So jews call us racists for not letting migrants enter Europe and they invest in turrets on their borders and won't accept migrants to Israel.
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Just type Israel border turrets on google. they even added fucking missiles on them.
>Jews don't practice what they preach
No surprise there to anyone.
Israel won't survive another 10 years without immigrants, they need African engineers and doctors ! At least that's what they told the Western Europeans didn't they ?
They have survived pretty good without migrants. They sure love to lie.
Cun't can't do anything else except lying, motherfucking refugees and niggers here do not work anyway, we would be richer if we deported all niggers, kikes, moslems and gypsies, we do not need them at all....BBC, CNN etc are jewish media, so they always say, that without those groups our economy would fall, but the reality is, that they do shit for the economy, they drain it dry
they wanna change and ban our Finnish traditions, they want sharia. they rape and kill and steal. I haven't seen a good Muslim.
they told that there are the good migrants. I havent seen any of the good ones.
My countrymen are uninformed 90 iq droolers, its all so tiresome
Brenton was right, everyone belongs in their place. Except for the kikes, they are a blight on the world. They promoted immigration they caused this shit to happen and writing bullshit.
There is 1 weapon to fight the kikes, have 6+ white kids and teach them to be nationalists, we need to have a shitload of children otherwise we will be gone...Here in Czech they tried to ban our easter tradition when we go house to house with a wooden stick beating women ass and she gives you either alcohol or sweets, they said, that it's women assault, but nobody gave a flying fuck we will keep our traditions.Muslims and niggers are horrible, deport them all
i wish it was easy to get a wife. They all now support the degenerates. I get called a incel for trying to find the perfect woman.
I know, I brought my from Ukraine (I am serious), so far we have 3 kids, I couldn't find a traditionalist wife here, in Ukraine, Russia etc. they are still traditionalist and it is a good choice, she doesn't mind not going to job staying home, cooking and taking care of kids, they are also christians
Yes. We've been over this 1000 times goy. Nothing you can do about it. Accept zionism or we will force communism. Either way we get infinity gibs while you work
There are two different groups of jews you snow mongol.
She will suck you dry in many ways
And which women wouldn't ? When you want to have kids you must realize, that women will suck dry your wallet, but well that's the price for having a family, she spends less for month than my Czech girlfriend did for a week tho, so I still am in +
Sounds like a good one then. Russian/Ukrainian women here have a reputation for being materialistic and big spenders.
Indeed they do, however that would be the golddiggers I think, liberal women are far worse, buying 4x coffees per day in starbucks, make-up, new clothes constantly etc etc, fucking nightmare, my wife is golden compared to what I had before, she spends like 200 or less dollars a month on herself, I would never ever be again with those whores from west who really suck your bank account dry until you are homeless and come back once you inherit your family house and tries to get half of it...
Good catch! How many more children does she want?
fucking invaders, time to run from the white crusaders. Here you go, bitch, I got your motherfuckering deportation papers.
We agreed on 8-10 in total, we live in rural area so we can afford it
I'm sorry to hear that, Finnbro.
Uhhh hey dumbass, Israel is one of the major players in support of Viktor Orban and all the Right Wing Euroskeptic Nationalist parties across Europe. They also call out open border faggots like George Soros and Bernie Sanders. Netanyahu even praised Trumps border wall, comparing it to his own, pissing off Mexico.
Your geopolitical knowledge is extremely warped.
That's becaus muslims are the literal devil. Not all muslims though, only Palestinians who just so happen to occupy the land Israel wants.
You filthy goyim better let those peaceful honorable muslims in, otherwise you're racist.
I am legally here. Thanks
Wow that's great. Doing gods work!
No. If Israel is allowed to kill them then we will kill them too.
Not for long.
Damn you all African Americans are the same. Fucking degenerates.
Ok muhammed
ok Shlomo Shekelberg
kinda funny posting st. tarrant, he was ok with us
Israel isn't calling you anything, retard.
I don't call you racist for not letting migrants in. It's your country, you decide your conditions.
The difference, though, is that these borders are to prevent the hostile Palestinian population from crossing over and stab Israelis. In no place on this planet has anyone been called racist for defending a border with a hostile country/entity/region. The Palestinians aren't into playing nice, so they're considered hostile.
Assuming that this isn't a shoop or even an out-of-context photo, I can tell you that Palestinians in Judea and Samaria can get really bad. I was at a battalion stationed around there for a while, and a village in our sector would basically have a weekly riot. They'd come up to the guard tower of our soldiers and throw rocks. They even threw a molotov at the tower. The soldier who failed to notice the attacker's approach was punished. I'm not saying that a heavy automatic weapon is a way to deal with riots, but considering how armies have turret mounted humvees for shooting attackers, I don't see a lot of a difference.