The Future of Humanity is on Triton user

The next frontier for the white race is space, however previous candidates for a colony all fall short in at least one aspect and usually many;
radiation, perchlorates, high energy to launch, limited energy sources.
HIGH radiation, limited volatiles.
hydrogen cyanide clouds, far from metal resources ( iron is as rare as gold on titan)
sulphuric acid clouds, high temps, can never land, no water.
and now i present to you Triton, the overlooked dark horse of space colonisation.
covered by tens to hundreds of metres of nitrogen ice which could be evaporated to give an atmosphere of 0.124 atm (vapour pressure of nitrogen) within a year by spreading dust from Proteus a moon with an albedo "as dark as asphalt" raising temps and sublimating all the nitrogen. this atmosphere is replenished by cryovolcanism and in the past maintained a thick atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years. there are heaps of hydrocarbon volatiles covering the surface too. with a gravity half that of the moon it would be a simply matter to run a gas mining operation on neptune which is the most helium 3 and deuterium concentrated body in the solar system. Triton is also inside the magnetic field of Neptune 25 times stronger magnetosphere than earth but no deadly radiation belts like Jupiter. Neptune is also very close to the kuiper belt which has 200 times the rock, iron and volatiles that the asteroid belt has. i present to you gentlemen that we "Titanform" Triton and conquer the fucking solar system with a monopoly on fusion fuel and mineral resources of the kuiper belt...

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Callisto, practically Europa, but way manageable sieverts

Why would you want to vaporize your potential energy source user?

Bump for good thread

Good thread but how are we going to get to triton

>born to late to explore the earth
>born to early to explore the stars

We'll never get anywhere with all these shitty issues on Earth.

We need HBTQ certifications.

Total Demoralization. Thanks leaf.

No one wants to live in a weak gravity field

We need to explore the lunar caves.

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That would still take way to long. Could we not perfect the giga-spacestation and just mine our way to a death star type civilization?

Callisto has no usable or profitable resources, theres zero chance you mine jupiters atmosphere competitively with other gas giants, and no way to give Callisto an atmosphere, co2 nitrogen and other colatiles are also rare on Callisto
wtf are you talking about? how am i vaporising m energy source ? the primary energy will be fusion and wind energy once it has an atmosphere

probably using vasimr or a lightsail of some kind
anyone who wants to profitably mine space resources does, even without taking any drugs ect you could take turns on a dirigible like colony on neptune which has a similar gravity to earth, not that you even need to with some gene therapy to prevent bone and muscle atrophy
the kupier belt has 200 times the mass of the asteroid belt bro...

also no it wouldnt take long a 2-3 decades at most

Space is Fake and Dome Pilled
Our Future is in the Land beyond Antartica.

If thats the case, i say we go for it.

based bjorn user

It’s really cold

the newly created atmosphere would be only 1.5 x thicker than earths, on titan its 7.2 x thicker, so despite being 30 degrees colder your heat loss is 4.5 times higher on titan than Triton, using graphite aerogel insulation and having your base FLOAT in the air using quantum locking of superconductors ( heaps of ceramics super conduct at this temp ) heat loss wont be an issue

Spaced and redpilled
All white get on a space crusier and leave earth for subhuman chimp people

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We must mine the moon, to lead the war effort against space jews.

Yea until we encounter the new threat, space jews.

this, the vacuum of space is the only realistic borders which will hold up over the centuries

How long have you spent thinking about this?

Friendly reminder: OP spent months making threads on Venus only to change his LARP to Triton recently.

Mars is the only logical option in our solar system regarding the future of humanity.

I say we use "gravity tractors" to crash Europa into Mars.

I would rather go down fighting space parasites in cool 70s laser style than fight it out through proxy wars against niggers controlled by jews.

Attached: Jews-In-Space.jpg (620x936, 113.71K)

>>Oh, you
Here, have your ((You))

untrue you dumb nigger, and i made this meme specifically for you nigger

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and literally turn the entire surface of mars into magma and create a runaway greenhouse effect for thousands of years from the water vapour ? holy fuck thats retarded asf

Nah, bro, Europa is covered in ice. It'll cool off quick.

maybe six months, on earth a disk of copper ceramic can hold more than 40,000 times its weight if placed over a magnetic field, pic related is 5 microns thick, at 2 mm thick it could hold a tonne, on triton is could hold 12 tonnes, and because the ambient tmeperature of triton is lower than the critical point of the superconductor it doesnt cost any energy, and because of a thing called persistent current
the magnet that the super conductors would actually just be an array of solenoid coils of superconductor wire, that stays effectively permanently magnetised for 100k + years simply by running a current in it then closing the loop. and the electrons just stay flowing for creates the repulsive force for ZERO cost because the base isnt moving no energy is consumed from the system

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