When did western civilization start going to shit?

When did western civilization start going to shit?

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The very second little faggots like you gained the ability to bitch online anonymously.

Attached: thewestdied.jpg (1094x336, 47.81K)


Forgot image

Attached: eggs-josephine-pearson-1.jpg (950x1200, 292.49K)

When we stopped burning witches at the stake.

lol bro you're on it. The internet caused all new forms of degeneracy.

>no one can't complain about anything. JUST OBEY AUTHORITIES. QUESTION NOTHING

Attached: quote-the-only-reason-that-jews-are-in-pornography-is-that-we-think-that-christ-sucks-catholicism-al-goldstein-61-52-16.jpg (850x400, 58.27K)

when they sided with the jews during ww2

After WW2.