why are zoomers so retarded?
I'm really concerned about my country.
Why are zoomers so retarded?
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Perfect position to pull those cute little pants off and fuck her.
good post. very based.
Generation X did the same thing, only wearing Jams and aviators, and without the faggy face paint. And with more of a snarl.
>tfw you realize OP upvoted that post
Chokers are black belts
let's have children, save the white race
Why are glowniggers posting from NZ?
Based. We were all thinking it.
sucking cock obv
I thought Zoomers were based? Aren't they really conservative?
I'd expect this post from a US flag.
Face/neck tattoos, terminal niggerization. Even if fake. This society is doomed.
was thinking the same.
this would be an amazing position in a porn.
SJW art hoes and numales are also zoomers
NZ is where (((they))) are all planning on running to.
Not all of us are retarded. A lot of us are just black pilled. Not much to do but sit back and just wait for it all to be over.
For those of you wondering what the political demographic of zoomers is, it's an even split between conservative and liberal. That said, if most of the sources are to be believed, even the conservatives are even more 'liberal' than previous generations. That said, the vast majority do not identify as anything. No point in assigning a label to yourself in a game that's rigged. The system is broken, and so we're just not going to play.
You've got three kinds of zoomers. The zoomers who are only just entering their teens and pre-teens, the doomers, and the blue pillers.
A lot of us have realized how bad things are and are just going to ignore it. Try to live a good life. Blue Pillers. The other portion are the doomers like myself that don't see anyway out of the current situation and are just kind of... directionless. I'm twenty years old. I've been laid, but it was pretty toxic and I think things are going in a wrong direction. I've had black and Jewish friends so it was hard to initially accept the beliefs I now hold, but I've also grown to realize that despite what the media might tell me, the White Replacement is real and I've spent the last month trying to cope.
Most of my generation is probably gonna be like this.
We know everything is a scam.
Reality is a Pyramid scheme.
Collapse in inevitable and nothing awaits us after calamity but the sweet release of death.
This is our soundtrack
God I want to sniff what's inbetween her thighs
Phone bad?
According to many at the time, 2005ish was when soulful Millennial kid culture like Malcolm in the Middle was dying, and the soulless Zoomer kid culture came in with degenerate shows like Hannah Montana and Johnny Test.
full spectrum kiketardation involving phones, (((common core))) "school", critical levels of air, water, and food poisoning, and an organized pedovore cult wrapping up an mkultra fueled rapeout of their nation this year.
Many if not all of these new parents are complete total and absolutely jiked and kiked.
>The system is broken, and so we're just not going to play.
this is the first step towards fixing the system instead of playing along, and I wish other generations were aware of it tb h
Op is a LISCA level pedophile.
Take this rope fellas, it's on me.
>reading all day makes you dumber