i was curious about the price of 50 lbs of rice earlier, so i looked it up on amazon and then left my laptop on. came back 6-8 hours later and refreshed the page for interest, and everything went up 30-60%.
pic unrelated
Price of rice raised 50% on amazon in last 8 hours
Nobody in the US eats rice so it's probably unrelated.
Everyone eats rice you retard
I've never eaten rice outside of a Chinese or Japanese restaurant. Why would I eat that shit unless I'm diving in to cultural food?
this is the beginning of the next great depression. there's only one way out. you will take the chip goy, you WILL take the chip
>buying food on Amazon
yeah, this is a stupid idea and a good way to get fleeced. Go to Costco and the gigantic rice bags are still only 10 dollars
I only eat potatoes and corn. The real White man food.
I'm still working in an essential industry and making 1/3 what people on unemployment are making while basically being on a 4 month vacation. Fuck this system
My kid broke his Nintendo switch, those are now $600 for some reason.
Real white man food indigenous to Americas?
Is it time to post in store prices?
youre missing out bro. my wife makes these stuffed red peppers with rice and jalapenos and a few other things and theyre out of this world.
on a related note, buy seeds
Seriously though, who in the United States is cooking up a big pot of rice to eat?
This guy gets it.
Well we cook it better than them so yes
We export most of our rice to Africa, Europe and China though.
I take my earlier statement back, I really like stuffed peppers. That being said no one here thinks of rice as a staple.
>Rice is only Asian food
>This nigga has never had good gumbo or Cajun dirty rice
Rice as staple food really is nonsense in the west since we don't fucking grow it. Hell majority of western turf quite simply can't grow rice. Only meds and southern US do.
>who in the United States is cooking up a big pot of rice to eat?
If you're referring to the idea of buying a large bag of rice, they don't really spoil (at least not quickly). You can theoretically buy a bag of rice, open it once for a single serving, throw it the pantry and forget out it for quite some time and it will still be good.
I eat rice every week. With chicken and cream of chicken soup. Makes like 3 meals that are super easy to reheat after work
who the fuck buy food on amazon?
You know my dad works at Nintendo.
Cajun food is gross.
There are rice paddys all over the place near where I live but no one wants to actually eat rice here. You're hard pressed to even find it in restaurants here. Rice is chink food.
I have a housewife that makes me homemade whatever I want. A few days ago was homemade orange chicken and fried rice. Instead of spending 20 dollars at a chink restaurant for one meal that lasts a day, 20 dollars gets us much more over a couple weeks.
My wife made me chicken fried steak with gravy for dinner tonight, so what?
Amazon allows for blatant price gouging.
Rice by itself is nasty. Only corn taste worse, potato with salt and bread is edible. With meat, vegetables and a sauce of some type it's palatable and cheap starch.
My point is, I hoard food. Rice is both cheap, filling and easy to store. Not to mention it has virtually a non existent expiration date.
My other point is, don't ever buy food from Amazon or Whole Foods.
>animal crossing
Food speculators readying for rope.
im not trying to grow rice, im growing potatoes and corn and lots of other stuff. i just tilled up 90% of my back yard. but i can have a variety of food and use rice as filler and get 5 years of it for under a hundred bucks
You've never eaten an ear of corn? It's very tasty, I figured every white person in North America understood this.
Good point. Not buying Rice in any case. My Mom used to serve it up with butter and salt and it was an okay substitute for a normal starch, but I'm going to give it a hard pass now.
>on a related note, buy seeds
Why bother? Criminals are getting out now.
source: dude trust me
jasmine rice basmati with butter and salt is almost good enough to eat on its own. You're missing out if you just grab standard long grain shit. Works well with basically anything.
Gross, man up and eat white people food instead of the garbage they eat in the third world.
3.28m for RICE?! WTF Bezos!
Disgusting, I can't believe your Amerimutts subsidize the production that trash. Historically, it was deemed unfit for human consumption, only fit for animal feed. GMO High fructose corn syrup in fucking everything these days. I avoid it where I can.
Many white blue eyed people don't as they did not evolve to eat it, derive no nutrition from it and it damages their stomachs. This is akin to most Asians being lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant or blacks having a sever reaction to chlroquinine that whites do not, the lower vitamin D and immune system capability of brown people in northern climates, the sickle cell anaemia in blacks etc. You are not white you are some mixed race thing, Mongol rape baby or something
Why am I not surprised you have a rice fetish Chang?
I don't know, it's mostly grown in Asia but the potato was from the Americas and it seems like a decent and easy to grow staple
slant eye chink lying bastard
is your wife a chink or something why are you eating chicken and rice and not potatoes like a white person
She sounds Mexican.