ISIS on women


>"It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine," the manifesto says. "Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, while they are still young and active."

>The [manifesto] extols the virtues of motherhood and promulgates the idea that the best place for a woman is in the house, living a life of "sedentariness" and fulfilling her "divine duty of motherhood." It portrays Western civilization as a godless, materialistic society that has caused women to depart from their God-given roles as wives and mothers.

>It doesn’t put women on "equal" footing with men because the two sexes have distinctly different roles under Islam: "Women gain nothing from the idea of their equality with men apart from thorns," the manifesto states. "Under 'equality' they have to work and rest on the same days as men even though they have ‘monthly complications’ and pregnancies and so on, in spite of the nature of her life and responsibilities to their husband, sons and religion."

>It also envisions an education system in which girls complete their formal schooling by age 15.

>"Because of this, a woman studies these worthless worldly sciences[... but] there is with no need for her to flit here and there to get degrees and so on, just so she can try to prove that her intelligence is greater than a man’s."

>Ultimately, "It is always preferable for a woman to remain hidden and veiled, to maintain society from behind this veil," the document states. "This, which is always the most difficult role, is akin to that of a director, the most important person in a media production, who is behind the scenes organising."

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I’ve seen this thread multiple times and my guess OP is a journalist that is going to write a piece on how Yas Forums loves ISIS or some shit.

As long as the child doesn’t have sex till like 15 and only has the one husband they will have a far more joyful and lasting relationship than any in the west as they will be forming a bond before she becomes ruined by the Jewish media

fuck off ISIS has been dead for years now. Go away CNN

Is it true that if you measure Aisha's age according to Quran she is 19 years old but according to hadith she is 9 years old? Are hadiths fabricated and how can man-made Hadiths be believed?

Also, do you have that screenshot / meme / image showing age of consent in various US states. It used to be around 10

The Soviets didn't kill enough muslims
May the PRC kill more

wtf I love islamic state now

Islam is right about women

Just replace the word woman with man.

Its absurdist nonsense. No sane intellectual could abide it.

>women are just breeding tubes for babies

Even frank herbert mocks islam for its backwards views on women making them these sething masses of flesh which are used for nothing but procreation.

Why were they given a brain they were not to use?

We need normal Sharia law not some ISIS shit

Please articulate the difference

Yeah this. He also made one about gays and ISIS a moment ago.
You're a shitcunt OP. Quote me on that when you write the article.

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Fuck off journo

Most of threads on Yas Forums are copy pasted everyday. This is nothing new.
There are already people fucking in schools much younger than this in US/europe but you will ignore that also many married young in arab world and worked just fine no big deal.
There is nothing about aisha age in Quran and many married at young ages in past and wasn't forbidden. Do ypu even history? Kike movements like sufferage created age of consent hoax. It's one of biggest scams in history that people believe in.

Thoughts? Based as fuck and absolutelypilled

Why do you think people are so dumb? They spend little time with their parents during critical development years.

What is the difference between a terrorist organization and normal Muslims? I mean there has to be something right or is it just a distinction created by the media?

What's a normal muslim? Also most of muslim world in this age is ruled by british/french/american puppets. Who knows how world will change in upcoming years we might have real sharia somewhere.

Stop responding, retard.

Terrorist is literally just a buzzword for non state militants


Wtf I love Muslims now

>many married at young ages in past and wasn't forbidden
Yeah the inversion of morality done by leftists is insane. Homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism etc. are normalized mean while that which is normal is pathologized. Mohammad reminds us of what is virtuous in this sick world (Really). I'm saying this as a non-Muslim

Stop responding

>Also most of muslim world in this age is ruled by british/french/american puppets
We must hope that the secularization of the Muslim world will stop. If religious people continue breeding, they will eventually replace atheists because religiosity is 0.4 heritable.

It's the same guy talking to himself

if they'd drop the pedo shit, they might be on to something. I think the veil shit is dumb as fuck too. Yeah, maybe all women dressing like whores isn't good, but men who act like animals just because they see an ankle are degenerate.

The U.S. has lost in Afghanistan and Iraq (which ISIS will easily conquer without constant American bombing,). ISIS and al-Qaeda are collaborating to set up a country in Africa even bigger than It

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What you're saying actually was told by prophet pbuh too he also told us that other civilaizations will jump on us like beasts trying to get some food and when asked is it because our numbers few? He said no but because you fear death. All of what he said become reality.

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>remove the pedo stuff
>remove the veil, they should wear normal, non-revealing clothing
doesn't get more based than that

It's not as simple outside forcess working non stop on tv/soctial media also foreign powers installing puppets and paying activists. Also many modern muslims are cucked. We shouldn't also forget some who claim they're muslims like in iraq to rule over muslims but are in bed with mutts. It's really embarrassing as shia to see these scum ruling in our name. Islamic world need big cleaning desu.

Yeah I was saying it’s a good idea as long as the man isn’t fucking children

I don't think the spiritual war can be won by weapons but by religious people out-breeding others. It's not just about the atheist elite, it is also about the people.

It's bait you stupid fucking fingol
Stop responding

They're working on this too like pozzing women and not allowing us to marry them young. Go out and work! You need no man. Just like they did in west.

the faggot white knight cries out "pedo" as he betrays your country from the inside

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> yfw ywn have a chubby mommy Levantine waifu

> descended from the consorts of Palmyra (mothers of Roman emperors) and the muses for Ishtar herself
> hardy, well tempered for nomadic and desert environments
> her genome’s generations of exposure to steppe invasions and the Silk Road render her immune to any chink virus
> very fertile (goes without saying), wants a large family
> born knowing her family's age-old recipe for goat and biryani, keeps you well fed; the Arab mommy in her makes sure you eat EVERYTHING she cooks you
> the mediterranean nature of much of her diet allows her to live longer than even her first-world counterparts
> thicc stature bears hardier sons, she is a lioness over her children and her household, makes sure they achieve honorable places in society
> proud of her tribe and lineage, sings the odes of her ancestors as she does chores (in an Arabic far more sublime than any Latin)
> takes everything you give her in bed, well
> when you're locked in embrace, you feel surrounded and secure by her womanly essence
> your favorite thing to do is resting your head on her supple bosom after your passion is spent, and she strokes your head while whispering a lullaby to you


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>Also many modern muslims are cucked.
What do you exactly mean by this? I think a large portion of Muslims want Sharia law.

Depends on the country. Turkey no. Egypt, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, yes. Those who move to the west generally don't (but their kids might) as Islam forbids them from migrating to the land of kufr so they obviously don't take it that seriously

By being ultra peaceful. Not fighting back against atheists controlling their land. They implement UN zog laws and no one can speak or be in prison. In past they will purge these scum.

judging by the first line, bad.

Forget this shit.