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Dunno what the fuck this is but bumping for interest

its a jumpscare dont click

Based, don't let blood passover be forgotten as a work

what was his motivation for leaving judaism?

Not reading all that you fucking faggot

you sound jewish

no jumpscares here

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Who is this written by? When was it written? It's very similar to Eisenmenger, but is in Spanish rather than German

Neofito Ex Rabbino

It's italian, 1883.
You can buy it also on Amazon.

How is the translation?

What happened to pages 3 to 17?



Attached: 1586141270786.png (630x900, 300.67K)

What a coincidence, it actually says jews blind themselves to the truth and here you are doing just that. Thanks for proving it accurate.


Rundown OP tl;dr

Tl;dr - Jews kill your children because you are too ignorant to learn, read and understand these things, like you are doing now.

How is the translation?

Oh good. Wop-speak is my second language.

Today, OP was not a faggot.

How is the translation?

Oh, it's about Christianity.

Their really really true enemy.
Go back to bed OP.

Attached: baste_saders.jpg (892x2230, 640.44K)

That's not what it said.

It's pretty modern plain-speak

...user was being sarcastic about your own laziness and how you wish to be spoonfed.

The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder
By Ariel Toaff
>Wolfgang himself had taken an active part in the crucifixion of the child, while the blood was collected in a bowl, to be distributed among the Jews participating in the rite or sent to the rich of the community.20

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No, it is only due to ignorance of modern Christians that they can continue to do these things, no sarcasm. Just horror.


The translation refers to using Christian blood in "azimo bread" / "Feast of Azimi" for Passover which is unleavened bread.

Attached: 1586449278957.jpg (500x667, 59.27K)

While your point is valid in a way, you missed my and the other user's point regarding using sarcasm to illustrate the laziness of anons who wish to be spoonfed and don't make the effort to read even what is placed right in front of them. Sigh...

I stopped reading his posts after he asked to be spoonfed.

Some Jews hate Jews as much as (You)'s.

Attached: Jewish Blood Libel.png (1664x5472, 731.26K)

Can I get this in something else than Northern African?