Which one is most effective against Trump supporters?
Which one is most effective against Trump supporters?
One that isn't pulled off Google Images, faggot.
Fucking loser
reported for faggotry
Which ever one fits better in your mouth?
The left can't aim.
This one is very effective.
I thought guns were scary and killing kids but now you're gonna shoot people.
Top kek
FBI: terrorist posting here. Please find perp. Ty
Why not both
Bad news for you. It’s your “first day”. We’ve been getting ready for you motherfuckers for decades.
Trumpers are all gun activists and Pro-military unlike Liberals, though...
Talk shit about dumbfuck rednecks all you want, but they know how to shoot. These people WANT people to invade thier property for the excuse to shoot them.
A Trump supporter owns both.
Try not being a faggot and learn to live with other ideologies like the founding fathers intended.
The left one brother. I have two and live in California. These retards think just cause we live in California we follow laws. Naw trust me California patriots also carry 30rd mags.
Its legal to kill people on your property evenin Canada.
ether one works just fine.
>Trumpers are all gun activists and Pro-military
They are whatever Trump tells them they are.
Self defence and stand your ground law.
None faggots like you don't know how to use ether of these.
Yep. Both have advantages and disadvantages, both are great weapons.
These low tier baits have been boring for the past 5 years now, give it up.
I heard that dropping to your knees and sucking them off can distract them for several whole minutes
Unfortunately, that's what we've come to find out. "Take the guns first" and banning fucking plastic stocks was largely met by cheers and applause by the pro-gun, pro-military Trump supporters.
>even in Canada
even if on paper it is, it would not be tolerated, they'd charge with so bullshit they made up.
Nice Adar.
Well, that's true. Guy really bought the 8,000 RPM, bullet hose DEATH MACHINE meme, huh.
fpbp /thread
This one is better for autistic basedboys, you're too underdeveloped for those ones.
reported to Feds. Even faggots can be terrorists it seems.
Glow harder, loser.
"you don't need a bumpstock they are dumb, so what if he gave the ATF the legal authority to interpret and gun law on the books in anyway they want to and changes is meaning without a vote by congress"
This is and example of how the first post can also be the best post.
What's it matter? We all know you don't own either of them
he used a sks with iron sights, dumb fuck probably thought I would be like call of duty and didn't realize 100+ yard target is hard to hit without a optic.
In Australia we're fucked its 'Reasonable force' which is fucking horrible.
If someone comes onto people property it should be the right of the person to defend that property to the best of their ability.
Oh and we have fucked gun laws
keeps autocorrecting everything i'm saying lmao
>SOI is how its spelled on Yas Forums
Pretty sure they were here long before you were
Mosin Nagant. Go full Red Army.
He can't fit two barrels inside his mouth
This is probably the actual best guess. I would only add that it is ultimately gonna be whichever weapon you feel more comfortable with and the reality is that you'll almost certainly never have the situation present itself where you're gonna have to use one...
>Mosin Nagant
bolt action is a bad idea, you'll get killed immediately by the cops and won't get a lot of shots off.
He's a better leader than Trudeau imo
"first time on the range" lol
>bolt action is a bad idea, you'll get killed immediately by the cops and won't get a lot of shots off.
What do you think the point is you mentally retarded faggot?
welcome to pol newfaggot
Neither for you at least since your so anti-gun.
most likely this is the situation for the deranged liberal faggot mass shooter.
Found the faggot!
What the gun on the top though?
It looks nice.
Niggers tongue my anus