunteer to go into the oven.

I think this passage is about the crowd of Christian followers rather than the world at large, though I could be wrong.

Ok cleetus.

>I learned it on the news n shhhieet.

Percentage isnt over all. More white people and non blacks make up more in numbers, for death, percentage wise the black population is hit hardest.

It's not bullshit, it's not a meme, niggers are dying because they aren't listening and they aren't social distancing, you dumb fucking piece of shit.
I'd post images but I had a hard drive fail and had to switch drives. milwaukee said that of their deaths 70 percent were fucking niggers.
Everywhere that's a nigger heavy state in the US is seeing high nigger deaths cause they are still out on the fucking corner making that bread faggot.
If anyone should be questioning if someone is of age to post here, they should be questioning you fuckhead.

>had their press passes pulled
Based and anti-jew-pilled

it clearly shows where he went to screencap this. r/atheism.

OP, go back.

Attached: OP refuses to stop sucking dick.jpg (449x421, 64.51K)

Imagine being this obsessed about niggers.

>r/atheism protecting jews

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Attached: Aussie Hitler.jpg (2048x1447, 721.07K)

Imagine being this much of an uninformed fuckhead that you try to cover up your stupidity in this manner.
You dumb fucking nigger.
Maybe you should stick to threads about where you live huh nutsack?

Ironically, Christians don't believe the teachings of Jesus.

>ur not white
>so is america white?
Fuck off schizo

Kek this

Attached: Every girl wants a sugar daddy.jpg (480x480, 44.79K)

Based Pastor

The amount of cope from this post is incredible.
I hope you guys spend the thread roasting this retard cause it's 3 AM and I'm going to bed

Since when did Greta become such a hottie?

reminder this cuck thinks he's aye tone

What am I coping with exactly? I asked you if you thought America was white since you said Europe wasn't. You then proceeded to go on an autistic rant about blacks dying and shit. What exactly was your point there?

Based boomerr