How long can governments continue to hand out free money before there is no other option to go back to work? Months? Years?
How long can governments continue to hand out free money before there is no other option to go back to work? Months...
6 months for counties with state welfare, america not so long.
>how long can we get free money for?
However long it takes for farmers and essential workers to get pissed at their raw deal and quit. At that point the government either forces them to continue working at gun point or is forced to cut off welfare to get the farmers/essential workers back working or everyone continues to get free money but there is literally no food/products to buy with said money because no one is willing to work and produce anything.
we need a negative income tax fucking yesterday
I've been getting bennies for years, your "free money" is nothing compared to mine. Fucking sort it out mate.
nice ancient data, very honest there
Fucking 100 quid a week, Jesus fucking Christ that wouldn't even cover my weekly food shop. Gain meaningful employment cunt. Coro-neet cashlets absolutely BTFO
Changes nothing as all stats were for the same time period.
it's a comparison of a novel disease in a logistic growth phase, versus an established disease like influenza that has a mix of immunity, vaccination, and herd immunity across the world
it's dishonest
Too right mate. Not even worth living a shit life with no money to do anything.
I dont know how to game the system
My food costs £8 a week. I live at home with parents, so i have pretty much £370 disposable income per month. Which is fine for a neet.
how the fuck do you get bennies if you live with parents? universal credit punishes that
hes a shill
It doesnt. As far as im aware it on punishes you if you live with a partner and they have an income. When I signed up it asked what my situation is and I selected living with parents, wasnt an issue.
That's about $600 a month right? What an awful way to live.
Yea but that doesn’t include rent. If youre living in a rented flat or house then that gets paid as well, if you have children you get more also, if youre disabled or ill health then you get even more. 409 is just the standard base allowance. Its not great but its better than £0
Pretty much this. Would you go to work and earn pittance for driving a lorry around to deliver goods to stores when huge swaths of the population sit on their arse all day and get paid basically what you're getting paid? Most of us wouldn't at least not for long. And with massive inflation due to over printing whatever money people do earn in the moment they wont be able to save in the long run it will be inflated away. So those working hard to get ahead will eventually give up.
HOLY SHIT that's $600 a month on top of rent? That's crazy dude
Yh. You can get a free car if youre disabled.
by what mechanism do bonds cause inflation?
92.50 a week disposable income, user I...
im neet. i dont go out anywhere or do anything. just eat, sleep, workout and smoke weed occasionally.
my family has -200 disposable income
Why not just take those trillions back from the Jews who stole it in the first place?
user coronavirus is ahead of flu now.
Do you eat dog food?
No it doesn't. You can also get your parents to write a letter confirming you pay rent and get a larger payment covering housing :^)
t. Job centre plus Pro
lentils, sardines, eggs, oats, pasta, frozen veg, peanuts.
not much variety but it keeps me alive and healthy and keeps the bills low.
>You can also get your parents to write a letter confirming you pay rent and get a larger payment covering housing :^)
nice tip. how much would I say? like 150 for rent? how ridiculous can you get before they catch on? there's no way anyones parents is charging them 400 to live in their house.