Circumcised Men

Given the epigenetic effects that arise from circumcision (specifically the RIC that takes place in Zionist-occupied countries like the USA) and overwhelming evidence of brain damage, poorer quality relationships, and inability to form proper sexual relationships with other human beings, is the best option for mutilated men like us to give up on forming those relationships and just encourage other men to get redpilled? I've been grappling with this question in my own relationship and am not trying to demoralize. This just seems like a complete endgame to me in terms of living a meaningful life because of the aforementioned brain damage (and resultant IQ reduction)

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Circumcised people have been having children for decades. Cope more baitposter.

I thought the brain damage that cutfags had was due to trauma. Cutfags aren't mentally deficient or anything like that.

Also, you can still form relationships with women
Read this. Also, there's a study that was done in one of the Scandinavian countries that looked at the correlation between infant circumcision and Autism, which in most cases directly lowers IQ.

Society doesn't care about men. No one will do a thing.

if circumcision is so devastating than how come Jews run the world? checkmate libtards

I know this is probably a joke but I've seen this asked seriously here and I think the answer has to do with the genetic predisposition of Jews to circumcision. Whites were never exposed to circumcision across the years until very recently in our evolutionary history. This has never been a genetic reality for us, and now that it is all of the sudden it is destroying our ability to function as human beings.

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Sex is all about the big o anyway. Usually I just like to lay a woman flat on her stomach and flop on her back like a retarded fish for 5 minutes. Sucks my parents listened to the kike doctors but I don't feel like I'm missing out on that much

pic related

>but I don't feel like I'm missing out on that much
The color blind man who sees only black and white, doesn't feel like he's missing out because it is out of his realm of consciousness that other colors exist

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rare cloppers

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By far the stupidest fucking shit I have EVER read. Circumcised and this is a complete lie made by fucking dog-dick losers. My dick is so sensitive at times that I can't even fucking touch it, and my orgasms are so intense that I wouldn't WANT them to be any stronger.
You have to be legit retarded to believe this.

5 stages of grief:
1. Denial

this makes a lot of sense, but will personally never know because im circumcised.
>feels bad man.
fuck that shit, i dont know why anyone pays to do that to their kids.

Oh no I’m so upset over something I can’t change. I’m going to waste time thinking about something out of my control and worry I can’t enjoy sex even though I greatly enjoy sex. Gosh, you got me.
Guys, you better be sprinting, lifting weights, learning how to use a weapon, and maintaining camaraderie with strong males. You’re not a weak pussy are you?

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I would doubt that circumcision diminishes IQ but it certainly affects the brain in other ways. I would wager it greatly increases the chances for hyperactivity disorders, impulse controling problems eg drug addiction. Probably increases the chances of anxiety, depression, anger issues, etc

No one's goal here is to get you, people who post this kind of stuff are sad it happened to them and just try to make sure it doesn't happen to the next generation

If, then
Better than
You’re using them backwards

Great. Point heard, a thousand times by now. Maybe buy a billboard or post on a website with higher traffic. Most people on Yas Forums aren’t dumb enough to mutilate their sons (sons they probably don’t even have). Also there’s no need to post dick pictures on Yas Forums, ever.

>Circumcised men have lower sensitivity
>Also, cirumcised men are more likely to experiece premature ejaculation

Aren't these kind of contradictory? Or is it since they have lower sensitivity, they have lower perception on when they should change their technique?


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start restoring asap, you'll get a lot of sensations back
obviously nothing can make up for what you've lost but it's better than staying with a dried up glans

Want to know how I know you aren’t in a serious relationship?

yes please tell me

clap for them

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here you go

depends on how exposed or ablated the frenulum is

Because women think this shit is cringe. They don’t want a man who is insecure about his junk- huge turnoff right there. It would be like buying dick pills online. Most women think that’s just pathetic.

except my dick is fully functional and my technique is unmatched

I wish that were true. There are lots of people on here who act like if you got circumcised, you are a bad person.

But we don't care what they think

>Oh no I’m so upset over something I can’t change.
If somebody kills your kid, you can't bring him back to life, so there's no reason to get upset over it. :)

Good luck finding a well adjusted woman who thinks foreskin restoration is a normal thing. Maybe you’ll find a unicorn one day.

The real answer is Jews don’t get as much cut off.

Enjoy not having children.

>I'll pay this jewish doctor to cut my kids foreskin off otherwise people will pick on him for not being jewish.

This is the yanks' actual thought process, it's mental.


I’ve tried, but get no results and it hurts. I’ve just given up on it.

Circumcision in the US has nothing to do with Jews. It was started by a crazy Christian guy (Who also made cereal)

Stop living in an idealized world. OH NOES IF I AM NOT PEERFEK I WEL BE BADZ~!

Go fuck some bitch, even if she's not the most perfect pristine virgin ever and you aren't the most based godly alpha ever.

There is a huge percent of this shit that only exists in your head. Oh, you think manlets shouldn't be able to reproduce? Or circumsized bros? Or Jews or whoever? But they DO-- and have for centuries. And you can too.

Be on your own side first because nobody else is going to be.

We do as we’re told. The reason for circumcision is that simple.

nigger are you that fucking dense? do you not see my flag or do you think everyone else is as retarded as the average mutt?
just in case you're still not getting it, I HAVE NOT BEEN MUTILATED AT BIRTH (or at any point since)
why should I (or anyone) care what women think of foreskin restoration?

no the real answer is they do this on the 8th day which fucks up their hormone levels for life and makes them the way they are
the best way to stop kikes is to outlaw this shit

shills or retards, inconsequential
most anons would never make fun of you for it unless you start defending it

Ok? Then you’re still giving out bad advice. And you’re using all caps because I struck a nerve. Sad.

If some bitch can't accept that you're trying to undo the scars and mutilation then being in a relationship isn't worth it

Circumcision is a form of jewish humiliation. They also do it to americans so that jewish boys can fit in and not get bullied gor their weird looking penises

White birth rates in decline: the comment

>Then you’re still giving out bad advice.
how is it bad? everyone who did it says it was the right decision while your argument is "what will the girls think ?"
are you even capable of comprehending how pathetic you sound?
>And you’re using all caps because I struck a nerve.
no it's because you were too daft to infer the obvious from my previous posts
shameless retardation is obnoxious, have some dignity

wtf man - no

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I dunno dude plenty of women are compassionate and empathic. Lots of guys have intactivist wives/gfs who hate circumcision

You sound like a cuck who is dating an emotionally defunct harpy and thinks every other guy does the same.