I hate men

Behind the vast majority of evil in this world, one finds the duplicitous male. The barbarous, warmongering, insecure, violent, coldblooded animals that to this day walk freely among us. Who drags women into alleys and takes their purity from them? Men. Who commits the vast majority of violent crime? Men. Who claims a history of success given to them by locking women in chains? Shocker, men. The only reason men lead this world is because nature gave them bigger muscles. The generational wealth and power accumulated over millennia, far back into times where mere brute strength secured power and influence, has served to compound this advantage exponentially. The male, a parasite as he fundamentally is, forced women into servitude by means of his animal strength. This is a wretched injustice. These apes deserve to be torn from their thrones and stomped into the dirt.

Men are scum. #killallmen, in minecraft, of course. I say this unironically. This isn't a troll, this isn't bait. I just want to spread the word. Every man on this planet is mud on my boot. I'd gladly castrate every one of you and watch your sex slowly die as the female finally takes her rightful place as master of the earth. Or, you know, you could speed up the process yourself. That would help so much.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tits or gtfo



Show me your tits bitch

Thank God women don't have muscles. Women are literally grown children with vaginas. Holy fucking shit thank God women don't have the same testosterone levels are you kidding


Is that a real animu? Can i watch it? It looks great. If not can I see your tits instead?


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Show toe

3 bullets, in minecraft.
>if you are a bit crazy
1 tazor, 3 ropes.

You sound like a nigger
>muh "oppression"

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>Who drags women into alleys and takes their purity from them?
Nobody, this only happens in female rape fantasies.

>Who commits the vast majority of violent crime?

>Who claims a history of success given to them by locking women in chains?
Nobody, this doesn't even make sense.

>The only reason men lead this world is because nature gave them bigger muscles.
>The generational wealth and power accumulated over millennia, far back into times where mere brute strength secured power and influence, has served to compound this advantage exponentially.
>The male, a parasite as he fundamentally is, forced women into servitude by means of his animal strength.
This is what first year college students actually believe.

3/10 for making me reply.

Literally this except it should be about black men instead

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Show bobs and vegana.I kiss bobb

Tits and penis or you know the drill...

quintessentially corean

many of them will find the truth out when the hand of Islam falls upon them and corrects their behavior. Such is the will of God. One God, One People, One Faith.

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Sure talk like a dude bro

Society might implode soon, and you'll end up someone's property. Good luck. I'm sure if you're as strong as you say you are nothing bad will happen to you though, right?

>1 post by this ID
Options, use it.

Me too. I'm all about the pussy

Arata-ti tatele tarfo sau mars

You have inspired me to start building a collection of evidence for animus possession. Literally textbook.

I wish you luck, tittied user. Maybe you will stop being a bigot someday, but apparently not today.

This sage goes in all fields

waman ,show bobs and vegana or u'll get ebola

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Penis envy

Yea and you doomed all humanity by eating the apple
bitch get off your soap box

sage this gay thread, not political

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I hate men so let boot my computer (which was created by a bunch of men), powered by electricity (discovered by a man) while, under this bright lamp, (created by a man) I type on my keyboard (also made by a men), on some site on the internet (both Yas Forums and the internet where made by a men) how much I hate the sex that made 99℅ of stuff that exists and I use on the daily basis.
You hate men so much but, without them even this futile and childish attention seeking whoring wouldn't exist in the first place.


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you sound like men on this board talking about jews. The problem you and them both have is that you think hating the other group is a solution. What're you gonna viably do about it? Are you really willing to be angry until you die? It sucks

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Men discovered, invented and built everything though, we even walked on the moon. You just have penis envy.

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You make a lot of good points but you'd also fuck over a "weak" man so

Who built civilization for you?

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>wall of attacks based on emotion instead of logic
Fuck off faggot

first post to make me laugh in a long time

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I love being a male, roastie jealous.

Wow i wonder how many people were ětested possitive for black death or spanish flu and still made it to death toll numbers

Thats racist. Im a good boy.

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Male insanity and psychosis alone drive human civilization forward. Without it, you would be still hairless tribal monkey.
There's a reason, why women's so pathetic in the fields, where's abstract thinking and creativity required. There's a reason, why they accomplished so little in developing human civilization.

>Men are scum.
Even the Muslim and Hispanic ones?

>Opinion discarded

Didn't even read all that shit. I'll give you credit for using paragraphs though, most women don't do that.

Also I forgot - Tits or GTFO

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The reason women want tall men and bodybuilders is because the only use for a man these days is to protect you from other men

>czech em

>Who drags women into alleys and takes their purity from them?

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>Reddit is bored again.jpg

Now this is interesting. To be honest I'm not sure you are actually a woman because there is no way to check and really I don't care.

Let us just summarise your point to help understand the problems with it. So your blaming men for being born the way they are and using these traits (muscle and more violent brains) to subjugate the weaker yet better sex the women. Its none of the womens fault that they are like this its all the mens. Ok

Let us go back to when humanity was simply trying to survive. So why would women be weaker? A reason may be because their point in life is to raise the next generation to maturity for which you would not need many muscles and would need less violent brains. This raises a key point how to defend the children? Now thats why you need a man not only to get food for the women and children but to defend them from attack. For this you might need a more muscular body and a more violent brain. Having these features some men might fall into using their virtues to harass the other sex which these are clearly not to be used for. This may happen and even though it is bad unless the women has something to defend herself with the alternatives- other than police- in this scenario like sterilization and subjugation of the men would ultimately be worse.

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You crack me up OP

Quiet, hole.

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Bruh women incel, she didn't even stick around to show tits

you should have met me you wouldn't think like that afterwards

I never trusted him. He looks too jewy.

Yeah, why can't the world be run by peaceful women

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And I hate women. But we need each other to make babies.