If we get completely banned off the internet what actions should we take?

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How though

Fall back to the more secure network.

Cooming all day long


We should already be getting ready for this regardless of internet. Everything is shut down for the forseeable future.

As soon as food runs out or electricity goes out, look out.

You can't ban random people all over the globe from the internet.

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We cannot be banned. Instead, improve the quality of the board by not:

-Excessively shitposting
-Reacting with anger to trolls
-Bumping shitty threads

And by:
-Posting insightful, meaningful commentary/discussion about relevant and useful topics
-Sorting out your life, becoming organized IRL, managing your time better

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drink some whiskey, go for a walk, read a book

The world will likely survive Corona, it's when shit that has a kill rate like Ebola comes around, yet spreads airborne like Corona, that will be the real civilization destroyer.
After Coronachan blows over, prep. A worse fate inevitably comes along some day.

>current year +5
>not organizing and growing local nationalist groups

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Create your own computer network and your own Internet. I'm sure there's some coders on this board

This is the correct way to do it. Organize your life, clear and guard your mind. With calm thought, your situation will improve greatly.

Imagine if you will. 1000 kill dozers all emerging all over the planet in the same day, the anniversary of the original kill dozer. Imagine the message it would spread.

Was discussing Killdozer with a friend just today. What an admirably patient man. He had a virtue.

This. Burn everything down. Honestly should have happened a long time ago.

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But the food supply lines aren't shut down barring some places that have all the workers get sick.

Truckers are still trucking. Products are still moving. And the reason the shelves are empty is simply because people are panic buying. That wave is over. The shelves have food again (but they're low on long-shelf-life staples).

Electricity is still up and running because we still get coal, wind, nuclear, and hydro power. Those people are still working. And, frankly, we should show a little more respect for the essential workers.

This is all good but not enough. We need a proper fucking board with good moderation.

>the reason the shelves are empty is simply because people are panic buying
AN user suggested the other day that it's mostly because corporate responds to increased demand by centralizing supply to a few key stores, basically the opposite of what they should do, and that it makes absolutely no sense.


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But... ALL grocery stores are open

You should take five minutes to ask yourself why the whole world hates you.

If you're answer is "they're dumb and psychotic" then please, by all means, go and commit suicide by cop. I'd encourage you to do so.

The real answer is, of course, that you're obnoxious. Did you know that the French academia is full of literal fucking pedophiles? Of course. But nobody tries to punch them because they're fucking POLITE about it.

You can be a Nazi as much as you want and, in fact, as loudly as you want. Just do it in a way that isn't so fucking annoying. Have an iota of charisma.

Who are you talking to?


Starts with a G and rhymes with “fun” nigger

What a tiresome load of nonsense, they don't hate me because I'm some fatfuck neckbeard sperg incel, I'm Not a fatfuck neckbeard sperg incel.
They hate me because I'd take their damn gibs away and force them to not be degenerates. They hate me because they want me to cuck out and give the fruits of my labor over to whining niggers screeching for gibs. They hate me because I won't sell out like some faggoty commie or dem programs shitlib who'd let his entire race die in exhange for licking up some gibs crumbs, or watch it all happen so long as I get a nice shiny shekel jingling in my pocket like a typical "conservative" tax-cut whore.
Muh just be charismatic. Fucking please. Grow up jackass, that's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Think differently.

> replying to the redditfag

Cmon bro, you really out here taking bait like this?

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Keep active on Yas Forums

In other words, they hate you because you're a tyrant who would ruin their lives for the sake of your feefees.

And yet you think you've got some kind of moral highground.


Ooooh noooo, please don't tell anyone what to do, that's just horrible. Let's all live in libertine idiocy until your precious muslims, spics and niggers take over and they won't give two flying damns about your lolberg piss and shit.
I do have the moral high ground. I'm not a self destroying hedonist idiot who will see demographic replacement within the next 100 years, much less ever see another society that give a fuck about muh free-frees nonsense.
The only one here enslaved to their feefees is you, stupid ass.

You're so immersed in your feefees that you cannot even understand the fact that giving a shit about demographic replacement is a subjective values judgement.

Almost nobody gives a shit about your obsession with pure bloodlines and yet you're attempting to force it on the world anyway with supreme violence that would be measurably far worse than what you think you're trying to prevent.

And yet you STILL think you've got some kind of moral highground.

You are an absolute fucking brainlet. It's amazing. I don't know what kind of childhood gives rise to such a stunning lack of self-reflection. I'm pretty sure you couldn't even see yourself in a fucking mirror.

Grasping at straws

>the central point of the entire argument is egregious bullshit
>"grasping at straws"
Like I said. Immersed.