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Wow! Better add women to the draft just in case of hard times then!

>cashiers 84%

This is the funniest shit. Women are cashiers so often because they don't want to lift shit in the back OR supervisors put them at the front of the store to make it look more welcoming. They didn't request this role, they didn't go to school to scan my groceries.

>the stats are from before the pandemic
They're the first ones to call in sick when things get tough so those numbers are not only cherry-picked but also inaccurate.

Imagine the PTSD and all the support pitbulls on airplanes after this.

>women are dominating the jobs colleges and companies bend over backwards to train and hire them for
Fine, then can have 'em. Have fun not exhibiting symptoms for the next few weeks while you infect everyone around you. I'll just be here, playing video games and reading.

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>food prep 72%
Only because Eduardo and Javier are undocumented

I'm a medic in a large city, so I get to see/hear the self-fellatio on the daily. Female nurses are either amazing, or they are the absolute worst for self aggrandizing.

So the lesson is that I’ve been right all along to avoid women.

How many have died?

Attached: military-deaths.jpg (769x548, 274.1K)

If they're so dominant then they should probably get rid of women-only scholarships and incentives then.

>Food prep/service
All the women were laid off at my restaurant and the only cooks left are guys.

The modern western woman on the most part is arrogant, narcissistic, vain, self-deluded, self aggrandizing, illogical, beyond reproach, half educated, obnoxious, selfish, impolite and weakminded to the point that the last thing they read or heard is their new world view with tinsel, glitter and good dollop of egotism . Erroneous public education and degenerate mass media, marxist ideas such as feminism(the greatest and most profitable of all the devious tricks) are the drivers for this abhorrent development by the (((owners))) who have destroyed what it means to be a european man or woman, so they aren't to blame as you only really know that which you are taught within the narrow scope of modern western culture which is devoid of anything useful like philosophy or contextual historical meaning.

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So unbalanced! We need a men quota now! 50% gender equality in every job now!

Notice they conveniently left out the percentage of doctors

why are both adults in this picture men?

And they still complain endlessly.

Lets be real. We are all comfy at home bitching about wemmens but they are legit working 14 hour days. Lot of them really have died or at least the disease fucks you up for the rest of your life.

I really dislike how crablike this board is. You think its the place to get the redpill but its just another blue pill factory like reddit.

Can anyone reccomend any good places for genuinely unique smart conversation

So far only hackernews is the only place Ive found where Im regularly learning from discussion

>only caring about muh nurses
I'm in a kitchen in a hospital, without us the entire place shuts down or the hospital bleeds 20thousand a day ordering takeout for the patietns lol

Dont forget goy, women suffer the greatest loss during war too. Women need to be helped and protected but are totally equal to men and no different.

Thank you

This guy gets it

time to call for EQUALITY! It should be easy for males without jobs to apply for those and sue for discrimination when denied or just tell during interview that too many women are in the field and it feels like discrimination, so he better get a job.

LIke ireland that hasnt fought a war since when. With a pathetic army and no airforce. That will run to britain in case of any trouble. Shut the fuck up. In this war is surely isnt guys falling in battle.

>405.000 dead in WW2
>guys i swear we were relevant to the outcome, i swear!

>thinking that public sector jobs are essential, but not the private sector jobs that create the wealth to fund everything else
>thinking "healthcare" is essential, it's just obese nurses handing out drugs
>thinking "cleaning" is essential, the only essential cleaning is sewerage and garbage disposal which is done by men.

i'm so sick of this gynocentric bullshit. how do i escape this clown world?

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>women dominating high risk jobs in pandemic
>men dominating deaths from pandemic
*drum roll* and the award for attention and sympathy goes to.....

I wonder why women are over represented in those fields, maybe because it's their natural role in society to be nurses and caregivers? Also, why are 'cashiers' considered important?

Thank you for your service.

if anything you'd probably be better off just scanning them yourself. no lines at least.

don't make us come back, fritz