What path should I take?

Fuck bros. I'm about to be 22 and I'm stuck between my constant desire to build something for myself and my urge to just try to tear this whole thing down through violence. I feel this choice every day. On one hand to complete my career and try to advance whites, on the other just burn this whole motherfucker down with all its degeneracy. I'm ready to die for freedom, but I also want a family. What should I do??

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Second one. Good luck.

If you don't have a blond hair blue eye girlfriend, then shoot up a preschool while livestreaming it.

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So when they have you guys work at home do you use a VPN? It's dangerous not to, agent.

Read Evola, Nietzsche ans Guénon.

Stuck in this same crossroad.

I'm thinking, continue laughing and join in, my career is going to be replaced by robotics one day.

I'm not talking specific violence or violence towards the innocent, but armed resistance against the advancing tyranny I see every day. In minecraft, of course. Has anyone else experienced the benefits of sticking it out and raising a family? Could we change the world that way as well?

Doesnt matter and neither does your life, flip a coin i guess.

I work in film, I have to stomach liberal bullshit from my peers all the time, but my dream is to create something that will show people how fucked this whole culture is. Something that will be so undeniably brilliant it would create a paradigm shift among the populous.

how to get in film? i want to create my own horror movie about jews like the way jews create films about hwyte culture

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Vollenteer with thie U.N. west Africa and secure viable samples of Ebola. The next part is where is gets complex. You will need at least 100 monkeys maquacks are probably thewaytogo?

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Option 2, but the long game version

That's my goal actually. I started as an electrician but have moved into camera and cinematography. One of my inspirations is actually triumph of the wills by Riefenstahl as well as a lot of early Hitchcock and german expressionism.


I've been lurking for the better part of three years, but I suppose it makes sense you could say that. RIP Terry Davis, and may he kill every cia nigger in sight from heaven above.

Option 1. White men have lived meaningful lives in far worse conditions than our current dystopia. You need to become the best possible version of yourself that you can be. Be the guy with the great job and beautiful wife. Be the guy that everybody looks up to and respects. This guarantees that they'll listen when you start talking about who owns the banks...

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Best way to fight is to guard your spirit. That way when the time comes you can fight to your fullest. Look into meditation and read the Bhagavad Gita. This war has been being fought long before we were born and won’t end in a day, month, or year. It’s a war for everyone’s soul and you need to guard yours as best you can. Get guns because we’ll need them eventually, but the best warrior wins the battle before he steps foot on the field. It’s won mentally before you engage. Fortify your mind. Hang in there bro, 22 m here feeling the same shit u are

Thank you sir. I've added it to my reading list. Thankfully I live in a state where owning guns is easy and I have been able to invest in a few rifles and and such. I think my biggest enemy is the apathy in my own mind and the constant cultural barrage of demoralizing shit. I only hope I can be strong enough to become the man I want.

pump a baby into a nice conservative girl and raise a family. be a fucking man. dont sperg like some faget.

Hang in there bro you’ll be alright. I’ve found meditating completely neutralizes any influences I’ve had from the daily barrage of shit. It’s hard to get motivated to do it sometimes but it’s a skill worth developing. Good luck

I'm really leaning this way. A lot of people already respect me and I feel like I would be letting them down if I did anything drastic. I just hope it's not all for nothing because of demographics :/

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I despise the military, but it is one option.

Ruroni Kenshin was so good.

It's far wiser to turn your despair to creative ends, than destructive ones. Never give up. We're still going to be the ethnic majority in this country for another two decades, and a lot can happen in 20 years.

Get good at taking to people, figuring out what their political stances are, and engaging them in a respectful way as you slowly drop small redpills. Emphasize that your opposition to globalism and multiculturalism comes from a place of compassion and good intent. Stress that you don't hate anybody, but you still have some doubts about diversity. Pic related.

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Shishio was a badass.

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Enough with the black pills OP
Go have kids, if the war was already lost, they wouldn't need the propaganda

You are a retard if you take the sperg approach. We are better than that. Man the fuck up and make a kid you griller.

Follow God

>Oh muh gawd. Do I bild stuf or die young.

Dude, stop being a dumbass. If you're seriously conflicted on this and talking to strangers on Yas Forums then some people and institutions have failed you.

You wanna be a killer? Join the military. Get your shit in order, get your fitness straight. Stop posting dumb shit like this on social media...and go talk to a damn recruiter. Given what I've seen here, you'll probably wanna have a look at the Marines.

You wanna build something? There's something that might actually be useful. Go learn a trade. Or if you're smarter academically than you are at deciding where to flap your gums...then look into being an architect or engineer.

If racial shit really matters to you...then do yourself a favor. Keep your powerlevel low. Like it or not, you're in a country with more than one shade on the color palette. And unless some shit goes real haywire...nobody is going to be doing anything other than saying hateful on a board like this and hoping people like their employer don't find out.

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>I'm ready to die for freedom
There's not a single think you can change and if you do want to change something you shouldn't throw away your life for it.

You'd only die from getting radicalized by 12 year olds. I can't believe you're 22 and still believe your death worth a single thing. Your life might. Soon to be white trash terrorists need to go to mexico for a drug and pussy fueled last trip so they could reevaluate their life.

Inb4 >le defeatist
You can change micro but can't do macro. Be realistic. You can't be the next Hitler and you don't have the next 3rd Reich backing you up. You're not special. You're not smarter than the people before you, the only thing you can do is make a big family and 40 years from now, be a based grandpa who wasn't afraid to strive towards a better future and who didn't give up or died needlessly for a cause that demanded no martyrdom.

Meme advice. There's nothing written in those books that could be translated into your life. Those books are just retarded shitposts form an olden era. You can read Plato and still be a retard. If you're a book guy, sure read from those shitposters if you haven't, but if you're not a book guy, those minutes aren't well spent.

There's no crossroad. You guys both are retards.

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