Also did anyone hear Chris on Newstalk ZB go full red-pill on China yesterday? The overwhelming feedback was positive, a lot of people calling him brave for addressing the elephant in the room. Then the angry chink rang up and sperged out in broken English. Hope the trend continues and the rest of the country starts waking up to the Chinese menace.
Fuck the Chinese. I remember a few years ago passing through Auckland airport and seeing signs on the rubbish bins (in English and chinese) telling the dirty monkeys to not use the bins as spit buckets. Disgusting.
Samuel Wood
You got a link for Chris, can't see it in archive
Asher Davis
>tfw stockpiled TP a month before the coronavirus craze hit NZ, because Yas Forums told me to >tfw no TP shortages and have six months supply of TP in my closet
I was going to post the link with the OP but I can't find it. I'll try looking on Faceberg because he said he'd post a link up online. It was preddy gud tho
Jack Ward
I'm good m8 got a roaring fire and top gear on the tv. Having a devilled sausage and beer.
Funny how they keep saying coronavirus is 'causing racism'. Nope, we've been sick of Chinese bullshit for 30 years, this is just emboldening some
Michael Miller
Save it for the second wave homie g
Christian Turner
>waking up to the Chinese menace
A large part of your economy depends on China anyway. Your politicans will take a tough stance to China whenever possible. If they don't that then there must be a reason behind it.
Even Australia yields for this. Why do you think you are the exception?
Asher Thomas
I hope mummy extends the lockdown.
Oliver Wilson
I howled in despair every time we lost a treasured citizen to this ghastly unseen foe. So unfair. We'll never forget the 9 ....thousand.
Easton Scott
He has a couple of things about it on his Faceberg page, such as pic related. But I can't find the original audio from yesterday's show anywhere. I wonder if some people shat themselves over it being "too racist".
I'm pretty sure there were still zero deaths when we closed the country
Justin Perez
>I'm good m8 got a roaring fire and top gear on the tv. Having a devilled sausage and beer. this is incredably based and red pilled. Im giving booze a break atm but had home made corned beer for dinner, about to play some Squad
Luis Russell
Jej dude. Last time I had been through Auckland airport was 2013, and there were no signs in moonspeak yet. Then last year I went through again and every sign has it's own little chink translation and the airport was absolutely infested with chinks.
>wagies literally slaves who aren't allowed any of the socialising and activity that made their lives bearable.
Angel Foster
Time feels like it's going by pretty fast even though I'm bored. I wake up and before I know it the sun is setting and I get to sleep again.
James Bailey
This so much. Fucking gay as fuck. Probably be level 3 from next week for like 2 or 3 weeks....
Anthony Sanchez
I've been neet on and off for years and that's basically what ends up happening. I get up at 12:30pm sleep at 5:30am. Funny thing is weekends still feel kind of special and cool even tho they are technically meaningless without work or school.
Luke Nguyen
This is because you are too relax. You do your daily things in an extremely low speed and waste too much time on mere trifle. It will be even worse if you get up late.
Colton Parker
Why are there so many kids playing outside
Dominic Fisher
Less than 10 people dead. Yeah I've lost respect for the average citizen here given they're all running around snitching on each other and telling each other to wear masks. Screw these these miniature joe stalins.
Wyatt Gray
Good question. I live in a small city and I also see like 100 motherfuckers walk past my house every day
Christian Kelly
This. It pains me to say it but New Zealand really is the southern Canada. A nation of weak little govt loving lefties. They will still be saying "dont be a racist cunt bro" when the Chinese landing craft arrive. The few redpilled people here all need to play the US green card lottery and hope for the best.
It has been disgraceful and unforgivable that people have been dying alone and without any family allowed all over the hospices, hospitals and care homes , who had nothing to do with this bullshit bat aids globohomo hysterical clusterfuck.
Noah Wood
We get the cook islands which are nicer than that abo island.
Should shut down the country for a month every time your road toll gets too bad. NZ loses about 350 people per year in car accidents, which works out at about 1 per day. This includes peoples of all ages, not just elderly and those with preexisting conditions.
Adrian Sanchez
>t. brainlets
Lucas Lewis
Where do you live? I live in Palmerston North and the average person is pretty casually racist. Even the lefties I know will just roll their eyes if you say something vaguely racist.
Tyler Morales
Yeah that's great and all. Let's tank the economy to save a few old people and weak individuals. Where's the balance though? I feel like the govt is going full throttle towards 'save all lives' and paying zero attention to the economic side of this
Ethan Peterson
Do they hate non-white equally or they have some special targets?
Daniel Davis
Giving the David Lynch Dune movie a watch, never read the book, just watching since people are talking about the new version coming out.
Brainlets huh? The data is from your own government site, fuckhead. Easy enough to look up. Want some more? Probably not because that bursts your little bubble. Too bad, only takes me a sec to find them.
Here we go. NZ Influenza related deaths are about 750 per year. That's 750 dead each and every year from ordinary flu, chuckles.
Jason Torres
it will recover faggot. Look i hate the horse faced cunt, but shes done the right thing to just cut its legs off right at the start.
we all see the data, its on the front page of every site. Worry about your own shit show, cunt.
Bentley Morales
flat m8s work in medical profession they are off work till tests come back everyone in their bubble gettin swabbed I tested neg for corona lmao nose still hurts tho
It's normally just chinks and pajeets. Especially pajeets, fucking more than half the normies I know have a dislike for pajeets. My boss, however, also said that he'd never hire a "darkie". Which to him means anyone non-white.
Jordan Taylor
I'm in Christchurch and it's basically the same, but any real pro nationalism, pro gun, pro freedom viewpoint is generally shot down and so are strong views on race. The only truly based places I've been are rural southland and Westland.