Resistance loses it as Trump offers extra US ventilators to RUSSIA to help with Covid-19. 15 Apr, 2020. Arguing the US was so well supplied with ventilators to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump said he will send spares to other hard-hit places such as Russia, immediately triggering his critics. “I think Russia is going to need ventilators. They're having a hard time in Moscow. We're going to help them,” Trump said on Wednesday, during the daily press conference in the White House garden.
EVIL SOULLESS TRUMP is preventing medical supplies being bought or transported to: Venezuela, Cuba or Iran causing people (and children) to die there, but he has spare ventilators to send to Russia. Fucking clown. Trump thinks that Russians will trust that medical equipment coming from the USA. Russians will not even open the boxes.
>I don't give a fuck about Venezuela, or Cuba or Iran, those 3 specifically actually, i hate em all. Let them burn and die from coof Donald, I'm sure that parents of those dead children in Cuba Venezuela Iran who died because of your sanctions, I'm sure that those parents cursed your children also.
We seem to forget one for the big reasons the UK didn't back the Confederacy during the last civil was because Russia threatened to declare war on the UK as a response if they did
Landon Adams
Trump is a damn fool, he should keep the ventilators in the U.S. or send them to countries that have been allied with the U.S. (Countries in Western Europe like the U.K. and France or countries in the Asia Pacific, many of which oppose the Communist regime in China) far longer than Russia has been a democracy.
Anthony Ramirez
Don't forget that Putin is a psychopathic murderer.
Dylan Green
I fucking love Russia, they are kino OP
Lincoln Ross
Trump surpasses Putin by a very large margin.
Ethan Thompson
GTFO memeflag shill, nobody is buying your bull shit. Russia is based. The Russia Russia Russia conspiracy shit is just the DNC not having a candidate worth a fuck. And now with Trumpbux there's no way he can lose
Henry Scott
Putin has been helping out Communist China which is the country that fucked up the coronavirus containment, now the virus has killed tens of thousands of people.
Who gives a shit? Just because there's another country somewhere full of people, why should I care?
Russia and USA killed Hitler together, and soon because of this wuhan virus, we will probably go kill the CCP. GM is shitting these ventators out with union labor (keeping a bunch of expensive lazy assholes off unemployment) already, why not lend-lease them to Putin? I mean fuck China. The US and Russia are natural allies and that's why the media and lefties are always sucking China dick and shitting all over Russia.
Aaron Mitchell
And when I mean helping, I meant that he has used the Russian propaganda sites to promote the bullshit conspiracy theory that the U.S. developed the coronavirus as a bioweapon, when it's the other way around. Either a its a bioweapon made by the Communist Chinese or a virus sample that was collected and stored at their biolabs but escaped somehow.
Christopher Nelson
>Putin has been helping out Communist China which is the country that fucked up the coronavirus containment, now the virus has killed tens of thousands of people. You are so dumb. Nobody helped Communist China than fucking greedy American capitalist swines.
AMERICAN GREEDY CAPITALIST SWINES MADE CHINA SUPERPOWER. And now Americans are crying that CHINA is overtaking them militarily and in economy. Blinded by greed American capitalist swines who for decades were doing business with Communist China and who helped to build Communist China economy to the point that Communist China is now a Super Power. And stupid gullible American consumers who so gladly buy cheap Communist China made shit never rejected or protested against products made in Communist China. But now you brainless fucks are shitting yourselves because Chinks are ready to fuck you up for real. You fucking stupid hypocritical American greedy swines. Take a good look in the mirror now.
The Soviet Union and Communist China were only allies only during World WAR II, not after it. Also, Putin is a psychopathic murderer who needs to be put on trial and then hanged or shot by firing squad.
No, America did not help Communist China. A few rich and greedy Americans sold out the American people and moved production and manufacturing from the U.S. to the Chinese mainland. Not only that, but I've seen articles from the mainstream media, some of which are American news media, that have been shitting on the U.S. but praising Communist China.
Elijah Price
LGBTQ turd detected. Do image related, nobody will miss you you stinking subhuman homo pile of shit.
You fucking idiot. You think Russia is going to stand against CCP alone without having to start a nuclear war? You think India is? Japan? Korea? Vietnam?
The simple fact of the matter is everyone in the region will be US aligned, or China aligned, eventually.
You think Russia has more to fear from the US or China today? What about six months from now when a virus from a Chinese biolab is causing food shortages in Moscow?
Get real. The people who run US and Russian governments today grew up in an age where the US and Russia divided and controlled the whole world.
Juan Torres
"TRUMP is preventing medical supplies being bought or transported to: Venezuela, Cuba or Iran causing people (and children) to die there, but he has spare ventilators to send to Russia."
What's stopping Russia from sending medical aid to its allies like Venezuela, Cuba and Iran? Even if it's medical supplies sent by the U.S.
Joshua King
>You fucking idiot. You think Russia is going to stand against CCP alone without having to start a nuclear war? You think India is? Japan? Korea? Vietnam? >The simple fact of the matter is everyone in the region will be US aligned, or China aligned, eventually. >You think Russia has more to fear from the US or China today? What about six months from now when a virus from a Chinese biolab is causing food shortages in Moscow? >Get real. The people who run US and Russian governments today grew up in an age where the US and Russia divided and controlled the whole world. HERE, READ THIS and STFU.
PROPHECY FOR THE US. Few years ago I've read this prophecy for the USA. But I didn't saved the link of the source. Too bad. (this is my version of the original prophecy that I read). Read it carefully and really think about it how very possible it is knowing that Chinese wrote the "ART OF WAR"
USA…THE PROPHECY FOR YOU IS THIS: China will trick stupid war hungry Americans into several military conflicts all over the World. And when the blood thirsty evil Burgers get so stretched out then China will attack and nuke America from the sea and air, and their operatives living in the US on the land. And the US will be damaged very-very badly and on the verge of being totally destroyed by Chinks. Russia will watch that with great interest, but knowing what Chinks are planing after conquering USA... RUSSIA will decide to help you and to save you you American cunts, and RUSSIA will attack and destroy China. But USA will be reduced to a Second World country after that. END OF STORY. !!!
AMERICANS....Save this post, so you can remind yourselves from time to time what your future will be like. It will be very bad for you, evil assholes. But after that New America will be born. Gentle friendly honest America