So I've been watching a new show on Netflix called "Brews Brothers" and it's been a nice little break from all the serious shows I've been watching like Better Call Saul, Westworld, The Walking Dead, etc.
A mere 6 episodes in, here we are with hollow glass dildos being repurposed to fill an urgent order of beer. The labor is young boys. They just love shoving this shit right in our faces, don't they?
After watching "Out of Shadows" I can't help but be disgusted by this. Evil truly exists and they flaunt it in our faces.
That is pretty blatant. Why are you using a jewish flag though?
Michael Gonzalez
At first I just thought OP was crazy and worried about some dumb, vaguely phallic bottles. Geez it just gets worse every post
Ryan Hill
oh good, the right wing pearl clutchers are back. missed u
Bentley Lewis
What the actual fuck.
Samuel Smith
>oh good, the right wing pearl clutchers are back. missed u
kike detected
Brandon Gomez
Having to tolerate right wing homophobes is the worst.
>why cant we just kill gay people like its 1400 AD?
Jesus do we really have to have this discussion again? Its okay to be gay. You cant just impose your wants on other people. They are autonomous beings no matter what your fairy sky godmother says.
William Walker
Tyler Gomez
Its called a joke.
Loosen up a bit you might even laugh.
Brody Anderson
Greg Schafer Jonathan Stern Alan Aisenberg I'm noticing a pattern here. Can't quite put my finger on it.
Gabriel Mitchell
It’s not ok to be gay, kys. AIDS will mutate and kill more fags, based aids.
Oliver Lewis
it isn't funny
Landon Miller
your average medieval european child would have been laughing at shit like this regularly by age 5, fuck off with your fragile neurotic victorian hygienic bullshit
Wyatt Harris
I say we form a militia and start hitting people. What say you?
Adam Wright
I find this both funny, sad and horrifying all at once
Sebastian Wright
Who the fuck said anything about gay shit? Would the imagery have been better with little girls instead? How many shekels are they paying you or do you do this for free?
Joseph Davis
I thought it was real but it turns out the entire show is satire based. OP is a faggot again
Grayson Harris
>walking dead Stopped reading right there
Benjamin Hernandez
"You can't just impose your wants on other people". But it is ok for these people to do just that with male children? Fuck you.
Colton Myers
>putting an organ used for reproduction into the waste hole of someone who has the same chromosome set as you is natural
Why is it okay to play with dildos when you need to be 18 to buy them? This is the equivalent of giving kids cigarettes and beer to drink on tv if you ignor the fact the producers are pedophiles
Bentley Peterson
It's a form of social commentary, the absurdity of the situation and the outrage is part of the intended response
Don't reach too much. The morale of the story was that irrational fear based on misunderstanding was bad and that laughter was more powerful than screams.
Tyler Green
To explain why they need to "scare" people.
It's typical liberal nonsense. Black's Rob, rape and kill disproportionately because of poverty etc. Ignoring the throngs of normal poor people who commit no crimes.