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These faggots are pretty pathetic. I don't understand how anyone can be such a massive cuckold and have any self respect.
>WHAT? You fucking PARASITE! You don't wageslave for your jew boss? You're not putting more dollars in Jeff Bezos bank account? Fuck you, you fucking communist! You're subhuman! You deserve nothing! Get your hand off MY fucking tax dollars, you little snowflake! God bless Donald Trump and all of the other billionaires on this planet
Ugh it is really fucking tired and sad. These people are the true cancer of the planet. You almost can't even blame the billionaires for doing what they do. They're actually getting ahead and benefiting from it. Your average Trump supporter, on the other hand, is basically selling their own children into slavery because IDK their brains are just backwards and inverted and caving in on themselves
These fucking idiots have ruined our country
yay! go reddit go!
So why why are half these faggots wearing masks if it's a fake virus ???
If not wanting to serve Jewish masters and be a slave to the dollar is reddit than I WANT to be reddit
Good goy.
as always fpbp
Once again, you retards miss the point. It's not about wanting to work for the sake of work. It's about about not having your constitutional rights permanently stripped by a global police state that encroaches more into our daily lives by the day. It's also about not letting yourself become entirely dependent on the government for income, so that you could fall victim to a social credit score system like China is suffering under right now.
Neocons get the fucking bullet along with their nigger friends.
more protests today?
Michigan here. Dont know why they didnt just have a orgy on the Capitol stairs. It is your freedoms on the line. Imagine trying to take guns away during a chimp out gangbang.
none of these closet homos protested the iraq war and patriot act or wallstreet consolidating all small businesses
you're full of shit and lying out your fucking ass. you dont care about any of that shit
Most of those people are entrepreneurs and their employees. Patriots. God speed.
Believe it or not there are non-jew whites who are successful even though they dont exist in your family.
Nope. They will probably be hungover after they purchased beer for the ride back and home.
are you the guy in the green jacket?
this. headlines are muddying the waters as always. freedom is now something to be mocked rather than respected
>jobless fat guys with guns thinks theyre the gun lobby
Youre just the dregs. A company can threaten the state, not some random weirdos afraid to actually use their guns.
Are they going to protest trump? Oh that’s right nope. Anything to own libs... bunch of retards
these people will never go against any of the shit that actually ruins their lives and destroys their freedom like a global imperial state with an extensive surveillance program built only to make rich pedophiles even more rich. they only want to "fight" against gay shit like getting banned on twitter for saying they want to kill bruce jenner
I'm going to assume everyone posting ITT ate at least 1 food product of some sort today. Unless you grew/raised it yourself, it came from a plant/factory/farm/etc where someone worked to produce it for you.
shutdown = no food
>meanwhile they're literally chanting "we want to work"
I've never seen a bigger group of boot licking golem in my life.
No freedoms lost or gained that day. The battle of gridlock. Lansing Michigan 2020
food supply chains are fine.
Probably shouldn’t have shown their faces to said police state.
is that a nokia?
Just let me ride my motorbike. How am i infecting people buy riding?
most successful non-jew whites are kosher-certified backstabbers
you think a fucking republican rifle carrying retard screaming against the government so he can go back to work for his overlords was against the iraq war, patriot act, or upward consolidation of wealth and power?
use your head rube
I'm surprised they didn't throw in a
> we're not racist
Why do the antifa wear masks, you stupid fucking jew
Then why weren't they at work?
You dumb faggot. The majority of americans live pay check to pay check. They want to go back to work so they can pay their fucking bills. If you want to call someone a piece of shit, point the finger at all the niggers and white trash that are supported by all these workers tax dollars. So what if you sit home all day and do absolutly nothing and collect a check. Some people want more in life and like to own nice things and travel or be able to have money to have hobbies. Yeah it sucks working but that's the fucking world we live in. Nothing we can do about that. Am I a wage, sure I guess. But the good outweighs the bad, if I didnt I wouldnt work and I'd be like you neets.
They probably would if given the opportunity. I also wouldn't be surprised if about 90% of them are ardent Israel supporters. That's your typical golem mutt mindset.
why would you bring guns and millitary gear to a protest? bunch of larping lardasses
confinement is bullshit, let the boomers hit the floor