Brit/pol/ - Skins got unbanned edition

Lockdown update: we're still under lockdown.

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all the builders on my road are at work so i guess deanoboxes are worth a few hundred more deaths

I can't wait to get back to it.

oh, my manners; A wibberly wobble my fellow bongs.

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Is there a bigger knob?

fucking crazy it was 4 million yesterday morning, gwon graddad chad



>fundraising for a state entity

Why does london look like tehran

Where is the money actually going?

it was originally just a grand for stuff like staff biccies but now I think it will be respite care, kids ward entertainments all the nice to have stuff that the budget doesn't cover.

looking like tehran would be a massive improvement for london

so not going on the health of the nation then

Another London is full of brown people joke, how original

Its more of an observation than a joke

I wondered what happened to you, welcome back

Why does New York look like a grave yard?

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respite care & kids ward stuff are very linked to the nations health,
and I'm not going to even bother arguing
do you think all MOD spending goes on bullets & tanks?

london has always been a shitehole probably back to the romans

There is a pandemic killing thousands every day and they are spending it on pointless shit

whatever kid I'm not biting

it's not really a joke at this point user

You guys are awake too early. We all know you have nowhere to go.

yep no masturbating hiding in bushes near the schools, there'll be some country bong out to bother livestock tho

Seethe more nursefag

Everyone please take a moment to say thank you to your local janny. Janny work is under appreciated and payless. There were 1064 bans givin out today. It gets very tiresome dealing with the constant threats and vitriol. Thank you for your time.

Lads don't forget to donate money to RNHS and don't worry about getting the government to fund it. We'll fund it ourselves, probably be more expensive than any insurance would be but at least muh communinty spirit

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dog to walk(x2), work and an asda click n collect, so shows what you know Randy

Am I going mad or was piers Morgan right in how he interpreted this tweet.

The only way I can read it is their won't be an exit from full lockdown until there is a vaccine developed. Everyone on twitter seems to be agreeing with that it's not what she said

It seems like she actually meant fully exit from the lockdown but instead of correcting the tweet she's doubling down even more.

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Yes give money to tax.. Charities

I have a name, boy