Notre Dame

Been one year since the fire and no one gives a shit? What the fuck

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it got memory holed fast since someone was recording the mossad agent on the roof lighting it

i dunno how this wasn't a big wake up call. like hello they want to destroy your entire fucking history and replace it with a mosque. prior to this many churches were completely vandalized also

They’re still not done designing to mosque that will replace the old cathedral


Is it completely lost, or are they still discussing rebuilding the ruined parts?

Attached: NotreDame41519 2.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

There rebuilding now but it's been halted because of coronavirus.

>no one gives a shit?
I remember everything that happened that day of around 2-3 hours after seeing the news

theres another one with him starting it

Beats me then, that's all I had.

It was a ritual marking the return of the Templar.

This. Dude in Templar cosplaying

no one actually gave a shit desu. most people pretended to care due to lemming thinking aka "everyone did it, I just wanted to be in/popular".
thus populism is cancer, praise Logos!

At the time was thinking more yellow vest protestor disguise

I wonder how much will be original when they're done.

>Been one year since the fire and no one gives a shit?

You didn't get invited to the party?

Attached: D49nJZOW4AEBIQi.jpg (960x709, 71.95K)

I assume just the outer shell.

Christianity is an inherently weak religion.
If a famous Mosque was burned down you would see immediate global retaliation.
The Jews temples were destroyed 1000s of years ago and still they remember, seek retribution.

People cared at the beginning but too many happenings make it impossible for the French to care anymore. For two years now, our days were filled with a combination of terrorism, strikes, violent demonstrations, catastrophes or lockdowns. Maybe Notre Dame will collapse because of the lockdown making the renovation losing time, I would not be surprised. Nothing can make me surprised anymore in this shithole.
When the lockdown is lifted and people realize we have 50% of unemployment, I bet we will have a new wave of violent demonstrations, way more violent than before.

bullshit... the cross standing defiant in the ruins pushed me to finally choose sides and get officially "saved.

It's juste the chief firefighter checking if there was no arson in the South Tower. Been Debunked one million times

Did it get the main glass window?

So the chief firefighter was in on it, too?

Well the french people are getting dfucked by the republic for so long that if the eiffel tower will be allahu akbared, we will not be that mad. Like fuck it we are all gonna die anyway. Our (((government))) want to destroy the white population so of usa or russia invade us maybe we can recover but laone we can't do shit because we have no weapon.

The minister who approved the maintenance project that led to this disaster should go to jail for 10 years. There should be accountability, even if it was an accident.


>so of usa or russia invade us maybe we can recover
Americans are tired of invading middle eastern countries

The fire was god's way of telling us to burn more Catholics.


If you cared enough, you could acquire them.

Can they even fix it? The French aren't what they used to be. Are they going to just install some post-modern glass ceiling or cover it with drywall or something?