What caused the downfall of the Alt-Right?

What caused the downfall of the Alt-Right?

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Magapedes unironically

The feds.

The fact it never existed beyond astroturfed ecelebs


The intellectual dark web consisting of Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Milo Yiannopoulos and others.


Nearly got exposed for the Democrat/deep state glownigger operation it's become after Charlottesville.

The fact it never existed and it was a label generated so to politically divide the populous as well as use it as a tool to dismiss and dilute right wing politics.

Anyone who uses the term without realizing it's a psy-ops is very ill informed.

The term was first ever said in one of Killary's rallies. I think it might have been the one where the user shouted "Pepe!".

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The alt right isn’t dead.

If anything there are more “alt-right” now than ever, if you think “alt-right” means That faggot you can go back to your CNN desk you fool.

Add Pewdiepie to this list.

Jews, feds, and the own schizophrenia and self-destructive tendencies of those in the right.
>at last I am making real world gains politically. Time to start calling everyone who has a minor disagreement in strategy a fed or a jew. Always hang a traitor before an enemy. What? Hitler waited til he achieved full power before doing that? Never mind no time now. Oh yeah it's political infighting time.

Faggot glownigger "Nazis."

The fact that all ideologies die except Judaism

When the natsocs took Jezebel's charicature of the alt right as neo nazis seriously.

It let glowniggers like Spencer get taken seriously.

Es war nicht das alte Recht.

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There was one man in the whole thing who gleaned the new information presented, didn't accept the kosher-controlled baggage ideology, had an organic cult following of many years, and was talented and motivated enough to do some serious fucking damage to the kikes who ran the whole "alt right" scam. That man was Chris Cantwell. And look how that turned out for him. The spooks absolutely destroyed his whole life for being the one guy who wasn't an astroturfed eceleb, but a talented speaker, writer, and all around excellent independent propagandist

What usually causes the downfall of movements?
some big lipped nigger telling you he has the answers, and telling you what to do cuz he says hes well read.


The Alt right was Obamas baby. It died because he left office and stopped funding it.

Same with Black Lives Matter.

Milo is not intellectual, he's an attention whore.


Lmao based retard

autism, larping and looking like retards without the media's help, and a lack of focus.
Letting retards like the subject of pic related have any power or say.

I agree. The Intellectual Dark Web refers to a group of people that were "deployed" to specifically combat the alt-right by steering them away from the ideologies.

It was a label propagated by globalist organizations. It was mever an actual thing. White are tending to realize they are under attack in their own countries, there's no point in labeling it.

Inability to handle victory.

It relied on cherry picking to belittle it's enemies, so it recruited dupes who panicked when real antifascist responses were eventualy provoked.

This. The alt-right was focus grouped and run through committes. The democrats needed a enemy they could fight that couldn't hit back and what better enemy than a vague, illuminati esque coalition of people that don't agree with you or each other but are totally all working together behind the curtains. Tim Pool is alt righ, Richard spencer is alt right, shoeonhead is alt right, none of these people have anything in common other than not having jobs and not being neo liberal but all have been labeled so.

Anyone that describes themselves as such might as well be painting a big target on their face.

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When they started talking about shit like this:


the Alt-Right

Wow im a nigger.

it has never existed, a spook

retard's answer

The correct answer is Charlottesville, and also the mass shootings, it gave the media enough ammo to launch the campaign they did to censor and de-platform anybody near it. through the internet sources. All the other reasons are contributing factors.

That's retarded.

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It being invented by Hillary Clinton and her losing her presidential bid is probably a large factor.

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It was never really much of a thing. The only reason people know of it is because it served as the mainstream media's beloved boogeyman.

>shoeonhead is alt right
No, she isn't. She's center left.

Their is/was a genuine ideology forming from the group.

It is odd there were never any books written on the subject other than peterson and Milo.

I think that group was labeled the Alt right to discredit them by association with the white supremacist elements.

Yeah it was ready made and certain demographics were driven into open waiting arms.

But there was still some there there.

Also, fuck you for having me defend Shoeonhead.

labeled the Alt right to discredit them by association with the white supremacist elements.
It's literally a label change. A rebranding.

>What caused the downfall of the Alt-Right?
sucking Žižek's cock

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The intellectual dark web is generaly liberal and sometimes left liberal, but classical liberals like JBP could speak to modern men's issues.
As for ideologies and an intellectual reputation, no intellectual movement's reputation can survive it's own cybermobs trying to prove 'an antifa' drove the car of peace at Charlottesville.
That just makes people wonder how a 'movement' can destroy it's own intellects so thoroughly.

Unironically all of the above.

>What caused the downfall of the Alt-Right?

This dumb ass, media pounced while the iron was hot.

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