The BASED nature of White Nudism

White people have the greatest ability to convert Vitamin D from low to mid radiation sunlight of all races of the earth (0-4 UV). Vitamin D is a steroid that boosts your brain body skin and bones. Sunlight (which isn't strong enough to burn) on white skin has been proven in multiple studies to increase Testosterone, especially on the torso, upper legs penis and testicles, regions of the body normally completely covered by clothing. Ancient Germanics Celts Scythians Thracians Romans and Greeks often wrestled and exercised naked, at least during Summer. Nudism without obsessing over sex is also proof of and cultivates high impulse control, as we see in the Jains of India (though the rest of their lifestyle is often not very healthy). Many say nudism is degenerate and a good subsection of it is, but being naked in nature is not.

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Inb4 Jannies remove this for """""pornography"""""

I went to a nudist beach once. Too many creepy old men.

I support it in principle, but I don't want to show off my mutilated dick.


Lole stop copying our culture Germie faggot

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>he says posting a Chinese cartoon character


:P you got me there

Vitamin Denis

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But wrestling naked is obviously homo

f*ck off coomer

Yeah. Name another population capable of not associating deliberate and overt nudity with sex.

Literally where would you be naked in the open that isn't a pozzed degenerate shithole though

You can be nude in Czech Republic but they're pretty degenerate in general

Nudity is marxist degenerate shit

Almost everybody is very low on Vitamin D. You should get tested. I'm not a big fan of supplements, but I take D3 every day.

Was funny, when I first started I didn't see any difference. In about 3-4 days I felt like Superman on meth. (I'm usually kind of low energy.) That lasted about 2 weeks and now I feel normal.

I saw this pic twice ... who's that girl !? Is this an old picture !?

user you will like this

Racial Hygiene in the Third Reich

Should be taking it with Vitamin K.


BioTech Pharmacal Vitamin D3
Vitacost Ultra Vitamin K includes Advanced K2 Complex

Good point - I'll get that lab tested. Huh, I wonder if the lab is open?

That's just what a healthy young woman should look like. That should be common. And you should look like a Greek statue.

Consider what's been taken from us.

aversion to nudity is archaic and both psychologically and physically unhealthy

i foresee a time when sunbathing nude in public parks will become commonplace.

much of advertising and porn's grip on people's psyche stems from always associating nudity with sex. as this correlation is broken, so to will their influence decrease

To my knowledge the two brands I listed are solid.

I've been taking 50,000IU per day of D, I know it's overdosing but it helps degraded bones regenerate along with my teeth.

Thx for not answering

>white skin has been proven in multiple studies to increase Testosterone, especially on the torso, upper legs penis and testicles, regions of the body normally completely covered by clothing.
t. 19 year old retail worker named Jamie who has not purchased a single scientific article in his life and is unaware of peer reviewed science

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Nudity not being sexual = child porn being dead
child porn being dead = control being lost

Plus nudism prevent man from becoming coomers and obsessed with sex.
I surf from a very young age and seeing boobs was a normal for me, because is spend lot of time at the beach surfing and lot of the best spots were far away from tourists beaches and so lot of nudists were here to be in a quiet place. So, when i became a teen i don't understand why other boys were such fond of boobs, because i couldn't care less.
I also found it disturbing, when we were going to the beach with friends who arent use to, they were looking at all women like if it was an incredible thing to see.
Nudism or at least seeing bodies protect men from becoming sex driven creatures.

Imagine purchasing a scientific article
What a fucking loser

I wonder if vit d from sun better regulates calcium. Too much calcium = brain fog, slower reactions, decreased memory processing, depression.
All wheat is fortified with calcium.
Isnt it weird how they say multivitamins do nothing... yet they add calcium and niacin to all flour? interesting how multivitamins dont have calcium in them.
Maybe this is why gluten free diets make you feel so fucking good.
take your donuts.

Out in the bush or in a private yard

>eat dogshit

Good point.