Why do Leftists censor?

Why can't Leftists ever win any arguments in prolonged open debate?
Just look at these debates from the 60s and 70s where they attempt to drown out conservative speakers who have been proven repeatedly correct about their predictions.

Enoch correctly predicted the demographic future of Britain and was called a paranoid liar. Nowadays you say the same and it's a "conspiracy". NOW you talk about it and the response you get is "your time ova whiteboi". The whiphand indeed.

Leftwingers are literally professional liars!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because they can, because the institutions and power centers will ultimately side with them when called in a referees, and that is because they ultimately are serving the interests of the ruling class

>Because they can
No, that's a childish and stupid explanation. There is something inherently wrong with left wing ideology where they are utterly terrified of open debate

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They want power by any means necessary and they preach slave morality to their enemies but it's just a means to control. Power is their only virtue, any imbalance of power is the greatest sin-- that imbalance being them not having enough power even if they’re the authority and majority.

Another example. Notice the guilt tripping, the implicit insulting of the intelligence of the general public and the outright obsessive attempt to cast the conservative debater into a scandalous corner

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What you're actually describing is Jewish psychology though

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This. They themselves realise the weakness of their position & act to control speech accordingly. They're smart enough to understand how dangerous words and ideas can be to their cause.

Why is Ukraine marked as no war?

There's too many examples to count. Most "neutral" subreddits are filled with with leftwing moderators who aggressively censor people who aren't progressives. They are so scared of debate now that unlike the 60s they won't even allow it to TAKE PLACE.

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Because there isn't outside Donetsk and Luhansk and it's irrelevant to the point that the picture is making

That's because they lose all the debates lmao

Leftists censor because they are wrong. Because they are wrong, if people tell the truth, other people will recognize that truth and the left will lose power.

The fact this thread gets slid whilst Why so X threads get bumped is proof of the point it makes.

They sam reason Amerimutts report threads and american mods prune threads that btfo americans or make em look bad.

Because they lose to logical thinking every time

Good thread. The Iconoclast, a channel I follow, just got his entire YouTube channel nuked. Big tech Leftist fags want you to think they're all powerful but it's just further proof they're running scared.

To make a conservative angry, tell them a lie.
To make a liberal angry, tell them the truth.

you're just figuring this out?
of course they lie and censor anybody calling out their bullshit. the Left is especially insidious because they hide behind "good intentions". the Left can only operate under censorship and intimidation. it's how they operate

>Leftwingers are literally professional liars!
Correct and that's the surest sign that their ideology is false, they have to lie constantly and suppress reality for their ideology to survive.

I see it on social media now with Corona. They keep shaming anyone who questions anything about the virus as long as it isn't pro Trump. Liberals are sociopaths did you know they view GWB favorably now just to spite Trump?


Fuck bros I'm sick of being gaslighted by these PUNKS into thinking the invasion Isn't happening

>Second link at 39:20
Holy shit they literally ended the show as powell was in the middle of giving his reply. Total fucking dirty rodents lmao

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I don’t get it

>This gets slid
>Why do X and DRUMPH threads bumped
Welcome to (((Nu-pol)))

>I don't get it

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Twitter Reddit YouTube Facebook, Google Search results Cloudflare Wikipedia GoDaddy PayPal Patreon Instagram. Complete social media censorship. Complete Orwellian social conditioning and censorship of debate. Stand up


Another example of a conservative being bullied into quietus whilst making perfectly good points. Same leftwing censorship, different decade.

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I hate what's happening to Britain. What's happened to London. It's like Kvatch in Oblivion.

>Why do Leftists censor?
Because their entire standpoint is based on lies, eg..."we can all live together in a great big melting pot" the proof is we can't.

>Owen Jones
Is he the most retarded bonobo this side of the Congo or what

Because they know in a logical world they can't win in open debate. No extreme can win in a debate. The Left has embraced extremism and labelled anyone right of the extreme left Right Wing. They do it because they feel their cause is just, and it must be achieved by any means necessary. There are no good or bad tactics only good or bad targets. The ends justify the means.

How do we take the internet back? We are all stuck in our corners while left wing ideas like socialism run rampant on mainstream internet sites. What the fuck happened? Is it bots, are there REALLY that many people who want socialism? Is it just stupid millennial? What's happening? I do believe there is more right leaning people out there, just that they don't speak up as much, or are being censored heavily. The second part is definitely true, and in "neutral forums" the tendency is right wing sentiments get drowned out by left wingers who then gaslight the right wing person into thinking that there is no censorship and that the stage is a level playing field. Quora is absolutely disgusting at doing this, for example. Just search liberal bias and look at Quora results. It's all gaslighting and denial. Also, I wonder how many young people are sick of this crap? I'm in my 20s and I'm heavily right leaning but I can't be the only one right?

What's his bitchute I'll give it a watch

They are being censored heavily. Look at the abrupt shift in Reddit politics around early 2019. They've been mass censoring and isolating conservatives by removing them from all platforms or diverting ways to their sites memes and channels via search results. Google has been repeatedly exposed as having employees manually manipulate search results on Google and YouTube for keywords related to nationalist libertarian anti-immigration and conservative politics. In addition huge PR discords both paid and volunteers raid the few bastions of free speech like pol with bait and slide threads to muddy waters and further "censor" their opponents in a way. The fact you didn't know anything about google doctoring search results even though they've been doing it for over 5 months is proof their censorship works

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Refugees are meant to go to the nearest safe country e.g. in this case Turkey, then fuck off back home when the ear is over. Merkel invited millions to Europe and the fat kraut bitch will find a way to keep them in Germany too