Merkel opens up German economy by Monday

On Monday, all shops up to 800m2 space (8000 square feet) can open, except massage parlors, hairdressers and brothels.

By 4 May, all shops will be reopened and schools will open in phases.

All factories are supposed to be in full steam next week again.

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How does on rely on politics? And this is more aggressive than Trump and they attack him lmao. Journalists name added to the list.

Why are krauts such racists?

Visitors from France faced harassment in the German border town of Gersheim for fear of infections, according to the local mayor.

In a follow-up interview published by T-online website on Friday, Clivot, whose family is also of French origin, said he had heard accounts of visitors being spat on while walking or insulted while in the checkout line.

Others were told to "go back to your corona-country."

"Some French no longer dare to come here," Clivot said.

Earlier this week, Saarland economy minister Anke Rehlinger said that she "heard" that French people have been insulted and had "eggs thrown at them."

Germany and France have seen similar numbers of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 infections, with France at 130,727 cases to Germany's 123,878 as of late Saturday. However, Germany has seen a much lower death rate than other heavily hit countries, registering 2,736 deaths to 13,851 lives lost in France, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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>And this is more aggressive than Trump a
Well, our cases are down extensively, likely to fall below 1k per day and then to 0 soon. Our active cases curve shows a fast decline.

Also, football matches and large gatherings will be banned until mid summer.

I like how it says she relied on science. Science really is the new word of god to liberals. What science? Who cares. Science is infallible.

Tell a liberal that they treat science like a religion and they explode.

>opens the economy on uncle adi's bday
What did she means by this

>I like how it says she relied on science.
Well, our R0 virus reproduction rate is well below 1. And they have this alarm indicator to go back into strict measures if it goes back to 1 again. But even at 1, cases would remain low.

So the strategy is pretty good.

They will have a big second wave and pull ahead of Italy.

are they going to panic shut everything down when the virus starts to spread again or are they just going to take it like they should've from the start
because that's what is going to happen without a vaccine or any widespread immunity, which hasn't developed because of the lockdown

>What did she means by this
She's autistic, she doesn't know that.

>are they going to panic shut everything down when the virus starts to spread again

Our science told us that 90% of the virus infections came from:
A. family members
B. large gatherings
C. close contact meetings, such as long lunches or dinners

Eliminate those and you aren't going to get more infections.

Well because you are supposed to fucking stay as put as possible and reduce contact, not travel over the fucking border to shop. The Germans making little shopping trips to the Netherlands deserve to be spat on just as much.

Have fun with the resurgent spread. How can anyone think the virus is simply going to disappear by returning to the same way of life that allowed it to spread in the first place.


Its only receding because of lockdown, what part of this do idiots not understand.

It’ll be worse since people will go about their business with a false sense of hope. They won’t think twice about it till it’s too late. Have fun with that krautniggers

For some reason they're all ears when Bill Gates talks

This. It's going to be catastrophic in 3-4 weeks.

For fucks sake would you just shut the fuck up.
Go outside and clap retard

It's not about the actual situation, it's about this pathetic word-salad of an article.
It's the usual world-clique jerking each other off...

Merkel du Fresse. Mach Shisha auf.
Shisha soll auf sein.

Ramadan begins next week. And there'll still be a Kontaktverbot. That'll be fun to watch. Media will have to work overtime to suppress the images of partying masses of Muslims on German streets.

You can hide from the virus Until things collapse or just deal with it. Waiting for a vaccine is an if not a when it happens.

Imagine if we shut down when hiv happened until there was a vaccine. We would still be waiting.
Medicine is just like those disclaimers for wealth investment “past results are not indicative of future performance”

Go out. Get it over with. There is no promise of a vaccine. Stop being babies you spoiled cowards.

I'm no gay-units expert but I reckon 800 m2 is more like 8600 ft2, you fairy

>does what trump was called a murderer for suggesting
>it's science, very very smart you americans wouldn't understand
why are journalists allowed to do this

good luck

Good, now; Burn the bitch.

>and then to 0 soon

They’re the enemy of the people.

Because your country is tiny. Does absolutely no one understand how exponential growth works? How easy it is for small countries sans italy to handle this?
China and the us got fucked hard, India not so much for whatever reason

you heard it from the germ boys
eliminate your families
I mean if getting rid of disease was this easy we wouldn't be dealing with colds and flus today
it won't disappear after a few months of low contact, and with thousands of ongoing cases it will just start spreading again

Kill her

>By 4 May, all shops will be reopened and schools will open in phases.
That's not what she said.

I told you faggots that this is what germany is going to do but you all just called me a shill. This country is completely FUCKED. I hope a lot of boomers die cause of this. Fuck them.

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How's the ISP in germany?

wdym by ISP? Internet Service Provider?