With everything fantastic that's happened in the 4 years since Emperor Trump was elected President of the motherfucking United States, do we have Zoe Quinn to thank in some way, for helping to get the figurative ball rolling?
>fucked 5 game journalists >was exposed for being a massive slut >suddenly, "Gamergate"!!! >shitfights, shitfights, everywhere >more people come to realise that Merica is filled with raging femicunts who impose political correctness on everyone >Caucasian males who, seemingly, had given up on life and had reduced themselves to playing video games, find some semblance of "purpose" >they start emerging from their basements and fighting a kind of "war" with memes >memepost declares that Donald Trump will win the Presidency >gamers continue the juggernaut >?????? >PROFIT!!! >Donald Trump becomes the most powerful man in the world >butthurt, butthurt, everywhere
Is a round of applause due to Zoe Quinn, who helped to set this chain of events in motion? I honestly think she should be given the highest civilian medal, possible. Not even kidding. The last four years have truly been bliss.
ugh, you're a braver soul than me. when her nudes dropped i looked at them out of curiosity and threw up a little in my mouth.
Leo Lewis
Zoe made the election of Drump possible and consequently the death of numerous niggers due to his incompetence. Thanks, unfuckable beast.
Dominic Parker
>Emperor Trump >The last four years have truly been bliss. What are you on about? Trump is a kike shill, our borders are open, we are getting racially replaced in every one of our nations and the kikes are stronger than ever.
>turning europe increasingly toward the far right you mean creating some tiny enclaves of 80 IQ retards who worship hitler? that's not going anywhere. Look at Golden Dawn for a case study as to what's gonna happen to all the "based" right winger parties. They are gonna fail because they're extremely dumb
Julian Morris
At the same time. For favorable reviews on a game that still did prolly
Charles Torres
>From Zoe Quinn to vg journalists >From vg journalists to GameGate >from GamerGate to SJW >From SJW to cultural marxists >From cultural marxists to Dave Rubin, to Sam Harris, to Ben Shapiro, to Jordan Peterson ("intellectual" dark web) >From intellectual dark web to Sargon of Akkad, Computing Forever, Styxhexenhammer666, Mike Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Ramz Paul (alt-lite) >From the alt-lite to Andy Warski, to Metokur, to bloodsports >From bloodsports to Richard Spencer, Mark Collett, Mike Enoch, TRS (alt-right) >From the alt-right to the JQ >From the JQ to redpilling family members >From redpilling family members to my mom being woke on kikes and dieversity
(cont'd) So yeah, Zoe Quinn was the starting point of my journey to White Nationalism and kikes. But she's still a huge slut full of her own bullshit
Evan Collins
pepe is just a hypersigilic memetic idol wakey wakey you're getting dabbed on by Lucy's club
Ayden Lee
it's not causing people to become fucking kekistanis you retard, gamergate cause a cultural shift to the right
Kayden Perry
yeah now we have this unemployed junkie loser spamming Yas Forums with his low effort forced laugh videos everytime he needs to wring fucking superchat from literal underage retards. thanks gamergate.
Yeah it is known that Zoe Quinn is a sort of "Virgin Mary" in the KEK religion, except a complete opposite to the actual Virgin Mary. She's Whore Zoe, patron "saint" (actually demon) of ACCELERATION, and she sorta gave birth to KEK. She can be understood metaphorically as the Weimar Republic that gave birth to Nazi Germany
Justin Nguyen
Can't hate on the Emperor. God's chosen one.
Charles Hernandez
Alternatively she can be viewed as the patron to which you pray for your enemies to overdue their hand and get BTFO and turn everyone against them by their own doing
That doesn't mean anything. Epstein was literally a Mossad agent who was blackmailing half of Washington D.C., Epstein's Mossad handler Ghislane Maxwell is in Israel right now. We should be invading those evil child-raping kikes, instead Trump is killing Iranians for them.
We should start a mass "thank you Zoe Quinn" thing on twitter because he actions started a mass red pilling. It would piss her off so much.
Asher Moore
Iran and Israel are partners in certain schemes, they both courted Obama's favor most successfully. Iran brags about how friendly they are to Jews.
Nathaniel Miller
Based Mick this is an excellent idea
Evan Reed
people who think gamergate had any statistical significance in the world are absolutely and unequivocally retarded. gamergate was about a bunch of butthurt nerds who actually read game reviews (seriously nigga) and splerging out when they found out, just like santa claus and the easter bunny, it isn't real. just paid "gaming journalists" who are literally pseudo neets that get paid to play fucking video games. this is such a miniature culture and had basically no impact on the surrounding world. plenty of people were familiar with the feminist utopia circa 2012, and gamergate was just a bunch of Yas Forums splergs freaking out that being a woman carried privilege to make shitty games if you let some acne blasted faggot fuck you for virtual points. nothing productive came out of gamergate except possibly converting a bunch of retards that actually read game reviews back into regular normies who buy games and judge them on their own merits. there was no major international backlash at the story and no actual outcome of the events. all these journalist websites still run just fine, people still read them, you still see feminists getting hired left and right in every liberal corner and prevalent in open source software. nothing changed. it's all in your stupid autistic heads that gamergate had any impact on anything. literally just a mob angry about some second rate whore that no one knows or cares about. the idea that somehow the events of this led to the domino effect culminating in donald trump are nothing but more autistic ramblings from you retarded people. gamergate accomplished nothing significant and it's incredibly cringey that it always gets elevated as some kind of social culture shift. it's literally just a bunch of vidya faggots waking up to the real world. maybe it was a light-red/pink pill for gamers, but it had no relevancy to anyone in the real world with a real job and responsibilities that doesn't read gaming reviews like an overgrown toddler
Alexander Thomas
> a fucking leaf Nothing to see here
Xavier Brown
SEAL team under 16 appears. I wonder who will not commit suicide next.