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>Superman is capable of flying around the earth so quickly it reverses time
>Chooses to give a pointless costume to a nurse instead of reversing time and improving response if possible
This faggot doesn't know comics

these people are so heroic for voluntarily working overtime hours and getting paid extra wages

Now draw it with the nurse twerking with a big fake ass for a TikTok video

>"Here, take this dirty old rag I've been wearing on my bare chest since I was a baby"
Oh gee, thanks Superman.

Yeah why wont they recognize programmers as the real heroes

>I don't care that you're busy with a patient, goddamnit, I'm trying to virtue signal!

This is so liberal it makes my ass bleed.

What the fuck is she going to do with those clothes? Wipe her patients ass with them?

>Thank you Superman, I can't wait to put these on and look like an asshole. Seriously what the fuck am I supposed to do with this? I'm busy

Too bad they already show off on TikTok

Corona blankets

I cringed so hard that I have my eye balls glued to my brain.

Does the Cape and logo contain super powers? If not, fuck off superman. She doesnt have time to iron your Cape and see on the S

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Yeah well, it's their job. And the only reason for this glorification is because they are mostly whamen.
The left never mentions cops or firefighters, in any major catastrophe. Do you know why?

Doctors are nurses are heroes!
>they keep old and weak people alive, who waste our resources and pollute our gene pool
>they cover up a hoax and fake death certificates to help (((them))) establish control
>they break hygienic measures and ignore social distancing to create tik tok videos and emotional photos for your entertainment, so you can still habe some fun despite being enslaved.
Doctors and nurses are true heroes!

>that swarthy poo looking superman.

Where are his eyes?

why the fuck is she wearing crocs


Ding ding ding

Under that geordi la forge visor he is wearing

>When a troublesome monster tears his clothes, Superman springs into action to find the nearest woman so she can sew up his onesie.

Years of watching marvel movies led us here. Everyone wants to be recognized as a superhero. Very few people get into first responder or medical careers without the need for recognition now.

This is just so typical of the leftist mindset. In their mind it's the gesture that's most important, not the result. It doesn't matter that superman is doing something pointless, it doesn't matter that he's offering something useless, it doesn't matter that he's wasting someone's time. What's important it's that he's making a gesture that reflects on him; and I stress "gesture" because the intent was entirely selfish.

It would be funny if Superman were handing that to a McDonald's employee.

Fast food and restaurant workers are essential don'cha know?

>clown world

Superman would suck all the COVID-19 out of the air.
Or, he'd use his heat vision to eradicate all the viruses.

the world is sinking into a global cwcville


And they don't even ask for tips

The minotaur maze that the English language is. You die from Covid19 if you jump from a plane without a parachute- it's not technically lying.

What's missing from this video?

Das wyite bix nood

god knows what kinda alien parasites were living on that clothes.

Super man can turn back time yet doesn't to go before the outbreak. I really hate capeshit but cartoonists are worse.

>Doctors are either degenerates, jews, leftifst, fags or all of them, starting at med school
Prove me wrong

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it's going to be fucking impossible to work with nurses for years after this.

Why do amerimutts have to make everything into an allegory of a comic book/movie. What a sad and pathetic way to view the world.