Is there a dumber, greedier group of people than landlords?

I mean how fucking greedy do you have to be to do the *single* thing that could enable your tenant to sue you and seize your property?

Fucking brainlets.

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>landlord magically has no bills to pay either

Must be fake news since a judge wouldn't be able to override an order to freeze evictions.

I wish I was a lannie. I'd be throwing niggers into the streets like raindrops.

>Cops aren't enforcing the law
>'lololol no more rent for you!'
>Cops aren't enforcing the law


Too fucking bad. Investments come with risk. If you’re too poor to pay the bills, then sell your property. At least you’d get something for it if you sell.

Illegally evicting someone usually means a lawsuit & you lose your property.

Pay your rent you fuking faggot.

How? Even if there wasn't an eviction freeze, it takes months to get to the point of getting police to throw people out.

Doesn’t matter, it’s still breaking the law and will get you sued if you evict someone when there’s a freeze on evictions.

How are they getting eviction notices issued? All the civil courts are closed.

These landlords are going to get massively fucked up by the legal fallout from this.

And if you don't pay you get evicted ez

>Too fucking bad
yea too fucking bad sleep in a dumpster faggot

>If you’re too poor to pay the bills, then sell your property.
it's like landlords and tenants are the same or something. one has a bank/gov contract, the other has a contract too.

pay your obligations or abandon them and suffer the consequence, I agree.

shouldn't they have been saving? lord knows their renters aren't, the average rent is about 70% of a full time minimum wage paycheck in the area, starting

What courts are open? Most landlords or the LLC groups they run them from behind are jewish.

Not hard to figure it out.

Most landlords aren't rich, most just financially over leverage themselves to an irresponsible measure, hoping to become rich in the future, they have payments to make too and are thankfully getting fucked hard. Home real estate Jews are the worst

How much of a fucking bitch do you have to be to get evicted without the cops enforcing it? This is probably only affecting basedboys and trannies.

too fucking bad, renting comes with a risk. if you're too poor to pay the bills then move in with your parents

Landlords will swing by their necks soon enough. Do they not realize that they are working people up into a frenzy? They'll be consumed by their own greed

Why are you renting and living by yourself with a minimum wage job? Fucking retard. Go get a real job. Or at least some friends.

git gud at career

I would throw the lazy stupid fucks out too!

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There is a magic tool that can solve this. It's called a shotgun

Everyone please take a moment to say thank you to your local janny. Janny work is under appreciated and payless. There were 1064 bans givin out today. It gets very tiresome dealing with the constant threats and vitriol. Thank you for your time.

Pay your rent free loading niggers

>lol americans will never rise up, they are docile sheep

Shut up commie

Get a load of this fag

I thank God that I dont live in that "first world" country. Other real first world countries are doing much better.

If anything, USA is just a military state, just like North Korea.

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If you're the IRS worried about not being able to collect taxes, here's some advice: just rely on your savings. Tap into that rainy day fund. Borrow money off your parents. Sell your iPhone. You really should have planned ahead for something like this.

It's not too late to go back to school to learn a trade, either. Apply yourself. Print some resumes and hand them out.

>but “muh bills”
$0.09 of every dollar of rent goes into the property
>but muh mortgage
>but muh taxes

$0.09 of every $1.00 of rent goes toward the property. How the FUCK could someone be retarded enough to fuck that up?

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reminder that the landlord profession (as with middleman, trader, and merchant) is only made possible by the federal reserve system

Pay your rent no free shit tough luck work an essential job etc

aint shit for free.

>controling alot of people lives in thier palms, even doctors, sit home make money. passive as fuck
ye sure

So true, so true... these rent strike faggots have no idea the same courts that keep them from getting evicted, are also the same courts that prevent landlords from taking matters into their own hands

I make over $250k per year and still have a job. If I get evicted, I’ll just buy a house and sue my landlord for the property if he kicks me out.

Take a toaster bath.

>Renting out a house you don't own

Eat shit, parasitic kike.

LOL all you have to do is call the cops on your landlord. They will set your landlord straight.

>Loose your poperty
You really don’t understand how this works... no court is going to hand over private property to you

Depends on state and county/city.
>Alasaka's laws are simple. Landlords send a notice giving 7 days to pay, to comply with the lease, or to move out. A month-to-month tenant has 10 days to pay or comply. A simple notice to quit gives them 30 days. Landlords may need to add a Record of Service to prove the notice was delivered. After the grace period a law officer will enforce the eviction.
Compared to Washington
>Unless the lease agreement specifies a grace period, the landlord does not have to allow one for any breach. The landlord delivers a "Pay or Go" notice. For other violations the tenant has 3 days to correct the problem or to quit. If eviction is sought, the landlord files a complaint in a superior court and a summons is issued. The judge hears both sides and, if the landlord wins, the judge issues a Writ of Restitution and delivers it to the sheriff to perform the eviction

It’s too bad that actions have consequences, and illegal behavior will still be punishable after the courts open.

By the way, not paying rent due to hardship isn’t illegal right now. Anything a landlord does to retaliate is.

Lmao, but seriously, go ahead and try to illegally evict people. It won’t end well for you.

If you the landlord is overleveraged and can’t pay, then assets are seized. So, yes, they will take your property for wrongful eviction.

You don't hate the jew because you are one. You hate the bonafide gentile landlord and with these threads you try to destroy him.
For anyone else out there: never do business with jews and never rent to commies.

So what if I have have to pay your faggot ass your deposit back and pay you a $2000 fine for kicking your ass out onto the street.... so what faggot go file the $150 small claims court cost 4 months from now you won’t show up to court much less pay the court cost and filing fees... get recked bitch

Those boomers can learn to code, you can do that from home. Pick themselves up by the bootstraps like in my day.

Most of those landlords are probably irresponsible slum lords without a penny to their name that have no business owning property.

I already talked to my tenants and offered to work something out most of them are using their security and last months rent or working with a payment plan that's mutually beneficial. I have enough to cover those mortgages for 6 months or 9 if I dip into my maintenance funds.

Sorry I own multiple multi family properties free and clear and have dealt with bottom feeding faggots like you before

landlords are typically in a better position to negotiate with banks when they're that overleveraged. The bank would rather work out a deal with the landlord than have their goy middleman go under.

Who said I’m a commie? I just want to BTFO of my landlord with a wrongful eviction lawsuit and take his money and/or property because he’s a piece of shit.

No court is going to adverse possess a private property to some renter... that’s a communist pipe dream, like a sovereign citizen who will get BTFO

How is a code monkey supposed to pay rent for 10 people?


Never offer them security deposit in lieu of rent, otherwise you will spend 100’s of dollars cleaning your unit after they move out... I used to play the role of the cool landlord and tenants will fuck you over in the end

Have fun fighting that in litigation, the landlord can usually afford a better lawyer so the tenant will get some low ball offer that they'll unknowingly hand their lawyer 70% of.