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garbage for low iq niggers and encourage lone wolf violence.
Based and siege pilled
It's a meme. The book doesn't actually exist.
Its not about violence, it is about rejecting the system.
Rockwell said to hell with the right, Mason took it a step further by saying to hell with the system. Understanding our relationship with the system is paramount to dealing with it.
such low tier D&C bate by people who couldn't even read a book that big
cringe for wannabe edge nazis
This. I have never seen it for sale anywhere. I'm starting to think Yas Forums just made it up, like they made up Q.
Gay. James Mason is also a satanist
Never read it
Not into books
150+ iq
White supremacists are insecure losers who try to claim glory from past men who would look apon them in shame.
Lol why are you afraid of the CIA pollack I though all the foreigners were saying Americans and CIA are dumb a shitty and weak? You probably post eurofighter threads psh
This its an edgy meme
you fucking little shits cleared out all the inventory so I guess I will never know
This is true. Real men understand their destiny is in their hands. Through blood, sweat, and tears a true man creates the life he invisions. Not hope for some apocalyptic scenario where he can be a psycho.
i don't think this is the case at all, and i argue against siegetards all the time.
watched one video of james mason and all he talked about was about was the world and how christianity was the salvation for our people, even gayer if you ask me.
it's worth reading, in that there are some kernels to be found, but Mason was fucking broken by the time he wrote it. The commander was dead. the movement was glowing like fucking Chernobyl. He was tired, he was angry, and he just wanted to break shit.
If you read it with that understanding, it's fine.
I read Siege around the time I got really serious about no fap. I got laid a bunch of times. To this day I’m not sure if it was the book or the lack of monkey spanking.
its if anything "are you a republican?"
people associate him with actions later taken by O9A.
I’d like to see that if you have a link. What I’ve heard from him is mostly praising the Manson murderer guy and shitting on Christianity, I’m open to being misinformed though
Judging from some of the comments I think some people are confusing Siege with the Turner Diaries. Since I read both books around the same time I can kind of understand this.
so you don't read books, just show to people and ask what they find best in it?
I think you may be confusing Mason with WLP.
nobody here knows what they re talking about. they are low IQ centroids who are strawmanning Mason to be this chad aryan bvll neonazi bad optics man.
Dropped it when he started dick riding Anton Lavey and didn't seem to have ever bothered to guess the guy was Jewish. For such an enthusiastic antisemite his JDar is pathetic.
Lack of masturbating. When you don't do it yourself your brain looks to women to fulfill that need. They become sexier. You begin to feel like a sexual being with a hair trigger waiting to be pulled. The way it should be. Why jack off alone when a woman can bust that nut for you and itll ne 10x better than beating your meat alone.
WLP was a pantheist, who argued against christianity until his death.
Anywhere to buy it at a non gouged price? I want a physical copy. Harassment Architecture is a good book too.
Yes. Especially now.
Fucking retarded and degen
Thank you for the link.
I have it in PDF format
When you put it that way the in-group preferences other groups have for each other and the cultural, economic and criminal elements they bring are totally irrelevant!