>surprised pikachu face
Surprised pikachu face
but blacks are also dying (reportedly) at a disproportionate rate
>>surprised pikachu face
kys nigger.
>everything in the world is about my particular sexual perversion
The punishment has just begun faggots
AIDS was just to break down their immune systems. Corona now kills them.
As if gay orgy fuck fests, pride parades, and Cher concerts aren't just as susceptible to infection spreading as church services.
You know what you call a straight man with AIDS? A liar.
Another false comparison hot take provided by the low IQ left.
Go to bed, summer child.
fingers crossed, right?
>Literally just the flu
The consequences of sin are the punishment you fucking creature.
But they fail to notice that it’s Hillary voters doing all the dying. Libtards. They think they’re smart.
Fuck them. They want war? They'll get it soon enough.
oh yes OP, striking the heart of Dixie it is
Why is corona bad for evangelicals or conservatives?
I like seeing the world burn.
>God's punishment for conservative Christian's is to kill niggers.
Sounds more like a reward to me
This narrative makes no sense, its democrats in NY who are dying.
But evangelicals like niggers. It makes sense now.
it's democrats who are largely dying, that and niggers. This narrative never made any sense just proves lefties violently hate their opposition.
>Conservative Christians in Metropolitan areas.
>people staying in with their families, spending quality time together
>lack of degeneracy- strip clubs and casinos closed nationwide, drug deals and alcohol purchases down
>distractions to real life removed, no sportsball, no bread and circus events
Yeah a real nightmare for Christians...
How do they come to that conclusion? You don't get coronavirus by praying.
Happy to say, Opus DEI membership renewed after reading this.
Hiv and aids has always been about upper middle class white faggots. If it had stayed in Africa they'd be treating it like it was malaria. But our precious San fran bum stuffers: need a new Manhatten project.
Coronavirus is a God's punishment on people for its consooomptionist and brainless lifestyle that has lead to the destruction of the earth's enviroment
What, how?
Blacks, fatties, the sick, Muslims, and Jews are dying most of all.
because christians bad, I guess
Uh no? It's God's punishment for BOOMERS
>everything in the world is about my particular religion
don't fuck fags dont get aids don't fuck chinks don't get covid-19
Death rate is 80% inflated at this point anyway.
Literally yes. We conquered the world.
This is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever seen in my god damn life, a virus, created in a Chinese lab, is god punishment for Christians.
At least the christfags made a valid point cause HIV came from god punishing the faggots for their degeneracy.
but that is what fags think.
>God hate gays?
>yea he wants to kill us only and no one else
you reject Christ for no reason. Repent. And you don't even believe in Him, kinda weird to hate Him.
Yes unironically