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Current front page of FoxNews. How long until WW3?
Leo Sanders
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Wyatt Evans
Jeremiah Nguyen
Originating ina chinese lab does not, in anyway prove malicious intent, youre gonna need more than that
Hunter Scott
>Chinkstralian defending China
Imagine my shock
Daniel King
>jew loving mutt not looking at information
Imagine my shock
John Barnes
This. Frankly I'm tired of all the disgusting Sinophobia I've been seeing. Did people start hating Russians all of a sudden after Chernobyl? An honest accident is an accident, it's time to move on.
Matthew Phillips
Well, it's the most likely explanation (lab worker infecting themselves and then spreading it), though I doubt it's cause for war unless there's intent involved before, during or after the fact.
It's cause for lawsuits based on negligence, though.
Jace Bennett
gee I wonder who is pushing this latest conspiracy that Trump isnt completely at fault
Noah Rivera
This. It's the conspiratards at r/The_Donald who are shilling for anti-Chinese sentiment because they can't handle the fact that the orange doofus is handling this pandemic terribly.
Parker Watson
Say what you will, but even with China and the US being positioned to go into Pyrrhic battle, by the international financial consortiums, we still need to make amends for helping China rise to the heaping blob of shit that it has become.
Caleb Carter
OK chang
David Jones
>It's cause for lawsuits based on negligence, though.
>China paying reparations
Carson Cook
yes, people hated russia all throughout the cold war and still in media. are you new?
Jeremiah Stewart
nuke china and australia
Dylan Richardson
I'm not Chinese but there's nothing wrong with Chinese people. They're high IQ (higher IQ than whites) and commit less crime.
Tyler Robinson
facts dont care about your feelings kid. Donald is objectively bad at everything except failing.
Brody Edwards
Ok chang
Bentley Rodriguez
bankers delight
Alexander Gutierrez
Well, countries can just cancel debt or seize assets if negligence can be proven, and it'd be in China's interest not to be cut off from the world.
Jaxson Robinson
But people didn't hate Russia because of Chernobyl. They hated Russia because the war hawks (who were Republican) convinced the public that Russia was the enemy. It makes no sense to hate an entire race or country based on an accidental mistake. China isn't at fault here and you know it.
Jaxson Wilson
Communist Virus
Carter Sanders
Never, since they're pulling the "not a bioweapon" angle. That's the get out of jail card. If they admitted that it was manufactured and part of China's very much existing bioweapon program that break with international agreements, we would have to go to war with them and nobody in power really wants a confrontation between several nuclear powers.
Jacob Rodriguez
Jews created COVID-19
Josiah Ortiz
>Sep 17 2019 - Fire at Vector
Sep 19 2019 - id2020 announces partnership
>Nov 2019 - Patient Zero in China
Apr 2 2020 - Gates' vaccine enters human testing
>Apr 8 2020 - Vector begins vaccine trials
Anthony Collins
Even if they were studying it simply to make a vaccine, and the sample accidentally got loose, they can still be held accountable.
Easton Jackson
>Chinese officials remove crosses from churches
Stinks of jewish propaganda against Germany, circa 1938.
Logan Stewart
Trump can both be a 'doofus' and it can be neglect that deserves blame to China.
Imagine not thinking only in left vs right. That's how brain washed people are. They think in lib vs repub 24/7, rather than each issue on it's own merits.
Asher Gonzalez
I have always wondered how they could get a population into wanting to fight in a war. I guess this is how you do it. They make you think it's the right thing and you will fight gladly. But in reality the cause was just so some higher-ups can make even more money and secure power.
Christian Rodriguez
Dog bless killdozer.
Colton Jenkins
Wow the virus came from drumpf and not China.
I'm btfo
Levi Stewart
Chernobyl didn't cause mass death and economic damage the world over.
China also didn't close its borders to the outside to stop the spread, so there's negligence there.
Luke Ward
you know that the pols and ukrainians just hate russians by nature and that made it worse right
Cameron Sanchez
You are really bad at this