Have you smoked DMT? Is it the ultimate red pill?
Please let me know if you have. I desire a full trip report from each of you.
Have you smoked DMT? Is it the ultimate red pill?
Please let me know if you have. I desire a full trip report from each of you.
I make it in abundance. Depending on the person extracting it and the intent which is put into it, the final products effects can vary widely from blue to redpills. I have only ever made stuff that causes people to become based and red pilled. everyone who has ever tried mine has very quickly become woke to the kikes and their Hebrew tricks, realized that niggers are violent animals, and women are property. It is quite astonishing actually. one way to inject this intent into the crystalline structure is to never sell it for jewish usury paper, I accept trades of various types but never take kike paper for my spice. To do so would go against the vary nature of the substance.
Fuck the kikes
Fuck niggers
Only Maria Pastora holds the true secret of the Cosmos.. But I wudn't, If I were u/
no one I know sells it
and I'm too much of a pussy to buy the ingredients online
Teach me to make it, sir.
more like a voluntary nde
Whats the point of it?
Why bother with it at all?
Funfact: Very deep silent meditation cause the brain to react in a way similar to the consumption of DMT. Like im not joking in the least here, the overall sensation is very similar between the two, but while the meditation induce the effect by your own will it isn't as sudden as with DMT, which basically throw you into the state of mind before you can choose wether or not you want it.
T. Faggot who did both
It basically force you to rethink what you are down to such a primal level that you literally cannot not gain wisdom from the act, and with how our brain LOVES to make connections on its own, it take but a few moments and suggestion for them to ''connect the dots'' afterward, kind of like being pulled out of a painting as to be able to understand its entirety and the context it exist in. All of a sudden you realize how your own perception of thing affect you in the immediate and afterward, its genuinely akin to lifting a veil off your eyes you didn't even knew you were under the spell of.
shows you were demons and angels hang
I took over an eighth my first time dosing shrooms.
I saw weird visual "glitches" in reality, felt a massive loving body high, and enjoyed good hearty laughs with my buddies over nothing.
When I would shut my eyes I'd see gold interlocked links moving. Within the areas bounded by the gold I saw silent video of myself as a young kid / toddler.
Really weird shit mayne. After coming down I realized my insecurities were bullshit and that all living things have the same energy / value deep down.
Kek. Great merchant
Good description leaf. These things are indescribable. Good post. Today leaf was okay.
>too much of a pussy to buy the ingredients online
Dude just visit a different store for each ingredient and pay with cash if you’re so paranoid.
Trade for some of the fungus? I too never sell. Only give or trade, it’s good karma.
What did it show you about the Jews!?
Was it a major red pill?
I tried ayahuasca, nothing red pulled about the outside world but definitely red pills you on yourself
Dude, there’s more knowledge to be had out there to be had than finding out who’s in control of world governments and money. If that’s all there is to life then you are a slave to it. Expand your horizons.
Psychedelics in general are "redpilled" as they have the ability to 'rewire' your brain. Essentially undoing years of programming and conditioning.
Sounds like some pretty fucking blue pilled communist cuck speak to me
I smoked some the other night. Only took one big hit this time because it set my asthma off and i could hardly breathe. I was deadly afraid because its seriously not to be taken lightly, this shit WILL fuck you up if you dont respect it. Alright so heres what happened. I take the hit, hold it in for a good 20 seconds, exhale. Immediately my body is anesthetized and a high frequency ringing takes hold in my head. I close my eyes and repeat to myself in my head ,just surrender to it dont be afraid just relax" and as im doing this i see the image of baphomet begin to appear but then its immediately disintegrated and a clear, distinctly different from my own telepathic voice says "do not fear. You are welcome" and i get the intuition that God himself is speaking to me and suddenly the most powerful, warm, and holy love washes over my and its the most ecstatic and euphoric and beautiful and holy feeling ive ever felt in my life. God continues speaking to me but i cant recall the entire conversation. I asked if He will save us, I was replied with "I cannot act in your dimension unless certain requirements are met during certain times. However the entire world is crying out for salvation and soon all will know my love." He also said evil cannot exist in His presence and that all will be made right. Just WAVES of this divine love were crashing into every cell of my body invigorating me and setting my heart and mind ablaze with the glory of God. I was crying tears of joy from the sheer euphoria of it all. I wish i could remember the full conversation because it went on for a good 5 minutes. Wasnt even a breakthrough experience and its the #1 most powerful moment in my entire life now. That warmth of love was just so beautiful everyone. I pray we all recieve it forever and ever. Nothing could ever feel better than what i experienced the other night. Ive had multiple other dmt trips but none compared to this.
Psychedelics won't illuminate anything about the clown world today. Instead, they provide an alternate route that encourages meditation, inner strength, and other good stuff.
If anything, it showed me how misguided all the bad actors are who try and manipulate others for fun / profit. It just doesn't make sense to the spiritual and rational mind
he's right in a way, but first we must secure our society before we expand our horizons
otherwise the fruit our efforts bare will be corrupted by the hands of greedy devils in disguise
>none could've felt better
until you try heroin for the first time
What does this have to do with the jews?
How old are you
I sniffed some before I don’t think I could ever bang it well maybe just one time... But I’m pretty sure that’s what a lot of people say
Psychedelics are the only viable route to securing our society. Nothing else can destroy the deep programming inherent in modern humans as fast and efficiently as LSD or psilocybin or mescaline, etc. Nothing else can show you what must be done in a single night and make you understand why. Nothing else opens you up to loving your fellow man as totally and as easily as psychedelics. I could go on and on about the miracle that they are. I suggest getting the book The Rose of Paracelsus if youre interested in the idea of psychedelics as a savior for us. It wad written by William Leonard Pickard (google him boi) land its incredibly beautiful writing.Theyre all viable but LSD is the easiest to mass produce and distribute. Its also the easiest to digest i think because unlike the others it seems more psychoanalytical than mystical like mushrooms for example and note i sat more psychoabalytical because it most certainly induces mystic states as well. Ive done LSD probably around 50-60 times, shrooms 30-40 and DMT 4.
Psychedelics do jack shit for you, this depends on how strong you are mentally and how strong you are at thinking and coming do conclusion
if you trip with a mindset that you are perceiving things because you are under influence of drugs, pretty much nothing is going to happen, you'll see some shit feel some different shit then come out of it and realise that, yeah, cool story bro drugs n shit
on the other hand if you're NPC level stupid and uneducated faggot, youll trip balls and start having conversations with god or mech elves or something and then youõll start preaching that it gave you divine knowledge and what not, which is of course absurd
Read my shrooms write-up above and lmk what you think
Ive tried heroin and it pales in comparison. Meth as well. Even the euprhoia from other psychedelics was just utterly short compared to what i felt.
I tripped with a very rational mindset and had deep, real-feeling emotional change after.
This was temporary and the "enlightenment" wears off after time. But the high itself of mushrooms is something that can't just be lumped in as "drugs bro"
Sounds like a pretty typical trip man. I always see alien languages that glow gold and my ego dissolves and that loving holy feeling permeates my mind when i take them. It feels like youre giving your brain a good deep cleaning when its over. Lol yes its so good for making you realize how pathetic and irrelavent the feeling of being insecure about anything is. Shows you what matters. Obliterates feelings of seperateness and tears down boundries from you and your brothers and sisters and perhaps more importantly the universe itself.
I think this as well - I always felt a good way to explain how this feels and just tripping in general is psychedelics act like a middle man between stimulus and your brains response to said stimulus. Normally our thoughts are pretty one dimensional - you see a cat, your brain processes what you know about cats or how you feel about cats or some association you have with cats and pushes that signal to prompt your thoughts or motivations having to do with the cat.
Whereas when you’re tripping you might see a cat (stimulus) but instead of that signal firing down the usual pathway it may go any number of ways, almost like a misfire. Maybe that signal gets sent to your brains associations with a sandwich instead of a cat and next thing your thinking about a cat in the context of a sandwich in a way you’ve never thought before. It doesn’t have to be reasonable or logical or make sense which I believe is the key because our brains are hard wired to make sense of things which gets overridden by the drug. It’s very difficult, maybe impossible, to have these sort of thoughts naturally because you can’t ask someone to think of something in a way they’ve never thought of it before - it’s always going to lead to some conclusion that in one way or another was already there to begin with. Same reason why you can’t imagine something you’ve never thought of before - it will always be in one way or another a combination of pre-existing pathways. Psychedelics change that and allow you to experience things in ways like never before.
You think 20-21 is a good age to DMT Trip? I only tried pot and LSD and Coke And only sniffed a bit of H
yes they pale, cause they are different substances that effect your brain thru different pathways
if you held up well to the LSD, then go for it