Let's do this. I'm feeling froggy.
GLOWNIGGER, Ask Me Anything
why are you so gay?
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how do i get payed by the glowy nigger.
Depends what kind of glowie you are.
I'm not gonna ask you NSA questions if you're CIA.
I'm not gay, i find sodomy repulsive.
No, i'd like to remain employed.
Apply you dumbfuck.
Closer to the later than the former.
I don't want desk glowy shit though
What is the most interesting case you're working on right now?
i don't work cases per se, i analyze problems.
Better have military experience then.
whats the real reason you fags hangout here?
What is the highest priority region/state/group for you currently?
A CIA pin or something nigger with a timestamp.
>I wont show my Badge because I want to be employed
>Totally a Glownigger, guys trust me
What is the most interesting problem you're analyzing then?
What do you think of the superior BBC???
How real is the 'rona threat?
Also, won't they know you're doing this?
Is this your first day at work? Because it surely is your first day here
Why would the cia carry out mkultra
Are they evil?
Nice larp, faggot
Boredom mostly.
But other organization use this place for various purposes. It's useful sometimes to drop tidbits to this place and let Yas Forums do digging. This place has also been used as a test cohort for experiments before by DARPA.
China, obviously, and it has been for a while.
Most resources are tasked towards mid-term forecasting in regards to the economic and security effects of COVID-19.
Pornography should not exist.
About as real as this place figured out back in January. 1) it's super contagious. 2) it's less deadly than the media is saying (most cases are asymptomatic) 3) It DID come from the Wuhan institute of virology.
>Also, won't they know you're doing this?
Not a crime to shitpost and provide insight on information that's already publicly available.
Hahaha fucking rekt.
Also real question. What does a member of the Rothschilds family cock taste like?
The CIA doesn't fuck with that shit anymore. Twitter does a good enough job of programming the normies.
Where did the name "glownigger" come from?
What do you think Yas Forums gets right if anything at all?
>3) It DID come from the Wuhan institute of virology.
Sauce/proofs on this...?
i think these are the type of problems he 'analyzes'
How many rooms does your My Little Pony collection take up?
Probably LARPing, but good at it. I'll bite anyway.
What's your take on the Qanon shit?
>Where did the name "glownigger" come from?
pic related
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale of the moonlight?
>Where did the name "glownigger" come from?
Terry, God rest his soul.
>What do you think Yas Forums gets right if anything at all?
Unironically way more than you'd think. With the exception of asteroids and UFOs, Yas Forums is usually right.
It's all over the mainstream media... Only source of horseshoe bats anywhere near Wuhan. What's worse is American taxpayer money funded it, but that part really isn't being widely reported...yet.
sadly i think it came from when some agents of the cia were given radioactive poisoning unknowingly
>Unironically way more than you'd think. With the exception of asteroids and UFOs, Yas Forums is usually right.
Any idea why this is?
And did Terry like or hate niggers?
>Doesn't exist goys
>Not a crime to shitpost
Will this hold up as my defense?